In Need Of A Good Computer Chair


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Jun 11, 2008
What makes a good computer chair?

Are there certain models which stand out?

Currently I have two. One is okay but after extended use makes my legs feel tired.

The other has exaggerated back support and makes my back sore :blush:
Everyone's back is different. Try looking for a chair that is comfortable for you, whether or not it is categorized as a "computer chair". My computer chair is very comfortable for me (see below; I couldn't find a more suitable photo taken from the front, but at least this shows the chair). Even though it doesn't have wheels I find that most of the time on the computer this is not a big deal.

I used to use my desktop computer for long periods of time, and comfortably, I might add, while sitting in this chair. However, during the past few years I have mostly used my laptop, while sitting in my easy chair with ottoman.


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I've thought about buying the Aeron chairs for use at home.

But to get the most benefits out of it, you have to have it adjusted just right.

They say in general, you need to stand up and move around every hour, that prolonged sedentary activity makes you more vulnerable to strokes and other problems.

So maybe you don't want something too comfy. Maybe it's a good idea to break up some of your computing to sitting back on a couch with an iPad, instead of sitting at a desk all the time.
I've thought about buying the Aeron chairs for use at home.
I bought myself an Aeron for work 10-15 years ago. Since I paid for it myself, not Megacorp, it's been my computer desk chair since I retired 2 years ago. It cost a lot, but it's the best desk chair I have ever had by far, and it hasn't deteriorated at all so it may last til I go poof :D (unlike the cheap chairs Megacorp provided, they seemed to last about 5 years).
Everyone's back is different. Try looking for a chair that is comfortable for you, whether or not it is categorized as a "computer chair". My computer chair is very comfortable for me (see below; I couldn't find a more suitable photo taken from the front, but at least this shows the chair). Even though it doesn't have wheels I find that most of the time on the computer this is not a big deal.

I used to use my desktop computer for long periods of time, and comfortably, I might add, while sitting in this chair. However, during the past few years I have mostly used my laptop, while sitting in my easy chair with ottoman.

Nice looking chair and workstation.
I've thought about buying the Aeron chairs for use at home.

But to get the most benefits out of it, you have to have it adjusted just right.

They say in general, you need to stand up and move around every hour, that prolonged sedentary activity makes you more vulnerable to strokes and other problems.

So maybe you don't want something too comfy. Maybe it's a good idea to break up some of your computing to sitting back on a couch with an iPad, instead of sitting at a desk all the time.

Probably the best tip of the stand up and move around every hour. But I admit, easier said than done. I'm still a work in progress -- old habits die hard. :blush:
I bought an Aeron chair (from Craig's list) a few years ago. Sadly, I am disappointed in it and am planning on selling it.

I just don't find it comfortable for extended sitting (like I do at my desktop computer). :nonono:

It's hard to describe, but I found that the seat portion (after a while) sort of felt like I was sitting in something a bit more sling-like rather than flat. I don't know the proper descriptor terms, but this is how I describe felt like my 'sit bones' were being hoisted a bit higher on their outsides (near my hips) and a bit lower on their insides (near my crotch). Long-term this just wasn't comfortable.

Also, due to the open mesh construction (made of some polymer material) of the seat and back, I'd actually feel colder than when sitting in a more 'solid' chair. In the winter, this was significantly noticeable and less comfortable for me.


For the time being, I am using one of my kitchen chairs (a classic Bruer cane chair) which is far more comfortable for long-term desktop computer usage.

The last few years I was at work I had a chair made by Neutral Posture that was very comfortable for me. They are kind of expensive, but I really liked that chair. Some of my co-workers had different chairs that were comfortable for them that I couldn't tolerate. Everybody is different when it comes to a comfortable chair.

I believe this is the chair I had at megagov, the 6000 model -

Neutral Posture - 6000 Series
Do others get in the habit of using the computer or iPad while watching TV?

The so-called "second screen" experience is suppose to be a trend. I think some networks try to put out apps. or sites that you'd use while watching shows. These are often chat apps. or they have easy access to supplemental content, like the extras you get on DVD.

Not so much interested in that but have peeked at my email or checked out (Googled) something mentioned on the show, or sometimes in the commercials.

For that reason, I think there would be more utility for me to get one of those reclining home theater chairs which has compartments, cup holders, often a place to set the laptop or tablet down, etc.

But I also like to listen to a lot of podcasts so I put those on and I could be at the desk or table, rather than sitting on the couch, which is probably not good to do for a long time.
The last few years I was at work I had a chair made by Neutral Posture that was very comfortable for me. They are kind of expensive, but I really liked that chair. Some of my co-workers had different chairs that were comfortable for them that I couldn't tolerate. Everybody is different when it comes to a comfortable chair.

I believe this is the chair I had at megagov, the 6000 model -

Neutral Posture - 6000 Series

I had that exact model (I think?) at work, but it was awful for me for some reason and was literally a pain in the b*tt. I finally got another model. But really, neither worked very well for me.
Do others get in the habit of using the computer or iPad while watching TV?

The so-called "second screen" experience is suppose to be a trend. I think some networks try to put out apps. or sites that you'd use while watching shows. These are often chat apps. or they have easy access to supplemental content, like the extras you get on DVD.

Not so much interested in that but have peeked at my email or checked out (Googled) something mentioned on the show, or sometimes in the commercials.

For that reason, I think there would be more utility for me to get one of those reclining home theater chairs which has compartments, cup holders, often a place to set the laptop or tablet down, etc.

But I also like to listen to a lot of podcasts so I put those on and I could be at the desk or table, rather than sitting on the couch, which is probably not good to do for a long time.

I sit in my very comfy easy chair with my feet up on a big ottoman, in front of the TV. I have tables to the left and right of my easy chair, for my iPad, remotes, 3DS gaming console, Wii-mote, and so on. I listen to podcasts on my laptop computer. My laptop goes on the ottoman when I am not using it. Ah, my idea of heaven.....:D

I have a free program called eyeleo that reminds me to get up and move at intervals that I specify.
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I have an Aeron chair too. It is the most comfortable desk chair I have ever owned. With my previous chair, I did get a lot of lower back and shoulder pain, not so with the Aeron. DW does not share my enthusiasm though as she prefers plush padded chairs. So it is probably worth trying different chairs to find which one fits your needs best.
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I had that exact model (I think?) at work, but it was awful for me for some reason and was literally a pain in the b*tt. I finally got another model. But really, neither worked very well for me.

This really highlights that one chair does not work for all. Sorry you weren't able to get a comfortable chair. Maybe that was just another nudge for ER.
Do others get in the habit of using the computer or iPad while watching TV?

The so-called "second screen" experience is suppose to be a trend.
I haven't reached that level of multitasking yet, but sometimes if I see something on TV that I want to look up immediately or later, I will use my iPad to do so in real time.

I assume you mean using both interactively (vs being bored with one or the other), and that has definitely become a trend, and networks are looking for ways to capitalize (of course). You may notice some programs show tweets across the bottom of their shows in real time during the broadcasts, those people are clearly watching and "chatting" using tablets/smartphones during the show. It's common on some Discovery channel shows for example.

Lots of sports fans constantly tweet during games as well, though I haven't seen that onscreen (yet). Much of it could not be shown onscreen, too "colorful."

And many of the shows that ask audiences to vote, encourage use of tablets/smartphones during the show, and after.

And not only with TV. I watched some of the Americas Cup challenger series racing live on youtube in the last few weeks, and there are live blogs with regular folks commenting throughout. That's becoming more and more common too.

It's a connected, mobile world, ain't it grand...
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Do others get in the habit of using the computer or iPad while watching TV?

The so-called "second screen" experience is suppose to be a trend. I think some networks try to put out apps. or sites that you'd use while watching shows. These are often chat apps. or they have easy access to supplemental content, like the extras you get on DVD.

Usually I'm either doing crossword puzzles or playing video games, when I'm actually sitting to pay attention to a show.

Interactively, I use Viggle, which is a TV rewards app. You get points for checking into various shows, which are redeemable for gift cards and things. During some shows or movies, there are quizzes which give you extra points for each right answer. My boyfriend and I have a lot of fun doing those :)

Basically it's a way for networks to buy viewers and to check which shows people are watching who engage in interactive media.

If I'm not particularly interested, or it's just 'background tv' I usually work, read articles or books, or just generally browse the web.
I bought an Aeron chair for this purpose about 12 or 13 years ago, and was very happy with it.

Then I gradually came to realize that the very best computer chair is no chair at all. About two years ago, I moved my chair off into the corner of the room, and it has been there, utterly unused and ignored, ever since.

Raising my monitor and keyboard up high enough so I always have to stand up to use the computer has been wonderful for me.

From a recent issue of The Economist:

WINSTON CHURCHILL knew it. Ernest Hemingway knew it. Leonardo da Vinci knew it. Every trendy office from Silicon Valley to Scandinavia now knows it too: there is virtue in working standing up. And not merely standing. The trendiest offices of all have treadmill desks, which encourage people to walk while working. It sounds like a fad. But it does have a basis in science.

Sloth is rampant in the rich world. A typical car-driving, television-watching cubicle slave would have to walk an extra 19km a day to match the physical-activity levels of the few remaining people who still live as hunter-gatherers. Though all organisms tend to conserve energy when possible, evidence is building up that doing it to the extent most Westerners do is bad for you—so bad that it can kill you.

That, by itself, may not surprise. Health ministries have been nagging people for decades to do more exercise. What is surprising is that prolonged periods of inactivity are bad regardless of how much time you also spend on officially approved high-impact stuff like jogging or pounding treadmills in the gym. What you need as well, the latest research suggests, is constant low-level activity. This can be so low-level that you might not think of it as activity at all. Even just standing up counts, for it invokes muscles that sitting does not.

I have had a chair by Bodybilt and it is exceptionally comfortable. Some chair dealers of the more expensive brands (like Bodybilt) offer demo chairs for a few weeks. That might be a better option than financially committing to one that might not be to your liking in the long run. I've switched to using a stability ball occasionally as it helps strengthen my core muscles, posture, and balance simply by sitting on it. I know of more people using a desk treadmill and taking sitting breaks rather than the opposite of taking walking breaks from sitting.
This thread got me to thinking that I should replace the one we have that we bought about 1994 or so. It's starting to get a bit creaky and noisy, like my knees. And the angle of the back although generally comfortable is not adjustable.

DW would be appalled if she saw me post this photo since all is not neat and tidy at the moment.


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I sit in my very comfy easy chair with my feet up on a big ottoman, in front of the TV. I have tables to the left and right of my easy chair, for my iPad, remotes, 3DS gaming console, Wii-mote, and so on. I listen to podcasts on my laptop computer. My laptop goes on the ottoman when I am not using it. Ah, my idea of heaven.....:D

I use a big puffy leather recliner, with a desktop in the side table and a 19" monitor on top. Wireless keyboard and mouse. 20 degree eyeball turn to the TV, across the room. Multitasking is second nature. When DW wants to watch a different TV show, I go to Netflix or UTube for my own movies (lightweight headphones). Works for us.

Full recline for total relaxation and easy transition to naps. Never go longer than 4 to 5 hours without changing position. Can't imagine using the computer from an upright and locked position. Even with the den computer, a cushy leather reclining type chair.
I bought an Aeron chair for this purpose about 12 or 13 years ago, and was very happy with it.

Then I gradually came to realize that the very best computer chair is no chair at all. About two years ago, I moved my chair off into the corner of the room, and it has been there, utterly unused and ignored, ever since.

Raising my monitor and keyboard up high enough so I always have to stand up to use the computer has been wonderful for me.

From a recent issue of The Economist:
I've heard this several times before, and I enjoy walking and moving around, but I would think I'd be too restless/fidgety standing still in one place. Should be easy enough to try at home though...
You can do it for an hour or so but then you need to sit.

So you would need a stool that can let you work on the elevated surface or just remember to get up and move around.
Just a quick update. My back feels pretty good and a lot better than the past couple of days.

As for a chair, I have an old knee sit chair (like the one pictured) which helps put my body weight forward towards the knees instead of the back.

I like regular chairs more but for the time being, I'm gonna use the knee sit chair to be safe.


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Another vote for Herman Miller.. Not soft and cushy but very supportive. Not a great pic, but it looks a little like a sci-fi capts chair from the back :)

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