injury law firms of those TV ads


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 21, 2011
Among those countless ads from law offices for "if you or a loved one were injured by this medical item, call us" one may fit a family member who died. Given the heavy advertising, I speculate most such claims generate more funds for the law firm than the client, and might also preclude a client from a more thoughtfully administered claim. Has anyone filed a medical claim via one of these frequently advertised law firms? Did it work out acceptably?
No personal experience but was watching a recent 'American Greed' episode about one such lawyer. He was a good lawyer and won many cases, taking 40% of the settlement. Apparently that wasn't good enough, he told his clients that he was also a financial adviser and convinced many of them to invest their settlements with him. He was running a ponzi scheme, he would send them a small monthly check but most of their settlement went into his pocket, stole millions of dollars from his clients.
Sorry for your loss.

You could also consult with a personal injury lawyer, not the tv lawyer, to see if there is a case and if you really want to go forward with it.
I agree- if it's a valid case, most will take it "on contingency", meaning they get paid only if they win. (They can then get 30-40% of the settlement.)

Not sure what your best course is if it's a class action, where a large group of plaintiffs is assembled and one giant lawsuit is filed. I've been part of a few of them relating to securities and credit card overcharges and I don't think I've gotten an "award" over $20. If you join the class action, you get whatever they negotiate. You can opt out and file your own suit and get what YOU negotiate but only a good (and ethical) lawyer can tell you whether or not it's a good idea for you.
many of those tv ads are not done by lawyers, but are referral agencies that get paid to refer a client.

The lawyers take a larger % in order to pay the referrals, or they are lousy lawyers that are desperate for the business, either way the client pays.

But it's a lot of work to research lawyers who have handled specific types of claims and similar ones, then find out their success rate.
I like the billboard ad I see out near the Chesapeake Bay. "If you've been wrongfully injured, we'll make it right!" I keep wondering how they'll make you rightfully injured.
Most of the big ads you see for meds and such are class action suits. It's a quick (well, quicker) way to get $$$ from the offending party in most cases. You can always try and take it to trial, but it takes lots of time and money.
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