Instant Karma from The Soup Nazi

My wife has a great way of resolving this inner conflict.

In her parlance, "M'am" means "bitch" and "Sir" means "jackass".

So she'd have just said "Oh...thank you m'am!"

"Is that right?" means "No s&*("

"That's nice." means "F@#$ you."
I got to tell this anecdote about an exchange between Winston Churchill and Elizabeth Braddock, a female politician, most likely at a party.

Braddock: "Mr. Churchill, this is a disgrace. You are quite drunk."

Churchill: "And you, madame, are ugly. As for my condition, it will pass by the morning. You, however, will still be ugly."

It appears Churchill got quite a sharp tongue. I would just ignore such remarks, but then I am no politician.
I'm surprised how many of you say to ignore them, say nothing, not even a sweet, "have a nice life." I've only invoked my right to remain silent once, when I thought I was dealing with violent people. Otherwise I can't seem to keep my trap shut.

On that bus ride after 10 minutes of comments to and at me, staring and pointing because I was hogging two seats, I stood up and offered the young man my seat. He dissolved into pitiful stammering, saying something like, I can't take a seat from you, you are three times my age, you deserve the seat, I don't, you are old.... I then offered it the the first Chinese-speaking guy, he turned it down, as did his friend. So I turned back to the young man, shrugged as if to say, I've run out of people to offer it to. He begged me to sit back down which i did. He then turned his face away and almost pried the front door open to get off at the next stop.

I felt guilty that I had embarrassed him and ashamed of myself that I had stood up to come down to his level. Isn't that Rule No. 3 of Civility 101: avoid doing anything to make someone uncomfortable?
Normally I would say " No,you were fine " but that day I said " No, but you were in the top ten ". The guy later sent me flowers and apologised .
He was probably just trying to get you to raise your vote to the top three...
One thing that sticks with me is that "the guy behind the counter" handled the situation in a unique way, picking on OW about the tray and then making a point of getting my food ready first. I think they charge more for food eaten in.

Another thing is that in that brief incident, he improved the good will of the business for me and anyone who overheard it.

I'll bet ya a nickel that the guy behind the counter got your food first for two reasons:
1) He wanted the OW to be delayed
2) He wanted to first get your lasagna, then scoop out hers using the freshly meat-covered spatula. If the OW's food left her line of sight at any point while it was being prepared, she may have gotten even more extras.
On that bus ride after 10 minutes of comments to and at me, staring and pointing because I was hogging two seats, I stood up and offered the young man my seat. He dissolved into pitiful stammering,
I felt guilty that I had embarrassed him and ashamed of myself that I had stood up to come down to his level. Isn't that Rule No. 3 of Civility 101: avoid doing anything to make someone uncomfortable?

You did the right thing, considering that he kept on badgering you.

Another thing I would have done was to offer to move my luggage to make room for him, which would then reveal the fact that there was simply no room to do that either.
I wanted to do a variation on Jack Benny's response to "Your money or your life," something like I'll take a shorter life over spending any of it with you but all I could get out was, "I should live so long."

I think you did okay with the reply.

An alternative for the oh-so-healthy OW: (Leaning close to her to say something in confidence) "I'm eating more meat to keep up my strength. This TB really takes a toll!" HACK, Cough.
Lot's of good comebacks, but my plan which I stick to really well is keep my damn mouth shut.

Too many people are just itching to go off, and I don't want them going off on me. Guys get killed all the time because they misjudged a situation.

Lot's of good comebacks, but my plan which I stick to really well is keep my damn mouth shut.

Too many people are just itching to go off, and I don't want them going off on me. Guys get killed all the time because they misjudged a situation.


Completely agree. No kudos is worth a bullet. DW doesn't get this quite yet, and will still road rage with the best of them. One of our few bones of contention.
Sometimes I do have to remind myself that the only thing I can control is how I respond.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that the only thing I can control is how I think. How I think about something controls how I respond. I'm sure the nice lady was trying to do you a favor, in her own silly way.

Also, sometimes if I am feeling cranky I will tell myself to go out and silently bless everyone I see. "Bless you and have a wonderful life!" You'd be surprised how it changes your inner atmosphere. And surprisingly it changes how people respond to you, even without a word of exchange.
oldbabe, what a refreshing programme.. Even if one doesn't set out to greet the day with such a transforming attitude, I for one can't see how I'd ever have let ObnoxiousWoman get to me as CuppaJoe did.. I'd find it more amusing/bemusing than irritating.

"you eat meat!, you're not going to look like me (slim) when you are 71!"
I'd probably just have laughed and said "you're probably right!" It doesn't really matter whether I mean I won't look "as good" as she, or "as bad" as she. Sometimes it is just wiser (and also more fun) to go along with people's delusions or particular hobby-horses.. rather than trying to make them conform to your "norm" or even to a theoretical general "norm".

Just think, if this contretemps had not occurred, CuppaJoe wouldn't have had anything interesting to share with us about his day. I wish it had been wackier.. more outrageous.. Joe.. go frequent some odder places, please!

Italian phrase: "Il mondo e' bello perche' e' vario"... the world is beautiful because it is various.
.... I wish it had been wackier.. more outrageous.. Joe.. go frequent some odder places, please!

Italian phrase: "Il mondo e' bello perche' e' vario"... the world is beautiful because it is various.

You have no Idea! Wacky, outrageous places are not hard to find. Your post made me laugh out loud. I got the impression that some on this board think that CuppaJoe is a gay man. I'll come right out and say it, I am not. But CuppaJoe does not tell all.

OldBabe, I had a co-worker who came in every morning and blessed the office and especially her desk. I was inside St. Peter's one time when the pope was doing a blessing outside, I asked her if that meant I was blessed by the pope, too. She said I was; which makes me wonder what his range is. I experience that too, attitude is everything.
CuppaJoe..not sure what the gay/not-gay thing has to do with the price of lasagne.. but next time you have a perplexing encounter.. just make the sign of the cross in front of the obnoxious woman/Chinese and say "che Dio ti benedica". I have a feeling they will trouble you no longer.
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