It's Wednesday weigh ins! 2007-2022

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I forgot to check in last month. I lost another 5 pounds in November for a 3-month loss of 23 pounds.

Trucking along with no snacking, and drastically reduced flour and sugar.
I forgot to check in last month. I lost another 5 pounds in November for a 3-month loss of 23 pounds.

Trucking along with no snacking, and drastically reduced flour and sugar.
That's wonderful, Bevette! Congratulations!

I have been maintaining through the holidays and it has been a struggle just to maintain. So, my goal right now is to just stay at my present weight for a little bit while my body gets used to being lighter.
Missed several Wednesdays, but have shed ~5 pounds of the 10+ that need to go. Was 150 at retirement, but good living, travel, and the dreaded red grape took their toll. After last trip, I was solidly +160.

My "secret sauce"for weight loss is healthy foods, portion control, and walking my @ss off. If I make progress I allow myself one cheat breakfast and one cheat dinner per week. Even then, I don't allow portion to creep to much.

Best wishes to everyone working on weight management. This time of year is hard for most. For the period Christmas eve through New Years day, I settle for "maintain, don't gain."
I retired early in Sept at age 51. I regularly worked out at the local Planet Fitness gym several days a week. Now being retired I can spend more time in the gym and not think about having to go to work afterwards. I feel I have more energy and in the long run it will be more beneficial to me health wise. My eating habits are improved because I don’t have to rely on the fast food crap. By preparing my own meals and occasionally eating out is my approach. My weight is 154 pounds and I am 5 ft 6 in tall. By having financial independence and freedom is awesome and improved health is a bonus!
I dropped back to 170, the top of my BMI.

In 2015, I was 227 at the beginning of the year, dropped to 162 and easily maintained for 1.75 years.

After we moved, my shiny new PCP said I didn't have low-T that I'd been treated for and wouldn't treat it. I promptly put on 23 pounds while cutting my calories down to 1300-1400(too low for males). She told me, she wanted "her seniors" to have some extra weight! I was 185 pounds!

I saw a urologist in April who diagnosed me with the same low-T I had been treated for. I'm slowly losing. Eating ~2000 calories daily and dropping 1-2 pounds monthly. Guys if you lose control of your weight, see a urologist or endocrinologist.
Hi I know i’m a cliche joining in the new year, but it’s time I sorted myself out.
3 years since i finished working and while i have been much more active I have also been eating and drinking much much much more. So here goes:

54 years old
228 lbs
nearly 40 bmi

I have been to the gym this morning and plan to do a mix of gym and swimming. It’s cold outside here!

Already eat pretty healthily when at home, but drink a lot.
Planning to not eat out and only have a small drink at the weekend.

Happy new year everyone.
Well, we’re in Fort Lauderdale this morning awaiting our shuttle to the Cruise Port. Last nights dinner was 1 Belgian Waffle with 2 humongous scoops of ice cream and whipped cream with a marsciano cherry on top. The name of the restaurant was Jackson’s Ice Cream Parlor. It is really unique.

I plan to join this group upon our return in 10 days.

As I posted last week, I wanted to maintain through new year. So, hovering at/just slightly above 155. Mission accomplished! :dance:

Hiked 4 miles on Jan 1 and 5 this morning. Hoping to shed remaining 5 pounds prior to physical on 1-17-19. Fairly confident on hitting the goal (aggressive pie hole discipline required) :( . I'll update around that date.
I've been within six pounds for about 30 years (187-193). I have a rotation for 5-6 days a week that is 50% weights and 50% cardio (eliptical in gym or walking). I crept up a few months ago and then through a series of events went down to the lower end of my spectrum. We'll see after what I ate yesterday and the day before. Have not fretted over my weight but generally I let my belt do the talking. If it starts feeling tight I know I've crept up.
I have been maintaining through the holidays and it has been a struggle just to maintain. So, my goal right now is to just stay at my present weight for a little bit while my body gets used to being lighter.
I gained 1.4# over the holidays, since my low on December 12th. Looking at my daily weight records, I've been within just a pound or two of that low for a couple of months. I will pat myself on the back for more or less maintaining, which is an accomplishment in itself, but at some point I need to cut back a bit more and start losing again. The holidays are over now.
61 yrs. old, 134 lbs., 5'4"

Used to work out 4 times/week to exhaustion. Muscles sore all the time.

In the last year, swim a few times/week, walk dog.
I'm much happier, weight stays pretty constant although I eat before 4 pm and eat smaller meals, no restrictions other than low salt. My weight fluctuates 1 or 2 lbs.
There’s too many posts in this one for me to see if someone already suggested weight watchers but seriously it’s all that has worked for me. I can’t do “diets” they just make me want food more. And I can’t do elimination of entire food groups. WW worked
For me bc 1) I like counting and lists anyway and 2) if I want the cake I eat the damn cake. I just adjust it later in week. I’ve been on it two years. Started about 155 went down to 135 with little effort just nutrition mostly. Kept it off 2 years. If that sounds up your alley try the app out. Oh I’m a 36yo F.
I gained 1.4# over the holidays, since my low on December 12th. Looking at my daily weight records, I've been within just a pound or two of that low for a couple of months. I will pat myself on the back for more or less maintaining, which is an accomplishment in itself, but at some point I need to cut back a bit more and start losing again. The holidays are over now.

We humans are somewhat like the stock market (but backwards) - sometimes we have to go through an upward correction when in pursuit of weight loss.
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Starting this journey again. -2 since I started 1/1/2019 -- haha -- I know slow and steady.

Have a fitbit watch that connects to and puts the "You've earned 1,244 extra calories from exercise today" into my food diary (< calories in than >) @ . Better portions, one snack per night. Intermittent fasting once per week.

Liked this article I recently recent on not necessarily setting goals but systems which end up adding consistency to meet goals as the bonus.
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Hi I know i’m a cliche joining in the new year, but it’s time I sorted myself out.
3 years since i finished working and while i have been much more active I have also been eating and drinking much much much more. So here goes:

54 years old
228 lbs
nearly 40 bmi

I have been to the gym this morning and plan to do a mix of gym and swimming. It’s cold outside here!

Already eat pretty healthily when at home, but drink a lot.
Planning to not eat out and only have a small drink at the weekend.

Happy new year everyone.
I was 227 pounds in May of 2015, I had developed non-specific tachycardia and thought I was dying. My then PCP suggested I lose some weight, wasn't the first time. By October, 2015 I was 165, normal bmi for me. The tachycardia was gone, as well as, hypertension, GERD, high triglycerides, frequent cluster headaches and a bunch of other crap.

The secret for me was a free application someone here recommended, called myfitnesspal. Easy to use and a great way to learn how to eat properly. The first time I made spaghetti, I was shocked! My normal serving was 1600 calories of pasta!

DW had similar results. We've been maintaining ever since. Our total cost was a $15.00 food scale, don't know what we did before it.

Good luck on your journey.
I'm here looking for some motivational advice. I'm mid 60's had a very physical job until about 9 years ago..maintained a good weight. After I quit working I put more effort into exercise and watching portions and carbs. I did pretty well and managed to hold a good weight.

Last year brought some serious health problems for my DH which culminated in him basically bleeding out in the OR during a mitral valve replacement. His 70 old world class surgeon was able to bring him out of danger after a 9 hour surgery. After an 8 day hospital stay and a long recovery my DH is back to himself, even better than last year since he has a new mitral valve in place.

On my end I've gained weight enough that a lot of my pants don't fit or show bad muffin top, my butts too big and all that. I won't even step on a scale because I'm mad at myself. At many points since last June I've told myself, I need to exercise more, I need to eat less carbs, basically I need to start giving a crap before this gets totally out of control. The first of every month I say it , every time my pants feel tight I say it.. I say it in the shower, but I don't do it.

I've always been a pretty good self starter but just seem dead in the water right now. I have started doing my daily video workout , but it's not going to be enough to get me back to where I need to be... does anyone have any practical tips, just little things that might get me jump started on this journey.

I'm starting to post here to give myself some accountably and try to make this a better year for me then 2018.
I'm here looking for some motivational advice. I'm mid 60's had a very physical job until about 9 years ago..maintained a good weight. After I quit working I put more effort into exercise and watching portions and carbs. I did pretty well and managed to hold a good weight.

Last year brought some serious health problems for my DH which culminated in him basically bleeding out in the OR during a mitral valve replacement. His 70 old world class surgeon was able to bring him out of danger after a 9 hour surgery. After an 8 day hospital stay and a long recovery my DH is back to himself, even better than last year since he has a new mitral valve in place.

On my end I've gained weight enough that a lot of my pants don't fit or show bad muffin top, my butts too big and all that. I won't even step on a scale because I'm mad at myself. At many points since last June I've told myself, I need to exercise more, I need to eat less carbs, basically I need to start giving a crap before this gets totally out of control. The first of every month I say it , every time my pants feel tight I say it.. I say it in the shower, but I don't do it.

I've always been a pretty good self starter but just seem dead in the water right now. I have started doing my daily video workout , but it's not going to be enough to get me back to where I need to be... does anyone have any practical tips, just little things that might get me jump started on this journey.

I'm starting to post here to give myself some accountably and try to make this a better year for me then 2018.
I think many can relate. I've tried a few motivational techniques in the past but the only one that has worked is weighing daily and using tools to track things (last two post above). FitBit watch (step counter) and two sites (also have apps on your phone). I don't get too crazy with tracking my food but just enought to make me accountable for a reasonable visual table/math of calories in and calories out. Good luck!
I'm here looking for some motivational advice. I'm mid 60's had a very physical job until about 9 years ago..maintained a good weight. After I quit working I put more effort into exercise and watching portions and carbs. I did pretty well and managed to hold a good weight.

Last year brought some serious health problems for my DH which culminated in him basically bleeding out in the OR during a mitral valve replacement. His 70 old world class surgeon was able to bring him out of danger after a 9 hour surgery. After an 8 day hospital stay and a long recovery my DH is back to himself, even better than last year since he has a new mitral valve in place.

On my end I've gained weight enough that a lot of my pants don't fit or show bad muffin top, my butts too big and all that. I won't even step on a scale because I'm mad at myself. At many points since last June I've told myself, I need to exercise more, I need to eat less carbs, basically I need to start giving a crap before this gets totally out of control. The first of every month I say it , every time my pants feel tight I say it.. I say it in the shower, but I don't do it.

I've always been a pretty good self starter but just seem dead in the water right now. I have started doing my daily video workout , but it's not going to be enough to get me back to where I need to be... does anyone have any practical tips, just little things that might get me jump started on this journey.

I'm starting to post here to give myself some accountably and try to make this a better year for me then 2018.
I'm big on Myfitnesspal. Besides being free, easy to use, it works. If you want encouragement there's a community for support and education. I learned a tremendous amount about nutrition. Who knew a few tweaks could make a major difference in how I felt.

I just saw a post from a user who had a 100 goal to lose. When you see folks posting the details of what they lost and how it's very encouraging.

I will mention that your diet is much more important than exercise for weight loss. I had a 20 pound loss and was able to separate the calorie deficit from exercise vs. diet. Of the 20 pounds, exercise was responsible for a 4 pound loss, 16 came from diet. The exercise was a vigorous 3 mile daily walk. Don't get me wrong, exercise is great, but it's a hard, slow way to lose weight.
Week 1 went well i think.
Couple of gym visits and a couple of swims. missed a couple due to other appointments.
Went for a 5 mile hilly walk (is that long enough to be classed as a hike?). It was tough and I was sore next day but really enjoyed it.

Stuck to healthy eating and only drank friday night as planned. very happy about that.

3lbs down.

good luck everyone.
I’m in the same boat Ivinsfan.

My goals are fitness and following a diet plan. The weight loss and better health will happen. Goals:
1. Low carb/keto diet ( for me there is more energy and much less hunger). I restart today.
2. Dry January. I will break that once this Sunday at a banquet. I’m good at banquets, as I’m not fond of banquet food except prime rib. Continue dry habits. Only drink socially. We do not keep liquor in the house at all except as desired for cooking, and some wine the wine cooler in the basement.
3. 10K steps/day. Easy at work, not on days off. Elliptical 3x per week and gym twice a week. Stretch daily.
4. Use my watch to track fitness goals.
5. Track macronutrients. I’m using nutritionix track app.
6. Intermittent fasting. Avoid eating early morning and after dinner. Avoid snacking.
7. Post here once weekly how I’m doing with my goals.
8. Get more sleep, especially during the day when working nights.

I may as well get ready for retirement habits now.
Gained another 6 since November 1. Now 198. Must be the result of heavy holiday eating. Or maybe somewhat due to lifting weights. Clothes still fit the same, so I’m not concerned. Revising goal to 188 instead of 182.
I'm pleased to say that I succeeded in my goal to lose 20 lbs in 2018. It was not easy and it took a lot of starts and back sliding. I had started to lose of keto but quickly found myself eating too much fat, just because I "could." I finally went low carb, high protein, along with counting calories, and that was the winning formula. I keep around 60-80 carbs/day and am now keeping calories at 1400 day. 62 years old, 5'7", and went from 145 down to 125. That's the weight I was for many years as a young adult and feel great at it.
I'm pleased to say that I succeeded in my goal to lose 20 lbs in 2018. It was not easy and it took a lot of starts and back sliding. I had started to lose of keto but quickly found myself eating too much fat, just because I "could." I finally went low carb, high protein, along with counting calories, and that was the winning formula. I keep around 60-80 carbs/day and am now keeping calories at 1400 day. 62 years old, 5'7", and went from 145 down to 125. That's the weight I was for many years as a young adult and feel great at it.

Congrats that great....I've been low carb for around 15 years but I'm guessing I have to include some calorie counting to get some results now.
Week 1 went well i think.
Couple of gym visits and a couple of swims. missed a couple due to other appointments.
Went for a 5 mile hilly walk (is that long enough to be classed as a hike?). It was tough and I was sore next day but really enjoyed it.

Stuck to healthy eating and only drank friday night as planned. very happy about that.

3lbs down.

good luck everyone.

EastwestGal and Ivinsfan, your plans sound great!
Gained another 6 since November 1. Now 198. Must be the result of heavy holiday eating. Or maybe somewhat due to lifting weights. Clothes still fit the same, so I’m not concerned. Revising goal to 188 instead of 182.
It very well might be due to lifting. But lifting is such great exercise and so healthy, so congratulations on lifting weights.

I'm pleased to say that I succeeded in my goal to lose 20 lbs in 2018. It was not easy and it took a lot of starts and back sliding. I had started to lose of keto but quickly found myself eating too much fat, just because I "could." I finally went low carb, high protein, along with counting calories, and that was the winning formula. I keep around 60-80 carbs/day and am now keeping calories at 1400 day. 62 years old, 5'7", and went from 145 down to 125. That's the weight I was for many years as a young adult and feel great at it.
Congratulations on your weight loss! I know what you mean about it not being easy. I have been eating fewer calories but more carbs than you, and I need to cut back on those carbs.

I finally lost another pound so my total is 52 pounds lost since last March 23rd.

I hope I can lose a few more pounds in 2019. Well, I hope I can lose a lot more, but realistically it seems to be slowing down so a few more pounds would be good also. Now that the holiday stresses and temptations are behind me, with any luck I will start losing more regularly again.

We are headed back to the gym today for the first time in a long while, so that might help too. Well, eventually. I plan to start with a very light workout the first few times we go, and I can ramp it up later on.
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