Life imitates the movie "Intern"

Cool story. Thanks for posting.

Besides the PR value it nicely shows to me how different groups (age, location, culture, education, you name it) live in very different realities. Even if they interact very superficially.

At the same time, underlying are the same principles connecting us.
My thoughts were doesn't this guy have any hobbies, pets, house guests, friends his own age, belong to any clubs, civic or volunteer groups, or have any business ideas of his own? That kind of stuff plus fixing up an aging house keep us pretty busy. I guess we are all wired differently.
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I think of the young person he displaced from a valuable career building experience. My DS applied for a number of internships over three years but the competition was fierce and he never found one. That's what is wrong with such a program.

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I think of the young person he displaced from a valuable career building experience. My DS applied for a number of internships over three years but the competition was fierce and he never found one. That's what is wrong with such a program.

There is that, but it is also true of any job that has more applicants than positions. I think the better question is "did Paul taking the internship do more for the other interns than simply another intern their age?" Stated differently, did they learn more by him taking the internship than if he had not?

Nonetheless, an interesting story. But I am not applying for any intern positions.:D
I think of the young person he displaced from a valuable career building experience. My DS applied for a number of internships over three years but the competition was fierce and he never found one. That's what is wrong with such a program.

Sent from my iPhone using Early Retirement Forum

I thought that initially as well, but after reading the article, my opinion changed. It appears that the company (or that office?) at one time had a mentor program that had utterly failed. Several of the other young interns and younger associates were appreciative of what the older fella brought to the table.

As some of you know, I am in law school (OH NO!!! Does that make me a FERB!?!) Many co-students were initially surprised when they realized that I had/have zero intentions of doing any intern/externships. The biggest reason is, well, I don't intent to practice law but secondary to that is the legal w*rkforce is absolutely overrun with recent grads. So, there is absolutely NO good reason for me to go out there and try to fill one of these positions. Besides, if I did...I wouldn't last a day, I guarantee! :D
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