Lots of good news today

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The problem is that the "positive" stuff is mostly wishful thinking. Great, we have a maybe partially effective vaccine with rushed development, spotty availability, and safety protocols thrown out the window. Big whoop.
You won't find me as one of the Guinea pigs until it is well proven and with no serious or major side effects. I wonder if it will be like getting a flu shot where it is a guess as to which flu virus will be dominant that year and you need annual injections due to the virus mutating.

It may take years to confirm safety.

That is partly why vaccine development timelines are typically years not months.

OTOH, there could be later vaccines and apparently there is no reason why you wouldn't be able to take more than one vaccine, especially if the first ones fade.
Govt has spent $9B to help bring vaccines to market

According to the piece, the federal government has spent $9B to develop and manufacture the vaccine candidates, including large expenditures for needed syringes and vials. This is spread among 7 companies ( the ones with vaccine candidates in best position to get to market). And they are not done.

True American Hero

We have heard some people swear there's no way they will accept an FDA approved vaccine for Corona virus. Each of us has a right to make that choice and in no way does it diminish the great news country and the world will experience when we have approved vaccines for the Corona virus.

But the true American heroes are those people that have volunteered for human trials, placing their health and possibly their lives on the line in order to advance medical science and provide life saving solutions for the benefit of all Americans and even possibly for the entire world.

The Seattle man profiled in the attached piece is just such a hero in my opinion. He called it his "duty to step up".

According to the piece, the federal government has spent $9B to develop and manufacture the vaccine candidates, including large expenditures for needed syringes and vials. This is spread among 7 companies ( the ones with vaccine candidates in best position to get to market). And they are not done.


It is money well spent and very much the “right” approach. The Gates Foundation was the first to do this, and set the example governments are following. Guaranteed demand allows a pharmaceutical company to make the investment to develop with no guarantee it will lead to a successful product, and set up the production facility far earlier in cycle.

Hopefully they focus on the entire process, including distribution, materials, etc., and don’t miss anything.
We have heard some people swear there's no way they will accept an FDA approved vaccine for Corona virus. Each of us has a right to make that choice and in no way does it diminish the great news country and the world will experience when we have approved vaccines for the Corona virus.
I'd volunteer to be in a phase 3 trail (maybe even phase 2) so I'll certainly take it when it's approved.
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I'd volunteer to be in a phase 3 trail (maybe even phase 2) so I'll certainly take it when it's approved.

They were looking for volunteers in my town in the older age group (65 to 70) so I qualified and I would have been paid $4000. I seriously considered it but DH who has health problems asked me not to do it so I have not signed up.
They were looking for volunteers in my town in the older age group (65 to 70) so I qualified and I would have been paid $4000. I seriously considered it but DH who has health problems asked me not to do it so I have not signed up.
I'm in that age group and I'd volunteer for free... (Although I'd take the 4K :) ) Actually my wife has health issues too and that is one of the main reasons I'd like to be vaccinated ASAP... Just something else "I don't want to bring home!":)
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I'm in that age group and I'd volunteer for free... (Although I'd take the 4K :) ) Actually my wife has health issues too and that is one of the main reasons I'd like to be vaccinated ASAP... Just something else "I don't want to bring home!":)

I wonder if that's the payment for waiving all liability.

So you can't sue them if the vaccine makes you sick or worse.
I wonder if that's the payment for waiving all liability.

So you can't sue them if the vaccine makes you sick or worse.

And he would do it for free, or at least so he claims. We salute your sense of duty to big pharma, car guy!
And he would do it for free, or at least so he claims. We salute your sense of duty to big pharma, car guy!
It's not a claim. I'd do it for free, but they wouldn't have to force me to take the money either. Believe it or not, I really don't care... And not so much for big pharm but for me and my family. And hey, if it helps my fellow man, so much the better.
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It's not a claim. I'd do it for free, but they wouldn't have to force me to take the money either. Believe it or not, I really don't care... And not so much for big pharm but for me and my family.

They are looking for volunteers all over the country. I am sure you could find a vaccine trial somewhere in Texas to volunteer for. I understand they need 30,000 volunteers.
They are looking for volunteers all over the country. I am sure you could find a vaccine trial somewhere in Texas to volunteer for. I understand they need 30,000 volunteers.
I haven't heard of any trials locally (or anywhere around here for that matter) but I will look into it... I'd be interested....
It's not a claim. I'd do it for free, but they wouldn't have to force me to take the money either. Believe it or not, I really don't care... And not so much for big pharm but for me and my family. And hey, if it helps my fellow man, so much the better.

Well, step right up, son! They need tens (hundreds?) of thousands of test subjects. I am sure they would be happy to inject you.
I haven't heard of any trials locally (or anywhere around here for that matter) but I will look into it... I'd be interested....

A quick google for Moderna vaccine trials show they are looking for volunteers in the Dallas area.
A quick google for Moderna vaccine trials show they are looking for volunteers in the Dallas area.
A quick search and I found Dallas/Ft Worth and Houston have started or about to start trials.. And it looks like Austin and South Texas are getting ready to start up too... Austin would be closest for me (still ~100 mile drive) but I'll check it out.
Might have to go for several follow ups so you may not want to do a long drive several times.
Might have to go for several follow ups so you may not want to do a long drive several times.
I'm retired so that really doesn't bother me and after all, I am a "car-guy":) It will be interesting to see what the qualifications and details are.
And not so much for big pharm but for me and my family. And hey, if it helps my fellow man, so much the better.

Some lead. Some follow. Others wonder what happened
I like your spirit of leadership, Car-Guy!
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Now to get back to the main topic:

Here's a link to a site that's more about the good (or not so bad) news on the coronaviurs. Lot's of ads but also seems to link to lot of interesting articles from many big news outlets.

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This would be a more pleasant thread if everyone were to stop the sniping and stick to the thread topic.
Public health experts and scientists insist that the government's "warp speed" initiative is not resulting in corners being cut and producing the vaccine rapidly.

Fauci: FDA "...not cutting corners...". But working in an expedited fashion.

Under Operation Warp Speed, vaccines are being produced now with government support as testing proceeds.


Thank you for the article.

I am hopeful that this effort may benefit humanity in more ways in the future. Surely, corona virus is not the last serious disease that will spring up and threaten people.

Years ago, a young man from South Africa decided that rockets and space travel were too expensive, and there had to be a cheaper way to transport people and things into space. So, he built the world's first reusable rocket booster. He used nine rocket engines in the first stage, despite the fact the experts said that created too many points of failure. He used innovative technology to make certain parts of it. He developed new methods to test, fix, and test again. Most of all he did not listen to all the long time experts who pooh-poohed the idea. Recently, while the old-guard company is still struggling to run their first successful unmanned test, his company put two men into space and returned them safely to Earth. Did I mention the old-guard company got a billion dollars more from the Feds to do the same thing?

My point is that these new methods of developing a vaccine may prove to be the biggest chunk of silver lining to come out of this mess. It has the potential to save a lot more lives in the future, even if it doesn't do that much for CV19 victims.
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