LTCG Harvesting

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So step up and pay your fair share! Blabbing is cheap. Actually paying is the real deal!

Yeah I am. So what is your problem? I am not the one trying to work the system. You got the wrong target. We are at the 24% tax bracket. I pay full freight for health insurance. No ACA subsidies.
I made taxed contributions to my Social Security Trust Fund for 49 years. If you are saying that my Social Security should be taxed income, why aren’t you also saying that everything taken out of a Roth IRA should be taxable income! Also, why did the government only consider 35 years of my contributions while they are giving me back zero for the other 14 years of contributions?

From what you have written I suspect that you are getting much more per dollar contributed than many of us so don't expect a lot of sympathy.

The taxation of SS akin to contributory pensions was set in statute long before Sen Roth ever thought about tax-free individual retirement accounts, so I'm not sure what your point is.

Seems that you just like to bitch about taxes, humps and how things are so unfair, so carry on.
Why not? What is your point? You're just trolling. You are now officially ignored.

I suppose you consider that better than actually paying your "fair share." :)

Don't be so sensitive. Apparently you high tax bracket rich folk are offended when the plebeians speak up! :LOL:
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If you're interested in investing in individual stocks, I recommend looking into the National Association of Investment Clubs at You don't have to be in an investment club to use their tools. The aim of those tools is to help you identify quality companies growing at a consistent rate at a price that is likely to double in five years, or roughly 15% CAGR.

No one can predict which investments will pay off that well. That's why you shouldn't blindly accept other people's estimates or recommendations. You have to do your own homework to understand why you believe any given investment is worth making. I had more time and interest in such homework in the past and am now mostly coasting.

There's nothing wrong with buying index funds and having more time to enjoy your retirement.

Looking back about 15 years, I remember a few websites that offered individual stock future recommendations / predictions. They offered short term and long term estimates and listed how many of their analysts agreed and disagreed with each prediction.

We are not looking for stock that will double in value in the next six months. We are more interested in the stock symbols that will probably grow by 8 to 12 percent over the next 12 months and a majority of our analysts agree with that estimate.

Can anyone recommend a few URLs where this type of market analysis is provided?
I made taxed contributions to my Social Security Trust Fund for 49 years. If you are saying that my Social Security should be taxed income, why aren’t you also saying that everything taken out of a Roth IRA should be taxable income!

I see that as incorrect approach to compare Social Security to Roth.
You are correct in terms that you put after-tax money into the trust fund, but your employers also put money there on your behalf, and those are before tax money as company deduct them as expenses.
And then there is a growth, which you did not contribute.

Correct comparison in my view would be to portfolio with 2 equal parts:
  • 50% Taxable account for your money, where your contributions paid out tax free and you pay tax only on growth which is over the years could be more than 70% of the total account value.
  • 50% Pretax account for Employer contributions and growth on them, 100% taxed at payment time

If you still insist on comparing to the ROTH, than only growth of your contributions would be tax free, but 50% of your SS income is still should be taxed as it can not be considered in terms of ROTH.
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