Medigap Shopping: Closing the Book & Rate Increases

The Medicare/Medicap decision, however, just gives me heartburn. I guess I'll have to reserve the entire year of age 64 to solving this problem. It seems that big.
Not THAT big! What made it easier for me was knowing beyond any doubt, after my experience with ACA limited network policies, was I wasn't going to go limited network, period. Then the other big consideration was to not get stuck in a sick duck pool. That eliminated many possibilities. One thing I had to get used to was that you can't optimize; too many unknowns. And ones disposition on simplicity versus cost seems to play a big part. Lots of folks here don't want to do any book keeping, which means no HD plans. Then there is the N vs G thing, with the copay on N and does that affect the level of claims in the pool, and do those differences in claims make it into the pricing. Hmmm, maybe you better allocate the entire year of age 64 to the decision after all :)
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