Merry Christmas, merry, merry, christmas


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 27, 2004
It is early September. I got the LLBean Christmas catalog today.

Too dang early.

How much does it cost, I'll buy it
The time is all we've lost, I'll try it . . .
;) Most of my Christmas shopping is already done! (I pick up stuff during my travels throughout the year, and stash in a box in my closet for the holidays) All that is left is the annual subscription to Reminisce magazine for my 90 year old grandmother. (ok, and a few unknown purchases in New Orleans in Oct - and something for BF later)
Maybe we should just move all the holidays .Christmas would be better in OCT. No worry about snow messing up your travel plans .Thanksgiving could be in Sept .so it would be at the peak of football frenzy and we could serve pizza and wings instead of that whole big dinner .We might as well have hawoleen when they kiddies are off school . More time for trick and treating .I think my idea may have some merit !
Being non-religious, not to mention [-]cheap-assed[/-] frugal, I often wonder why I bother with Christmas...
Good grief! That's taking it a bit too far. What ever happened to waiting till after Halloween? Remember only ... only 106 Days, 9 Hours, 17 Minutes, and 25 Seconds left to shop.

Huh, I was the only customer at Macy's X-mas tree display on 9/8/07, yes September. Three clerks fell all over me to help. Got the shopping done using a $10 Macy's coupon so the grand total was half price. Got the Halloween stuff at Border's the same day. Happy New Year's or Rosh Hashanah, as the case may be; my favorite is Chinese New Year because it's the first sign of spring.
Costco has Christmas decorations out -- I noticed an eight-foot light up snowman.
Costco has Christmas decorations out -- I noticed an eight-foot light up snowman.

Yup. I was talking with a fellow Costco customer about how Costco already had all the Halloween stuff out where they had the back-to-school stuff a few days ago, when we rounded the corner and there it was in all its fake Christmas glory...that same 8-foot light up snowman! The other guy just shook his head and wandered off in search of the free food samples as I stood there and watched a lady dig through the stacks of holiday card boxes. geez.

Heck, in the local stores in these parts, summer clothes are gone -- and WINTER COATS are on the racks! (It's still in the mid-80s for pete's sake!)
We went to Cracker Barrel last week for breakfast, and they already had there Christmas trees, decorations, and other stuff out. They have there Halloween crap out too!

My new all-time favorite holiday is April 7th!!! That was my FIRE date, and I celebrate it EVERY day now....and probably always will!!! :D:D
Being non-religious, not to mention [-]cheap-assed[/-] frugal, I often wonder why I bother with Christmas...

We opted out of Christmas a long time ago. We raised our kids religion free. There are remnants of Christmas and Hannukah from the grandparents and that's about it. No tree, no decorations, no baking, no trying to make a "perfect holiday". No guilt, no bills.
Maybe we should just move all the holidays .Christmas would be better in OCT. No worry about snow messing up your travel plans .Thanksgiving could be in Sept .so it would be at the peak of football frenzy and we could serve pizza and wings instead of that whole big dinner .We might as well have hawoleen when they kiddies are off school . More time for trick and treating .I think my idea may have some merit !

We need a diversion to break up the winter. If Christmas, Hannukah and Valentine's day were not there, we would just have to invent some other reason.
anyone else notice they've got those giant blow up lawn decorations for almost every holiday now? Used to just be christmas there are halloween and valentines blow-ups ...waiting for the st. patti's and solstice ones...=b

i very much dislike the pushing up of the seasonal stuff each year, it has gotten real bad and makes the holidays very un-fun. who do we write letter to? santa?
anyone else notice they've got those giant blow up lawn decorations for almost every holiday now? Used to just be christmas there are halloween and valentines blow-ups ...waiting for the st. patti's and solstice ones...=b

I'm waiting for the rites of spring, too. ;)
I think we have too many holidays crammed together at the end of the year, and not enough when you really need them -- January through March. If I were king of the universe, every fourth Monday would be a holiday. None of them would require any decorating of the house or giving of gifts, and trips to distant family members would not be expected.
I think holidays were a LOT less exciting before kids. Now that I have them, the wonderment in their eyes on X-mas is a sight to behold. We don't go overboard with the gifts, just a couple nice things.

We also do X-mas lights, although I have been reducing the amoutn by 10% a year, maybe in a few more we'll be at none.........:)
I agree w/ FD, it's definitely worth it/meaningful because of the kids.

I do however, try and get the relatives to coordinate a little bit for their gifts so thatwe don't get 10 ticklemeelmo's etc...and each kid gets one nice gift from me/dad. but most of our bdays are also in the fall so it even feels like overload w/ the one gift.

I also try to give to a non-profit on their behalf since most of my friend's and family are not in need for anything...and if anything, have too much already!

I might try Kiva this year for them, since it's the gift that keeps on giving!
We need a diversion to break up the winter. If Christmas, Hannukah and Valentine's day were not there, we would just have to invent some other reason.

I think we have too many holidays crammed together at the end of the year, and not enough when you really need them -- January through March.

My diversion to break up winter is a nice warm, multi-week, Florida vacation from February through March!!! Now THAT'S a Happy Holiday!!!

If I were king of the universe, every fourth Monday would be a holiday.

My Dad had kind of the same idea, except he opted for Fridays! The last year he w*rked prior to his retirement, he took off EVERY Friday, AND EVERY 4th week!!! (He had a LOT of vacation and comp time built up, that he had to use!) He set a GREAT example for me!!! :D
just went to costco last nite and saw the robot reindeers and snow man...crammed next to the halloween costumes!
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