Olympic Breakdancing?


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Jan 31, 2008
With so many posts on sports, I’m shocked this hasn’t made it into a thread here. The International Olympic Committee announced that for the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, Breakdancing will be introduced as a new sport.

Yup. Not a typo. That’s breakdancing. From ESPN https://www.espn.com/olympics/story...ng-gets-olympic-status-debut-paris-games-2024

GENEVA -- Breakdancing became an official Olympic sport on Monday.

The International Olympic Committee's pursuit of urban events to lure a younger audience saw street dance battles officially added to the medal events program at the 2024 Paris Games.

I didn’t even know this was a thing, and now it’s an Olympic Competition.
I hope it doesn't take too much TV time away from my favorite, sauna sitting. :facepalm:
Stop visiting theonion.com, MichaelB.

Oh wait, it's real! So it only took 36 years. The Committee is really hip and with it. Right...
I think that it will be a one time event. Olympic hosts can add a sport they think will work well in their country. Tokyo added baseball/softball, which had been taken out after 2008. Paris apparently is adding breakdancing. I sure hope this is a one time shot, which is one time more than it should be, IMO.
For the Generation Jones and Early Millennials. A trip back to the days of synth and mondo 80s.

I tried breakdancing once. Let's just say I'm glad there were no cameras like today. I'd have gone viral.
More pandering to the woke mob...unbelievable...another wonderful build for 2020.
Who knows, maybe Pickleball will be next.
Yup. Throw it up there and see what sticks. Sign of the times.
If rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming can be Olympic sports, so can break-dancing.
If rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming can be Olympic sports, so can break-dancing.
I'd rather fix that problem by dropping those other two.
The Olympics need to gain the attention of younger people, always have. Better to add new things and get new viewers than stay the same and die a slow death.

Doesn't bother me if medals go to things I don't consider a sport - I'm neither a pro-level athlete nor a member of the IOC.

And there will be some esports showcased in 2024 as well.

If it makes the event more entertaining, cool!
Both my daughters were Junior Olympic swimmers. While they swam for 2.5 hours a day, the synchronized swimmers practiced at the adjacent smaller pool.

I might have scoffed at the synchro swimmers 10 years ago, but wouldn't today. Watching them stay underwater for the amount of time they did, all the exercises, all that they put into it, I give them credit.

Breakdancing I pass on.
If rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming can be Olympic sports, so can break-dancing.

Yeah, I guess you have a point. Kinda like Taco Bell adding Nachos Cheese Doritos Locos Tacos Supreme to a menu that already has Cheesy Gordita Crunch and Chalupa Extreme. It has an audience and fan base.
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If golf and curling can be Olympic sports, I suppose break dancing is okay. Most break dancers are pretty fit.
Folks who are scoffing should check out the link captain3d provided above. It's a seriously challenging athletic activity, with an international competition scene.
Folks who are scoffing should check out the link captain3d provided above. It's a seriously challenging athletic activity, with an international competition scene.

Kind of like acrobatic gymnastic floor exercises. The dancers are doing all the moves not allowed or frowned upon in gymnastics.

It kind of reminds me of the change from the stiff skiing to snowboarding. Right down to the equipment. A more casual look, even though the athleticism is there.

I'd rather watch this than gymnastic floor exercises, so I'm slowly being sold on the idea.

There's also the whole issue of sports that are based mostly on judging versus sports based on hard times or achievements. I wish there was a better way to judge. Recall the ridiculousness late in the cold war.
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Or perhaps Pole Dancing? (Bring on the Warsaw contingent.)

Perhaps! But baggy clothes will be required. Might kill the vibe.
Golf is an Olympic sport? Wait, golf is a sport?

Curling is downright mesmerising we watch it whenever possible.

I saw they were adding break dancing and my first thought was I didn't know it was still a thing. Ok by me, at least there's athleticism involved.
If golf and curling can be Olympic sports, I suppose break dancing is okay. Most break dancers are pretty fit.
The Olympics are a spectator sport, evolving more into a money making event for the networks and advertisers.

I can be amused by the subjective judged "sports" , but unlike an objective score based sport example a timed running sport with a finish line, the question of who wins is political in many cases.

We need the Olympics, otherwise the Olympic committee will have to seek out their bribes in some other manner or get a real job.
.... but unlike an objective score based sport example a timed running sport with a finish line, the question of who wins is political in many cases.

+1 Real Olympics don't require judges - the outcomes are obvious to the viewer.

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