Planning Fetish?

My DW and I are were both accountants when we worked. She was a project manager and I a senior bank exec. Planning was a cornerstone of our working lives. We have been retired for almost 5 years and we may have taken planning to an extreme. We track everything on spreadsheets: where we sleep(to ensure we have tax and other data); travel expenses by trip per night; workouts including calories burned, type, location, duration, weight before and after; very detailed expense budgets going out 3 years; portfolio returns; income sources; calendars going out a year with projected trips, flights, use of our various vacation properties,etc. Our friends think we are nuts but we both love this stuff. What do you guys think? Maybe too much? But can't imagine doing it otherwise.

This sounds pretty frickin' wierd Danmar.......... But then again, I'm sure you'd view my "just wing it" tendencies with disdain as well. Each to his own!
Does it sound like it? :)

Well those 4" heals kinda clash with the rest of the outfit. But, WTF, one man's fetish is another's fashion clash! I say go for it.......
Well those 4" heals kinda clash with the rest of the outfit. But, WTF, one man's fetish is another's fashion clash! I say go for it.......
It's a popular look among young women at the local CC, although these things seem to change very rapidly.
It's a popular look among young women at the local CC, although these things seem to change very rapidly.

Ohhhhhh...... :blush: Wanna go hang around the local CC and gather statistics on fashion trends for a while?
There's planning fetish, and planning fetish.....which is what I thought you meant when I first saw this thread:

YouTube - chriscicchelli's Channel

But then I saw it was Danmar, and reality testing set in! :LOL:

Disclaimer: link is probably not safe for w*rk!
Danmar, as fetishes go it sounds a bit lame; but if it's the best you can do, I suppose it beats no fetish at all. If it ever starts to fail you, try Asian girls with really short skirts, 4" heels, and white socks.


Yes. It's the best we can do as accountants. Your suggestion does sound more interesting.
There's planning fetish, and planning fetish.....which is what I thought you meant when I first saw this thread:

YouTube - chriscicchelli's Channel

But then I saw it was Danmar, and reality testing set in! :LOL:

Disclaimer: link is probably not safe for w*rk!

The discussion on "Choosing and Using Fetish Props" was quite interesting. Perhaps OP could put that into a spreadsheet, calculate the usual descriptive statistics and log all associated activities "for the record." Then the fetish could be keeping data on your fetishes!
Danmar, as fetishes go it sounds a bit lame; but if it's the best you can do, I suppose it beats no fetish at all. If it ever starts to fail you, try Asian girls with really short skirts, 4" heels, and white socks.


I figure it can not be a real fetish if when you google it you don't get NSFW pictures. The first google image for planning is this. Yawn


My sister has the same fetish, while it is irritating at times it is often very helpful.
I have lots of spreadsheets and keep track of lots of things.

I keep track of all our expenditures and budgets that go out several years. I even have alternative budgets. We have our current house on the market and I did spreadsheets extending for 5 years with several options: Keeping this house, selling this house at a specific point, keep this house X years and then selling it. Then I had variation for buying another house or building another house. And, had variations depending on what we sell this house for.

I keep detailed records of what we spend (I've done this for over 20 years...not that it kept me from getting into debt while I was younger..but I was an informed debtor). I got irritated with DH last month when he had $30 or so of unaccounted for cash spending.

And, yet, I recently realized I didn't keep track of enough. I had all of our photos scanned into the computer and for most of those I have nothing that shows when they were taken. Since I wanted to organize the photos by year and then month that was a problem. For some photos, I can figure out by the photo when it was taken (we only took one trip to Quebec City). But, we went to Disney World a gazillion times when the kids were younger and I have Christmas photos for many years. So trying to figure out if this photo is of Christmas 2003 or Christmas 2004 is not that easy. Or even if I know which trip it was of I find that years later I don't necessary remember if that trip was in 2003 or 2004.

I realized that what I was lacking was a chronology of meaningful events. I started going through my old expense records to make a Chronology (looking at hotel expenditures for example). I also started going through old emails. Yes, I have an archive saved of over 200,000 emails going back to the mid-90s. The chronology is moving along nicely but still needs more work.
Hey, we all have to entertain ourselves one way or another.........
I realized that what I was lacking was a chronology of meaningful events. I started going through my old expense records to make a Chronology (looking at hotel expenditures for example). I also started going through old emails. Yes, I have an archive saved of over 200,000 emails going back to the mid-90s. The chronology is moving along nicely but still needs more work.
This might deal quite effectively with "What do we do all day?"

Hmmm. Lunch with the cute girl on the next cubicle:confused:?

He's retired. Actually he says and I believe him that 90% of it is Starbucks or other occasional Cokes or snacks when out and about.
It doesn't surprise me that an accounting couple is spreadsheet crazy. I hope its ok, because I whip up spreadsheets for almost everything.
I enjoy traveling and part of the joy is researching/planning it for me.

Since you are now retired, I assume you have the extra time to track all those things in detail. I view that as an inexpensive hobby during retirement :)

As long as you enjoy it and it floats your boat, go for it!

As for fetishes, spice it up some :D
I found that spreadsheets were really good for middle school science projects. You can use the huge fonts and colors and print the text, cut to size and just glue stick them to the poster board.

Very easy to edit and see how it looks and lay it all out before gluing it.
When it does not quite fit or the poster board not full enough, no problem. Just increase/decrease the font size and reprint.
I have never made a spreadsheet in my entire life. Wouldn't know how to do it. It sounds like I am missing out. I wish that my DH would enjoy keeping track of expenses. I decided this year that I was going to track our expenses and I am really proud that it is almost the middle of March and I am still tracking. I use a pen and paper. I have to get with the times.
Sounds like there are others like us out there. Meow- most of my planning is future or financial oriented. Don't worry much about "old stuff" like pictures or e-mails. Maybe I should.
My DW and I are were both accountants when we worked. She was a project manager and I a senior bank exec. Planning was a cornerstone of our working lives.... .

Fetish or compulsion?

DW doesn't... but I do.
Accountant's come on line: "Want to come up and see my spreadsheets sometime?"

It's when people stop making plans that I start to worry about them.
We should start an ER spreadsheet thread.

One can never get enough Excel :). A fragment of a recent market timing graph:

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