Planning My Own Death - Name That Tune

I once sang this duet at a funeral

Didn't remember that Webber did a Requiem. Beautiful piece, Gumby.
Ripple by the Grateful Dead

Very good. From your "Ripple" to "Black Peter":

The Annotated "Black Peter"

All of my friends come to see me last night
I was laying in my bed and dying

Just want to have
a little peace to die
and a friend or two
I love at hand

See here how everything
lead up to this day
and it's just like
any other day
that's ever been
Sun goin up
and then the
sun it goin down

People may know but
the people don't care
that a man could be
as poor as me...
"Take a look at poor Peter
he's lyin in pain
now let's go run
and see" ....

Actually, the line "See here how everything lead up to this day" was one I was singing on the days leading up to my retirement. It did seem that so many events, a lot of work and planning, and a goodly measure of luck "led up to this day".

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