Post your favorite 70s/80's one hit wonders here.

I'll bet just about everyone remembers this HUGE one-hit wonder from 1979.
Great corny song. Love it. But he also charted with "Him" at #5 and "Answering Machine" at #21.

Those two are almost as a uproarious as this one. If you don't know them you should check them out.
ETA: I see others have pointed this out now. It's all fun.
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It is both curious and fascinating material for a song. Bob Geldof was years away from prominence as organizer of Live Aid when he and his band, the Boomtown Rats, recorded this haunting and somewhat disturbing hit.

My roommate had the A Tonic for the Troops album in college and I just about wore it out. "I Never Loved Eva Braun" was my favorite off that album. I didn't know who Eva Braun was until someone explained it to me.
Ok... this is new this year... but it fits with the demographics of this board

Parody of Alice Coopers - I'm Eighteen
Another one of my favorite one-hit wonders. A huge hit that I remember hearing on the radio all the time in the spring of 1979.
If these guys had another hit, I'm not sure I'd know it....

If these guys had another hit, I'm not sure I'd know it....

Sylvia's Mother
Only Sixteen
Sharing the Night Together
When You're in Love With A Beautiful Woman
Sexy Eyes

So no, they are not one-hit wonders :).
"When You're in Love With a Beautiful Woman"; "Sharing the Night Together"; "Sylvia's Mother".
This one has special meaning for me, as my beautiful grade 8 teacher would sing it now and then....

The first time I ever went to NYC this song was playing on every over-sized blaster in Manhattan. I fell in love with New York City. I've been back several times.
Jimmy Castor Bunch - “Bertha Butt Boogie”
Wasn’t a number 1 hit, but memorable still.
Jimmy Castor Bunch - “Bertha Butt Boogie”

Wasn’t a number 1 hit, but memorable still.

He had a bigger hit with "Troglodyte (Cave Man)" :).
Political posts are discouraged here, but this is one that Porky will dance to :):

Sylvia's Mother
Only Sixteen
Sharing the Night Together
When You're in Love With A Beautiful Woman
Sexy Eyes

So no, they are not one-hit wonders :).

Definitely not!! Thanks! (But its still their best song!:))
My bad, forgot about that one!

Hey, no problem, I am big Jimmy Castor fan :). He also had a hit in the 60's, "Hey Leroy, Your Mama's Calling You". A nice song with a latin beat, a funny but true to life song for those of us who grew up in the inner city.
Some well known actors were one-hit wonders in music. Here is one of them:


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