Prostate Artery Embolization


Confused about dryer sheets
Oct 6, 2017
I'm in the process of having this done for BPH and was curious if any one on this board has had it done. The info that has made me look into this procedure was on UNC Chapel Hill website and the internet. Looks promising by the testimonials.
Had the procedure 11/29/21 total time spent at the facility around 4 hrs. The procedure was about 45 minutes long. That night had urgency and burning for most of the night and just a little the next day, this is the third day and almost no ill effects, now to see if it works.
Missed your original post but that's a new one (procedure) for me, I'll check it out....

Lot's of new treatments for BPH type problems... When my time comes :sick: I'm thinking of this one, (Transurethral Water–Jet Ablation (TWJA), unless I find something that "seems" better to me by then. My doctor tells me it's a 10 minute procedure done in an outpatient hospital setting... (Not counting prep time)
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Had the procedure 11/29/21 total time spent at the facility around 4 hrs. The procedure was about 45 minutes long. That night had urgency and burning for most of the night and just a little the next day, this is the third day and almost no ill effects, now to see if it works.

Did the Doc say how long it would take before the effects kick in?
I believe I should start to see results in about 2 weeks but not sure. I will post when I do.
Got up at 2am to pee and reading this.

Naw, just kidding, it's 8:30pm. But I'll be up about 12:30 and 2am, then hopefully be good until 6am. So, I'm interested.
OK Jford, inquiring minds (prostates) want to is it at 4 weeks?
I would say peeing is better by 10 or 15% at this point. The place where I've noticed the most improvement is in the EDS department. Hopefully both will continue to improve, so far so good!
I would say peeing is better by 10 or 15% at this point. The place where I've noticed the most improvement is in the EDS department. Hopefully both will continue to improve, so far so good!

What are your thoughts? Does the doc expect more improvement?
15% doesn't seem like a lot. I'm 66yrs old and on Finesteride, I don't like the side effects, but it doesn't matter as much as it used too. :blush:
But I would go through a procedure to be free of it.

EDIT: I just watched the video posted in the old thread,
In the comments the doctor responds, "Please remember, the main factor improving the symptoms is an immediate change in the consistency of the gland ( softening) after PAE, while the body needs at least 3 months the clear up the necrosis which manifests as gland atrophy, that's why we repeat an MRI at 3 months."
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I believe the improvements should continue for 9 months. I don't want to be the reason for someone to have the procedure but thought it might be helpful to someone if I posted the experience.
I'm in to see my Urologist in January. Been on Finasteride and 2x Tamsulosin for 6+ months. Actually been on Tamsulosin for 10 yrs; however, I've been on a double dose of it since April and on the Finasteride since August.

Peeing good and sleeping all nite; but, the side affects are horrible!

Plan on scheduling a Rezum procedure and hoping to get off of the Tamsulosin a few months after. I was offered a TURP or Rezum procedure option by my VA physician; however, I chose to try the meds first..

66 yrs old, 80 gram prostate, 6.5 PSA, 2 negative biopsy's.

I'm 78 and have been on Tamsulosin for 5 years (maybe a bit less) and don't have any side effects that I notice.

I you don't mind me asking, what are the side effects people are having with the Tam? (maybe I am having them and don't know it)
Tamsulosin makes me tired. When put on 2x Tamsulosin, I became even more tired, slight headaches. Vision change and dry orgasms. The BPH became so uncomfortable, prior to upping the dose, that I honestly had no interest in sex then. So I'm not sure if the finasteride added to this issue or not? The finasteride did improve my flow and ability to sleep through the nite starting about 12+ weeks into it.

The PAE procedure isn't offered by my VA Hospital and the TURP procedure seems a little premature at this point in my life. Too many permanent side effects!

My hope is that I can eliminate the Tamsulosin 3-4 months after the Rezum procedure. Then, depending on how I feel, maybe eliminate the finasteride.

The combination of meds work great! Just hate the side effects...
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Tamsulosin makes me tired. When put on 2x Tamsulosin, I became even more tired, slight headaches. Vision change and dry orgasms. The BPH became so uncomfortable, prior to upping the dose, that I honestly had no interest in sex then. So I'm not sure if the finasteride added to this issue or not? The finasteride did improve my flow and ability to sleep through the nite starting about 12+ weeks into it.

The PAE procedure isn't offered by my VA Hospital and the TURP procedure seems a little premature at this point in my life. Too many permanent side effects!

My hope is that I can eliminate the Tamsulosin 3-4 months after the Rezum procedure. Then, depending on how I feel, maybe eliminate the finasteride.

The combination of meds work great! Just hate the side effects...

Thanks, I only take one dose now. I'm not that tired, even at 78, but maybe I would be if I doubled the dose. No vision changes either. Sex, well, not much going on these days anyway.
The Tamsulosin, by itself, worked great for a decade!

When I first started, I actually took half a dose for the first 6-7 yrs. Then upped it to a full dose yrs 7-10. Unfortunately, over a 3-6 month time period late last year, I developed worsening symptoms and went through a full work up (blood work, ultrasound, biopsy's and cystoscope) to be sure no cancer was developing..and that a childhood stricture wasn't causing the problem. All clear! Just a large prostate..

Such is life!
The Tamsulosin, by itself, worked great for a decade!

When I first started, I actually took half a dose for the first 6-7 yrs. Then upped it to a full dose yrs 7-10. Unfortunately, over a 3-6 month time period late last year, I developed worsening symptoms and went through a full work up (blood work, ultrasound, biopsy's and cystoscope) to be sure no cancer was developing..and that a childhood stricture wasn't causing the problem. All clear! Just a large prostate..

Such is life!

Great to hear you are clear of big problems! I can handle the daily dose, and at my age, maybe that will be all I need going forward. It's my only prescribed med so I feel good there. Just dodging all the bullets aging can throw at you!:D
What are your thoughts? Does the doc expect more improvement?
15% doesn't seem like a lot. I'm 66yrs old and on Finesteride, I don't like the side effects, but it doesn't matter as much as it used too. :blush:
But I would go through a procedure to be free of it.

EDIT: I just watched the video posted in the old thread,
In the comments the doctor responds, "Please remember, the main factor improving the symptoms is an immediate change in the consistency of the gland ( softening) after PAE, while the body needs at least 3 months the clear up the necrosis which manifests as gland atrophy, that's why we repeat an MRI at 3 months."

What are your side effects on Finasteride? ED?

Also got oddly sensitive nipples (no breast enlargement though!)

I did grow back a full head of hair! Enough that both my wife of 38 yrs and my daughter have commented about it even though I keep my hair really short.

Not 100% sure it is the finasteride since I was put on 2x tamulosin 3 months before I started the finasteride..and had already noted a change.
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What are your side effects on Finasteride? ED?

Retrograde ejaculation is a possible effect from Finasteride. I don't know the percentage that is affected, I think it's pretty high.
Retrograde ejaculation is not e terrible side effect, but you definitely notice it. ED isn't a problem, but I'm sure if you read about the side effects, it will show up.
Retrograde ejaculation is a possible effect from Finasteride. I don't know the percentage that is affected, I think it's pretty high.
Retrograde ejaculation is not e terrible side effect, but you definitely notice it. ED isn't a problem, but I'm sure if you read about the side effects, it will show up.

You get this condition with taking Tamsulosin too. (I know for a fact)
I recently had a knee problem, lot of pain, swelling and a bad limp.
I had a some Furosemide (generic Lasix) a diuretic that the doc gave me. I took one at 7:30am and that night, I slept until morning, rather than have to get up twice to pee as I usually due. Ya, I'm sure I pee all day, but I don't really notice any difference.

I'm sure it's not a long term solution, but maybe useful, if your somewhere you don't want to have to get up, or if you need a full nights sleep.
The effect is not just a one time thing for me, also, I find if I take it after 10am or 11am, that to late and I still have to get up to pee. FWIW
You get this condition with taking Tamsulosin too. (I know for a fact)

Yes you do. It was quite disconcerting at first. Gradually, I became used to it, and then it started moderating somewhat. It doesn't happen every time now. Sometimes, it doesn't happen at all, while at other other times, there's a "partial effect". Apologies if that's TMI!

However, it pales in comparison to becoming terrified in my search for a bathroom/restroom in the next 30 seconds :LOL:
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