Re-introduction and update on an old member


Recycles dryer sheets
Aug 14, 2007
Hi All,

It has been a while since I’ve posted here. I joined way back in 2007 which seems like a lifetime ago. I just spent some time reading some of my old comments and that was a trip!

I joined as a married 28 year old with no kids and I’m now a 42 year old with 2 kids including toddler, which was quite the surprise, but a welcome one. I’m still married to the same wonderful woman and we’ve never lost sight of our fire goal.

The past years have been good to us. My wife is now a SVP at her company and I own a small but successful transportation/logistics business. I set a goal many years ago of retiring at 45 and it seems like that will happen, and quite possibly before then.

I don’t remember what our net worth was back then but it has increased to ~2.5MM, not including the value of my business. We’ve paid off our house and we own a paid off rental property that cash flows around 15k/yr after expenses. I’m in the early stages of hopefully selling my company. Conversations have been promising so far but I’m awaiting an offer which I expect in the next few weeks. If that works out, ill retire immediately. If not, I’ll keep looking for a buyer but I’m happy to keep doing what I’m doing if this sale doesn’t go through.

I look forward to becoming a bit more active and maybe I can share a thing or 2 about what I’ve learned over the years with all the young dreamers here.
Great update! Congratulations on your successful progress.
Hi All,

It has been a while since I’ve posted here. I joined way back in 2007 which seems like a lifetime ago. I just spent some time reading some of my old comments and that was a trip!

I joined as a married 28 year old with no kids and I’m now a 42 year old with 2 kids including toddler, which was quite the surprise, but a welcome one. I’m still married to the same wonderful woman and we’ve never lost sight of our fire goal.

The past years have been good to us. My wife is now a SVP at her company and I own a small but successful transportation/logistics business. I set a goal many years ago of retiring at 45 and it seems like that will happen, and quite possibly before then.

I don’t remember what our net worth was back then but it has increased to ~2.5MM, not including the value of my business. We’ve paid off our house and we own a paid off rental property that cash flows around 15k/yr after expenses. I’m in the early stages of hopefully selling my company. Conversations have been promising so far but I’m awaiting an offer which I expect in the next few weeks. If that works out, ill retire immediately. If not, I’ll keep looking for a buyer but I’m happy to keep doing what I’m doing if this sale doesn’t go through.

I look forward to becoming a bit more active and maybe I can share a thing or 2 about what I’ve learned over the years with all the young dreamers here.

What a great update! And so fantastic for the "kids" to see that consistency is where' it's at :) Congrats!
Congratulations and welcome back--look forward to hearing more from you
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