Relief about a "failure"


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 5, 2007
Anyone else "intentionally" failed at something to ensure their "retirement" plans would not get zoinked by the success? Just confirmed my promotional exam was failed (oh, this soooo goes against my type A and driven personality!) - and am sooooo relieved that plans went the way they were supposed to go. (exam sheet was completed prior to us even opening the exam booklet - all "A's" on the scantron sheet) With my luck, I'd have been promoted, and been obligated to extend for an additional 24 mos (not if I have anything to do with it) reserve retirement still tracking for next July!!! Only one more career to retire from in 2020 - or 2025 :D, I checked my scores - LMAO! Looks as if I know NOTHIN' about anything asked on the test. Fortunately, all the 'important to me people' know better ;)
In my last full time job, I was in a strange situation. I had been hired to accomplish something very specific that they anticipated would take ~5 years, so they paid me extra to sign a 2 year contract. But we finished the whole thing off in just over 1 year. The company wanted to renig on the 2 year obligation. I wanted to retire, but also wanted the full 2 year compensation package I had been promised. If they let me go, they owed me the full compensation package. If I quit, they got off cheap. So they gave me a bogus job and hoped to bore me out the door. That went on for about 4 - 5 months before I realized that I held the upper hand. I began to write regular daily memos to executives pointing out really dumb decisions they made and what they were costing the company. I distributed these memos widely. It took about 2 weeks to get a settlement with my full 2 year compensation package. :)
I am secretly hoping the Cavs get knocked out in the first round so I dont have to pay these god-awful prices for the subsequent games.

I have season tickets just to get the playoff tickets...but it's getting pricey with all the fun we have before and after games...

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