Restaurant Dining

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Pre-Covid, DW and I may dine out 1-2 times/month. For the First 6 months of the pandemonium, we bought takeout from those restaurants, except when we flew out of state. During those travel times, we ate out 2-3 times a week, but that's not our usual style when we travel. Now, we eat out 2-3 times a month, have a blast at our fav eateries, because no one is there. I don't know how these places will ever survive this BS.
Once the pandemic started we did not dine out until December, when we went with a couple who we felt comfortable around (part of our 'bubble") to a restaurant they recommended as being clean and spacious. We felt comfortable eating there.

So far this year I have eaten at 4 restaurants, one of them outdoors. All of the places have been well spaced and VERY lightly populated. We have yet to eat anywhere where there have been more than 3 other groups dining in the entire restaurant while we were there.

When we complete our vaccination cycle with the 2nd dose, we will likely eat out more, but not yet to the level before the pandemic. In our area it seems many are still not so we will take advantage of the lightly attended restaurants while we can.
Have eaten inside at restaurants about once a week for the last month. Usually try to go mid afternoon, so they are usually not crowded at all anyway, well below 50%, or even 25% capacity at those hours. I have been fully vaccinated since Mid March, but even some months ago last summer, before vaccines, when restaurants were still open for inside dining, I would eat inside occasionally.

I do much enjoy the dining experience now, being fully vaccinated. I like a chef prepared hot meal now and then---instead of a TV dinner at home!

And lately I have been tipping very generously. Those servers in the restaurants have had such a hard time with closures, then openings, then more closures, I feel for them. And I really appreciate them being there to serve me!
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We had the first meal in a restaurant last Saturday, since March of 2020. Since the pandemic we have had more prepared meals than usual, but all of it takeout.
I have been fully vaccinated for 6 weeks and have been eating out inside twice a week with friends.
Before vaccinations ate in restaurants only twice since the virus, high end well managed locals on special occasions. Since vaccinated we've been inside a few times but frankly, once out of the habit we've sort of lost interest. That, and I'm in middle of full on remodel project that keeps me busy. Discovering that at 70 plumbing and electrical in a 18" crawl space is no fun, and now the tiling is killing my knees.
We ate indoors a couple times last fall and have been doing so more regularly since January - 3 times this week alone - all locally owned places. We increased our tips if the service is good (one server clearly ignored us after getting our food and her tip reflected that).
We had already dropped most of our restaurant habit due to some dietary restrictions and ultimately very low carb eating. The food quality at home was just so good that we didn’t bother with restaurants.

If we still lived in Austin it would be a different matter as there is an abundance of outstanding eateries. Many dishes available that are way too much trouble to prepare at home. Here - not so much.

When we travel in Europe, we love the dining experience. We managed very well even very low carb. Amazingly easy to manage in France and Spain. I really look forward to returning to Europe some day.
No indoor dining for us, even though we are both vaccinated.
We do curbside pick up when we want the restaurant food experience.
I was never a big "sit down and eat" in the restaurant person anyway, most of them are too noisy with the multiple TVs blaring so loud you can't hardly talk with others at your table!
I was never a big "sit down and eat" in the restaurant person anyway, most of them are too noisy with the multiple TVs blaring so loud you can't hardly talk with others at your table!
I don't like those sports bar sorts of places either. We've always avoided those, but I do miss actual nice restaurants. Eating in the parking lot isn't nearly the same experience and most of the really nice places didn't even go that route because it doesn't fit their vibe or clientele.

On the other hand, there is a sports bar place that we never go to because of what you described but we've been there a number of times since COVID started to dine outdoors. That's actually nice. They have good food. We just can't stand the "atmosphere" inside.
Anyway, as many of you have known for years, Frank and I normally eat lunch at an Italian mom'n'pop restaurant every day.

I assume the food is good!:LOL:

Do you feel comfortable revealing the name of this eatery to us? If not, I totally get it. I love the idea of locals supporting local restaurants (and of us visitors getting in on the good stuff occasionally....)
I ate inside at a couple of restaurants in June 2020 but regretted it as did not enjoy the experience. It was a small Colorado town but with lots of tourists although these restaurants were not crowded. I had wanted to eat outside on the patio but that area was full. None of the other customers wore a mask once they entered the restaurant. I wore mine except when eating. I worried that some of the other customers might be from the Denver area or other large cities in surrounding states that were experiencing a surge of COVID cases at the time. Since then I have gotten takeout only and tipped generously, especially to support my favorite local restaurants.

I am now fully vaccinated and spending next week in Santa Fe. Mostly plan to get takeout but I may dine inside a restaurant or two if the place is large and not too busy. Santa Fe restaurants can currently seat at 75% of maximum occupancy. I am worried about tourist crowds but the spring weather has turned colder and it is supposed to snow tomorrow so that may keep people away.
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We have been fully vaccinated + 2 weeks since 3/5. After not dining indoors since February 2020, we ate out with friends (indoors) for the first time 9 days ago and since then 2 more times, so you could say the veil has been lifted. We are selective on which restaurants we choose, but have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and tipped more generously than previously.

We live in a coastal tourist area in the northeast, and expect packed restaurants and bars this summer, as Europe and Canada seem to continue to be iffy, so we'll likely try to stick to outdoor dining once the onslaught starts.
Last summer we did some outdoor dining. Not much over the cold months though.

We're now vaccinated and have dined in (still too cold outside for outdoor dining) a few times now. It's been very nice.

We figure we're helping the local businesses and enjoying some good food as well.
I'm still a few days away from the end of the two week window post vaccination. I've eaten inside a restaurant once... Last summer. Place had huge garage door style openings but the tables were close together... I was uncomfortable so haven't repeated that.

We've done take out from our local mom &pop places weekly since last March. Need to keep these places in business.

That said, it might happen next week. I'm meeting my husband in NOLA and not all restaurants have outdoor dining. Also going to Austin... So if Audrey wants to pass on a restaurant recommendation.... Lol. I'll be post vaccine by more than two weeks and will mask up when not eating.
That's great that many of you have a choice to dine inside restaurants! I live in Ontario, Canada and all the restaurants have been in lockdown (except for pickups/deliveries), along with non-essential businesses. The vaccine supply is low, and I've got my 1st shot but the 2nd shot won't be until August. DH is younger than me and hasn't gotten his 1st shot yet.

So for now, just pickups and deliveries.

Having said that, I wouldn't be comfortable dining inside even after I'm fully vaccinated, unless the infection rate is way down.
Your second shot won’t be until August! :eek:

I didn’t realize things would be that drawn out. How frustrating for you I imagine.
Reading the above, I'm either a rebel with a death wish, or have a completely different assessment of risk than many. Maybe both ;) :flowers:

We've been dining out mask free, but in restaurants complying with FL capacity requirements, since May 2020. Those capacity limits were lifted months ago. The first of our vaccinations was in mid-February and the last of the 4 shots between the two of us will be in about 10 days.

I'm glad to see establishments in my area running at full capacity again and patrons enjoying the good food and grog of my local Panhandle restaurants.:)

Life is almost back to normal here, and it isn't coming soon enough for me.
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Your second shot won’t be until August! :eek:

I didn’t realize things would be that drawn out. How frustrating for you I imagine.

I know! They want to give the 1st shot to as many people as possible as the supply is very low, so they're delaying the 2nd shot by up to 4 months. Mine will be in 4 months minus 10 days (from the 1st jab.) :angel: I guess that's still better than no vaccine at all...
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I'm looking forward to belly up at the sushi bar as soon as I can!
I dined in a restaurant last week for the first time in a year. It was a really nice experience and something I’ve truly missed. Restaurants just started serving indoors again recently in California. Capacity is limited to 50% right now so the restaurants I’ve been to have not been crowded. I do see some smaller restaurants ignoring the rules and packing every table. I won’t eat at those places. I’ve had both Pfizer shots so I feel comfortable eating in restaurants that adhere to the 50% rule.

What has been your experience with restaurant dining?

We've gone to a few restaurants. I've already had COVID in December, and have been vaccinated a few weeks ago, so I'm not afraid of it at all. I don't really care whether the restaurant is crowded or not, the protection afforded by the vaccination is very good, so it's time to move on with life and live again, in my opinion.

I'm in california, so the restaurants we've been going to have followed the law to the T (again, not that I really care).
Yup, and my fav sushi bar is only doing takeout still.

But as soon as they're open...
I know! They want to give the 1st shot to as many people as possible as the supply is very low, so they're delaying the 2nd shot by up to 4 months. Mine will be in 4 months minus 10 days (from the 1st jab.) :angel: I guess that's still better than no vaccine at all...

Yes, two weeks after the first jab, the vaccine provides a lot of protection, so it’s way better than nothing.
I have got together with 5 or 6 gents for breakfast twice a week for a few years. We stopped last March or April. Now all, except one person* has had their Vaccine shots and we are talking about getting together again. Our restaurant still does not have inside dining, take out only. We are ready, and may have to seek out a different restaurant. We have one 95 year old that showed up at every breakfast, this Covid break has been very hard on him, I saw him a few weeks ago, he's still driving, but he doesn't look good.

* We are talking about relegating that one person to looking in the window! He is an antivaccer and a conspiracy theorist.
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