Road Rage Uptick

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Recycles dryer sheets
Jan 10, 2023
A friend told a story of a situation he encountered the other day driving to work. He had signaled to merge into traffic when there was an opening. A driver in the merge lane quickly cut him off, honked repeatedly while cussing him then threw a bottle that hit his windshield.

So now we're throwing things? Great!
Just wait until it's summertime...
I typically drive 5mph over in the city. Even at that speed, I have been honked at and flipped off and swerved at 5 times in the past few weeks.

I guess for driving too slow. On a 2 lane road in town, people think the left lane is the fast lane like on an Interstate. If I have a left turn coming, I have to get into the left lane before the turn. I might even have to slow down to make the turn.

I actually dislike driving in the city worse than highway/interstate. At least on the highway/interstate I can set the cruise at 5 over and stay in the right lane.

People routinely drive 55 in a 30. People drive 40 through a school flashing 20mph zone. 35 mph means 50-60.

Want to make people mad? Just drive the posted speed limit around town. Quite comical. At 52, I don't consider myself old or a slow driver, but I sure guess I am.

Oh well. Just another sign of the times. What you hope is that the person honking and speeding isn't packing heat. Good times.
People routinely drive 55 in a 30. People drive 40 through a school flashing 20mph zone. 35 mph means 50-60.

I may be mistaken, but my impression is that when speed limits are higher, there is more compliance, and vice versa. But I'm so grateful that retirement lets me choose when I travel in most cases.
I use to obey the traffic speed limits but a I am inclined to Go With The Flow to avoid unwelcomed attention from other drivers. I drive a midsize truck mostly.

If I am following another car in traffic and I have a tailgaiter up on me, I will move slightly over so the dummy can see I have a car in front of me. That usually will back them off.
For some reason, everyone is on hair trigger. So much anger of late!
Our state legislature (NE) just passed a law permitting concealed carry without a permit, something the criminals already do of course. We may not just be throwing bottles from now on...
I have dashcams in both vehicles, powered when the ignition is on. I think they were less than $50 each. Everyone should have them.
I agree with the prior post of "go with the flow". We don't speed in school zones.
We've been permitted to conceal carry for over two decades in our state. No interest in a pissing or shooting contest, just let it go - eventually they'll conflict with someone with a temper like them and hopefully they don't involve anyone else.
Once dash cams are in about 20% of vehicles, road rangers will be caught relatively quickly.
Since I ride a motorcycle, i always ride with the flow of traffic, irregardless what the speed limit is. If i'm riding different than the flow, I'll have some texting minion ride over me.

One thing I never do on a motorcycle is challenge a road rager nut bag. Easy enough to slow down and let the minion have his/her way.

I definitely notice very aggressive driving on the weekends when all the minions are rushing to have fun on their 2 days off. I do yard work on weekends and stay off the roads.
Road rage has long been a problem - at least in my neck of the woods. Something seems to happy to some people when they get behind the wheel . . .
I may be mistaken, but my impression is that when speed limits are higher, there is more compliance, and vice versa. But I'm so grateful that retirement lets me choose when I travel in most cases.

That is not my take although I admit my sample size is small. The main road going thru my town is 35mph. I often go 39 and about half the time I am passing people. If i go on the interstate where the speed limit is 70 and go the same 4 over I would be slower than 95%+ of the drivers. Most are going over 80. The secondary highway with a 65 speed limit almost everyone goes 75+, I go 65-69. I'm sure things are different everywhere you go.
... A driver in the merge lane quickly cut him off, honked repeatedly while cussing him then threw a bottle that hit his windshield.


What else is a person supposed to do after finishing off their beer while driving ;)

In Chicago on the freeways which are posted 55, you have to drive 75 to keep up with everyone. A cop told me, he only tickets folks going over 100 mph as otherwise there would be too many to chase. :facepalm:
I may be mistaken, but my impression is that when speed limits are higher, there is more compliance, and vice versa. But I'm so grateful that retirement lets me choose when I travel in most cases.

I don't like to drive faster than 80, I can imagine other folks have their own upper limit.

I drive a van and car, and I notice I don't appreciate/realize how fast I'm going in the van as I'm not low to the ground, maybe SUV's are the same effect.
A cop told me, he only tickets folks going over 100 mph as otherwise there would be too many to chase. :facepalm:

In Ohio, they have often said publicly that you're only likely to get a ticket if you exceed 20 over.
I don't like to drive faster than 80, I can imagine other folks have their own upper limit.

I drive a van and car, and I notice I don't appreciate/realize how fast I'm going in the van as I'm not low to the ground, maybe SUV's are the same effect.

If the speed limit is over 55 I try to drive at or below the speed limit whenever reasonable. Extra speed hurts gas mileage and wear on the vehicle and is not needed at all. I will go speed limit if around traffic and slower if little to no traffic.
It seems we’re an angrier society on all fronts…so I’m not surprised at all.
In Chicago on the freeways which are posted 55, you have to drive 75 to keep up with everyone. A cop told me, he only tickets folks going over 100 mph as otherwise there would be too many to chase. :facepalm:
The main two roads (hwys) through my county are posted at 70 and 75 mph. Almost everyone is running 80+mph with 100+ not at all uncommon but the traffic is almost always very light. I seldom see anyone pulled over and radar (speed traps) are pretty rare. A local cop once told me they are pretty lenient unless you are driving really aggressive/fast in traffic.
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I used to drive in Chicago and the suburbs. Three tickets in one summer. It's a racket. Everyone speeds and they just pick a car and then issue a ticket. PITA. You have to go to court and the cop rarely shows up. Pay and move on.

I typically give everyone else the right of way. Wave-friendly at 4-way stops. I'm in no hurry, ever. I saw road rage when we lived in Michigan and it was scary. No guns were involved but a bloody fistfight over a silly thing. Another time, My niece was pregnant and driving on the highway. She doesn't even know what she did wrong, but the guy followed her to the restaurant she was going to and confronted her in the parking lot. Seriously! Scared the crap out of her. I think when he saw she was pregnant he gave her a pass.

No way is it worth it for me to get mad. Even if someone cuts me off. I'm like "Go for it buddy." I'm good.
Just today, as a pedestrian, I was crossing a busy intersection with the "walk" light in my favor. Someone in the right turn lane of the facing traffic kindly stopped so that I could cross. The guy in the third car back laid on his horn the entire time while I crossed.
Driving is no longer enjoyable due to all the nut jobs on the road.
Driving is no longer enjoyable due to all the nut jobs on the road.
Reason number 2 (or was it 3) why I moved away from the city to a remote rural area.
I think everyone spent the lockdowns playing Grand Theft Auto on their gaming systems. Now they’re back in the real world and don’t know the difference.
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