Robert Conrad dead - RIP Wild Wild West

I so much wanted to have a train of my own.
One of my favorite shows of my youth. Handsome guy.
My mom and dad were fishing at a small lake at Bear Mountain, CA back about 25 years ago. A gentleman and his dog walked by and stopped to talk about the fishing and other things. I think my mom recognized him, but dad just chatted away and introduced himself. He was met with a "nice to meet you, I'm......"
They said he was very nice and friendly. It made their day, and for that I thank you Mr. Conrad.
The Wild Wild West was a regular for my dad and me on Friday nights. Good memories for me, watching it with him, happy to have the weekend off from school. He'd usually pop us some popcorn. Later, we'd watch Jack Parr.
Besides Wild Wild West, I also remember Conrad as the guy with a battery on his shoulder.
Very sad to hear about this. I remember watching WWW every Friday which was taco night at our house.
Besides Wild Wild West, I also remember Conrad as the guy with a battery on his shoulder.
Me too! This probably resonates highest with a certain age of the population.

Just like I first knew Orson Welles as that wine salesman.
OMG did I ever have the hots for this guy. loved the Wild wild west and wanted to shoot Will smith for that awful remake.
I too loved WWW back in the day. The day after the show, it was time to head out to the great unknown (the wooded back yard) and recreate what I saw the night before. +1 on the Will Smith remake being terrible...some things should be left alone.
I dare you to knock this battery off my shoulder!
Always liked him and especially on the Wild Wild West. I was curious about Ross Martin (Artemus Gordon) and see he died back in 1981; he was 15 years older than Robert Conrad.
Always liked him and especially on the Wild Wild West. I was curious about Ross Martin (Artemus Gordon) and see he died back in 1981; he was 15 years older than Robert Conrad.

Yes, Ross Maritn died a lot early. As a child, when watching Wild Wild West my brothers, we would try and guess which disguise Artemus Gordon would appear in, as that was often the case in an episode.
He was driving drunk in 2003 (.22 BAC) and hit another motorist head-on. The other guy later died, and Conrad was partially paralyzed.
Another great actor from that era, Orson Bean just died recently. Hit by a car at the age of 91.
Man, I wanted to be him! He got girls, kicked a$$, and had fancy tricked gizmos... a boys dream!
Man, I wanted to be him! He got girls, kicked a$$, and had fancy tricked gizmos... a boys dream!

He was like the TV version of James Bond, but in a the Wild Wild West setting.

Robert Conrad's macho image did get taken down a notch though when he lost to Gabe Kaplan from Welcome Back Kotter in the Battle of the Network Stars race. Ah...reality TV at it's best :popcorn:.

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