RV buying and safety guide -- anyone used this?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Mar 29, 2005

I've been mulling over the purchase of an RV and picked up a book by JD Gallant. "How to Select, Inspect, and Buy an RV." He's got some pretty good information on design flaws, safety issues, dealing with salespeople without losing your shirt, etc. etc. Some of the safety information is hair-raising and shouldn't be missed. He comes across, in the book, as the Ralph Nader of RVs.

He also maintains a website, www.rv.org, (not to be confused with www.rv.com), which adds more of the same PLUS he'll sell you a CD of RV ratings so you know what you're getting into before you buy.

Has anyone out there gone this route before buying their RV? The CD is $78 smackers, so I'm looking for reviews before I buy.

Muchas thanks!

I think that's the book that Martha sent me some months ago before I bought my RV. I'll look for it to be sure. Happy to pass it along to you if I can find it (we did some packing for storage since then).

It was helpful to me. Just message me your address if you like and I'll send it along. One thing I remember is that he fusses about structural safety regarding class B RVs, slide-outs and other matters which the industry had pretty much ignored.
Yep, read book, bought CD. Considering how expensive an RV is to buy and maintain, the "investment" in the CD and book is not much. This is really the ONLY source of unbiased information for the industry - as all other sources are pretty much owned by RV manufacturers. The Gallant organization is a "non-profit" - kind of like consumer reports, and the fees for the CD, etc. is what pays for the research.

The organization is no longer in it's heyday - I hear that some of the info is dated. But still - it's way better than anything else available.

Yes, this was the book I gave Rich. I had the CD too but it is long out of date. Worthwhile. The CD allows you to look up most models and years and gives a "star" rating. If you are unsure what you want, it is good for excluding a number of RVs.
Thanks for the advice, folks! (Thanks, also, for not pointing out that I should have done a search on this before posting -- plumb fergot.) Based on your input, the CD sounds very worthwhile.

I've got the book already Rich (from the library, of course, in true LBYM form!), but I thank you for the offer to share it. I've been really impressed by this guy's concern for safety and good value -- he seems to be performing a real service.

Happy RVing to all!

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