Sex and Marriage With Robots by 2050


Some one wants a Cherry 2000.
That's all I need, a robot telling me I never pick up after myself.

Hey, on the other hand, maybe it could be programmed to say things like:

"Oh Baby, I love it when you don't pick up after yourself." or
"Darling, I love it when you leave the toilet seat up."
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Dam! I'll be 95 by then - I don't think I'll remember what the fuss is all about by then.

This could end the population problem.
All the men will be at home with their robot looking at porno on the internet.
And all the women will be shopping with their robot.
This is kind of freaky, but cool at the same time.
We would be able to create that perfect ONE for ourselves.....but I don't know....seems a bit sterile to me. I'd rather have a "real" man any can always tell him to go to home depot if he starts annoying you!
I just finished an anime series, Chobits, which covered a lot of these topics. I wonder if the authors saw the same series.
i don't see how this will benefit me. surely, as always, only the heterosexual robots will be allowed to marry.
Will robots be allowed to marry other robots? Probably have to wait until they are considered sentient beings with rights. Is that likely to happen by 2050? (Dunno, maybe.)
What will be the age of consent for robots? How about in Louisiana?

In Utah, will you be able to marry more than one robot?

Hey, according to some guys I know they are already having sex with robots. :)
Remember 50 years ago when we were supposed to have personal flying jetcars by now? Conidering that track record I'm not stickin' it out there, so to speak, in any new technology programs until the engineers get caught up a little...
Great! No more having to brush my teeth before bedtime... And I won't have to try and look my best....
Or shave my legs....
If you're married to a robot, and you then sleep with another woman, is it cheating?

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