Shook Hands with John Edwards This noon...............



He my pick for who's likely to be our next president. Now that I'm retired I can show up for these events when I want to. It was at the State Capital in Minnesota. He was supporting Amy Klobuchar for U.S. Senate. Gave a very powerful speech - No doubt he's running.

Cut-Throat said:
He my pick for who's likely to be our next president.
He reminds me of the Sesame Street characters Guy Smiley & Sunny Friendly.

But no doubt he'll be working on that for a couple years...
IMO, good candidate, but bad president.

I am wondering who the Republicans might come up with?

I didn't know he was running. He should have been the democratic candidate last time. I think he could and should've won. Now, I can't think of anyone that would be better but it may be too late. I don't know if he can fix what the current "president" has done.
HaHa said:
I am wondering who the Republicans might come up with?
Well, maybe they were considering John McCain, but now that they've seen the competition...
Cut-Throat said:
He my pick for who's likely to be our next president.
I guess that would mean Barbara, Alec, and the rest of the Hollywood gang will be returning to the US.  Watch out Callyfornyah, another real estate bubble coming.
Nords said:
Well, maybe they were considering John McCain, but now that they've seen the competition...

Would get my vote for sure the guy is right on regarding many issues.
Maybe Hillary will let him be her vice.  :LOL: Didn't he lose in his home state?  What we have here is another Al Gore, who even lost Tennessee. 

Here's a quote he will be reminded of if he gets the nomination:

"Saddam Hussein's regime represents a grave threat to America and our allies, including our vital ally, Israel. For more than two decades, Saddam Hussein has sought weapons of mass destruction through every available means. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons. He has already used them against his neighbors and his own people, and is trying to build more. We know that he is doing everything he can to build nuclear weapons, and we know that each day he gets closer to achieving that goal."
October 10, 2002

Now C-T, I didn't hear that speech, but did he mention this? Bet not!
No doubt you aren't from NC. He's a joke around this part of the country. He did
ABSOLUTELY nothing for this state when he was senator. Just an ambulance
chasing attorney and will always be. I will promise you if he runs for President,
he will not carry his home state.

Carolyn said:
No doubt you aren't from NC. He's a joke around this part of the country. He did
ABSOLUTELY nothing for this state when he was senator. Just an ambulance
chasing attorney and will always be. I will promise you if he runs for President,
he will not carry his home state.


Right! - You guys thought Jesse Helms was worth re-electing! :D :D
Hi, Carolyn -- I have lived in NC for 36 years, and would very gladly vote for Edwards.   Perhaps you know that NC is a fairly closely split state.  Remember Terry Sanford?  Generally considered one of the all-time best governors of any state, and a true progressive.  A large part of NC will always vote for the  redder neck, but another large part will vote for a progressive candidate like Edwards.
Cut-throat is right - this is another benefit you can look forward to when you're retired!
I was at 2 Edwards and 2 Kerry rallies in to be on stage and on Nat TV even!....don't let them take your name & address or email unless you like to be bothered by everybody running for office even 2 years later now...shook hands a bunch - don't forget to wash your hands later!.....
Maddy the Turbo Beagle said:
oh come isnt like it is bill clinton.... ;)
unfortunately, they are no Bill Clinton...wish he would/could run again....
Dang... I thought you were talking about that guy who sees dead people... I was saying 'who cares'... but, I was wrong..
I held my nose and voted for Kerry and Edwards last time, but have to say that Edwards comes across as something of an airhead. Does he seem more substantial in person?
bpp said:
I held my nose and voted for Kerry and Edwards last time, but have to say that Edwards comes across as something of an airhead. Does he seem more substantial in person?

Yeah, he's an airhead in the same vein as John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.
Cut-Throat said:
Yeah, he's an airhead in the same vein as John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

JFK never came across as an airhead, from what I have seen of archival footage. Clinton was quite inspiring in 1992, until he got into office and broke all of his campaign promises. (Such as his vow to issue a Truman-esque executive order integrating the military in terms of sexual orientation, which later devolved into the "Don't ask, don't tell" debacle.) Disappointing, but not airheaded.

Edwards has never seemed to me to hold a candle to either of those men. But I have never met him in person. I met Jesse Jackson once (pure luck, his campaign bus stopped for lunch at a restaurant which I happened to be walking past), and found him electrifying and inspiring in person, but to me he comes across as merely a blowhard on TV, so maybe Edwards is something like that?
Carolyn said:
Just an ambulance chasing attorney and will always be.

Edwards will always be a "bad-science" trial lawyer to me. His entire (legal) career
is offensive. While I do not expect politicians to have much in the way of
ethics (any that do are usually not electable), he sets a deplorable standard.
All he has going for him is good looks. Of course in this day and age that may just be the winning ticket.
Dear Cut,

I bet he does win Minnesota. I think McGovern, Mondole and the other loser, Doocockis won that state too.
If all I had to do is meet John Edwards after I retire I think I would just keep working!!!
bpp said:
Clinton was quite inspiring in 1992, until he got into office and broke all of his campaign promises.  (Such as his vow to issue a Truman-esque executive order integrating the military in terms of sexual orientation, which later devolved into the "Don't ask, don't tell" debacle.)  Disappointing, but not airheaded.
I don't agree with Powell's stand, but he stared down his commander-in-chief on this issue... and Clinton blinked.
Nords said:
I don't agree with Powell's stand, but he stared down his commander-in-chief on this issue... and Clinton blinked.

I know. Not very "executive" of him. Maybe the word I want for Clinton is "spineless." The more I think about him... about the only good thing I can say about Clinton is that he had so little backbone that he never really did very much. Which is better than actively causing damage, and seems to have been just what the economy needed at the time anyway.

He gave great TV, and was no airhead. But his promises were worthless.
On the subject of in-person vs on-TV appearance, I also saw Clinton live, giving an impromptu/short-notice speech on the beach in Waikiki, shortly after he took office. Quite rousing. He wowed folks when he passed a Japanese couple who had just gotten married, and congratulated them in Japanese. Everybody thought, "hey, we actually have a guy with a clue in office for once!"

I also saw Papa Bush give a speech in person shortly after he became vice-president. In the primaries, he had seemed relatively articulate and intelligent, coining the phrase "voodoo economics" to attack Reagan's economic policies. Of course, once he became Reagan's running mate, he just rolled over and said, "hey, whatever the Big Guys says sounds good to me." In person, he seemed even more weak and spineless than he did on TV at that point. Someone in the crowd asked him about his flip-flop on economic policy, and he just stammered out some evasion in reply. You'd think his handlers would have at least had a snappy comeback prepared for that predictable one. I think his spirit and will were crushed by that period of subservience, and he never really recovered even after he became president in his own right.

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