Sing Halleluiah, Come On Get Happy …It’s Gonna Make You Live a Long Time

Happiness linked to longer life -

The presence of happiness on a typical day predicts a longer life.


OK, now everybody together, one, two, three, "Wh---!!!" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

To be serious, two thoughts occurred to me while reading this article. First, that my mother lived to age 98 and while very realistic, she was also a fundamentally happy person who looked for the positive, good side of her life experience. In some respects personality is much like hers. I am fundamentally a very happy person, although I am not as patient as she was and I do worry more. So maybe I should try to worry less since I really do want to live a long time.

The second thing that occurred to me is that those in the media on any/all sides of the political spectrum who abandon rational news reporting and instead try to capitalize on scaring us by overstating the likelihood of impending doom (in order to get higher ratings), are actually attacking us, in a sense. To me this provides further justification for my recent practice of limiting my own exposure to this type of media onslaught.

Nice article - - thanks. :)

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