Sunday Night Terrors

I'm wondering if I'm lucky that I don't dream about any of my bosses or deadlines. It is busy and some unreasonable requests.

However, I'm unfortunate that over the last few months I've found myself wanting to be a homebody. Limited energy on weekend for kid's activities and such, but have had too many extended weekend vacations and week long vacations, about 9 so far this year. So, I've been blaming exhaustion of the trips. Hopefully it'll get better after the new year as I have family trips planned each month for the remainder of the year. Nothing crazy but 5 day weekends and or holiday week trip. It's bad when one is tired from the funnier things, but I consider myself lucky.
got those last night - can't wait to put an end to them
No. But for a few years I did think about quarter end and year end as the those dates approached. Just a distant memory now.
I've posted before that the single greatest thing about retiring was realizing Sunday night that it was no different than any other night. Prior to 60 Minutes (that I don't watch anymore) my anxiety would start building. The last year of employment we had a couple of recalls and they would use Sunday to have a massive conference call to set strategy for Monday. How crazy is that?

Now I'm two and a half years into retirement and if that feeling starts again I just take a deep breath and smile. Sundays nights have become a favorite for me now.

I would say the other part to this is if I didn't feel like I did enough on a weekend project Saturday, I was forced to use Sunday as a "work" day. Now the weekdays are such a blessing to spend a few hours tackling a project.
How long until the Sunday Night (mine started about 10AM) Terrors fade?
The college (30+ years ago) nightmares are just now starting to recede:
* college dorm move-in nightmares
(can't find an open bunk... which never actually happened).
* "you skipped too many classes/forgot to take this one class so your degree is no good, but if you come take the final tomorrow you can keep your job"
(I never (ok rarely) skipped classes)
* can't find the class room the final is in

The new work life nightmare is:
I know I no longer work there (involuntary early retirement 2 years ago) in the dream, but I'm back at the job site trying to move into an open desk to finish a project
or trying to get through a long cafeteria line in time to get to a meeting while carrying a laptop, charger, and notebook.
I know it’s Sunday because Monday is trash day.
And that has become my new deadline day! I actually worry I'll forget. Pretty soon I'll have nightmares of having piles of trash and seeing the truck pass me by.:LOL:
I can hardly remember anything about work at this point. I like watching my neighbors go to work on Monday morning.
How long until the Sunday Night (mine started about 10AM) Terrors fade?
The college (30+ years ago) nightmares are just now starting to recede:
* college dorm move-in nightmares
(can't find an open bunk... which never actually happened).
* "you skipped too many classes/forgot to take this one class so your degree is no good, but if you come take the final tomorrow you can keep your job"
(I never (ok rarely) skipped classes)
* can't find the class room the final is in

After 6 years of FIRE, I can say that the Sunday night terrors stopped fairly soon. Note that I did have a year of unpaid leave of absence in the interim between working and resigning.

I do still have the dreams from the University days where I was overloaded, started skipping a class and then never quite dropped the class and then had to face the final. There have been variants of this dream. One is that I had just a few credit hours to finish my degree, but I kept going back to my co-op assignment and never getting the degree done.

I find it particularly interesting that these memories are arising from experiences that occurred between 30 and 40 years ago.

After 6 years of FIRE, I can say that the Sunday night terrors stopped fairly soon. Note that I did have a year of unpaid leave of absence in the interim between working and resigning.

I do still have the dreams from the University days where I was overloaded, started skipping a class and then never quite dropped the class and then had to face the final. There have been variants of this dream. One is that I had just a few credit hours to finish my degree, but I kept going back to my co-op assignment and never getting the degree done.

I find it particularly interesting that these memories are arising from experiences that occurred between 30 and 40 years ago.


Oh yeah, me too. I have more dreams about school days than work days, but I still get the occasional dream about work. School is always about the class I never attended, or did any work, and now I'm supposed to take the final. As often as not it goes all the way back to high school.

the work dreams are all about me working on some unfortunate person's tooth and just isn't going well. I'll spare you the details.
After 6 years of FIRE, I can say that the Sunday night terrors stopped fairly soon. Note that I did have a year of unpaid leave of absence in the interim between working and resigning.

I do still have the dreams from the University days where I was overloaded, started skipping a class and then never quite dropped the class and then had to face the final. There have been variants of this dream. One is that I had just a few credit hours to finish my degree, but I kept going back to my co-op assignment and never getting the degree done.

I find it particularly interesting that these memories are arising from experiences that occurred between 30 and 40 years ago.


I have those exact dreams. Always have 3 credit hours remaining to graduate, but always drop the course - or worse show up to the final on the day after the final was given.

I chalk it up to getting my degree the hard way - 7 1/2 years of night school. It was a nightmare when I was doing it and it still is.
the work dreams are all about me working on some unfortunate person's tooth and just isn't going well. I'll spare you the details.

I just hope that you were a licensed professional in the dental arts... LOL.
I sure hope all of you are right. 27 years out of college, and I still have nightmares about college exams!
Glad to hear I am not the only one! I’m working until March 31st. Had the Sunday night blues last night. I have my new hyper active manager riding with me all day on Wednesday. Ugh.

I have had the same reoccurring dream for years. I will be at a large company meeting over 200 people and I walk into the ballroom and I realize I’m all fully clothed except I don’t have on a shirt or I come out of the elevator Into the meeting and I am in my underwear. No one says anything but I keep B rating myself how could I come down into the ballroom and not have a shirt on and it’s frustrating because I’m trying to find my way back to the elevator but I know the meeting is about to start and I don’t have enough time to go all the way up the elevator and change clothes.

I had this dream so many times I googled it and found that it is quite common and the reason is you never feel like you are fully prepared
Probably posted this before in some form...
20 years of a once in a while nightmare about an actual event.

Right after the big promotion into the Chicago home office in the Montgomery Ward tower, I was scheduled to kick off a management symposium of some 200 executives and to control the meeting.. Meeting to begin at 8;30AM. Me, on the first train into the city from Lisle... looked down at my feet and found a brown shoe and a black shoe... Ach! Too early for the stores to open, and too late to go back.
The speeches were from an open podium, and scheduled for all day.

That's where the dream always stopped, and I'd wake in a cold sweat.
On the other hand, I welcome the internal reminder chime at 3 pm on Sunday when I stop and deliberately say to myself, "No, you don't have to get everything finished up before work tomorrow." I still thrill to the thought, around 3 months in. I assume it will dwindle away, but right now it still has charm.
It happened to me once ... kind of.

I was sitting in my study one Sunday evening about 2 months post-FIRE, having a glass of wine and listening to some great music. I noticed it was getting late and told myself it Sunday night and I needed to get up in the morning.

Then it dawned on me I was retired and did not have to get up. I kicked back and had another glass of wine.

That was a really nice evening. :)
Oh, it's Sunday? Oh good, shops will be empty again tomorrow.
This. If anything, I find myself saying "It's Friday? Ugh. The roads will be crowded and the stores packed tomorrow. I'm sure this can wait till Monday." :D
That's why we need what day of the week is it retirement clock.
On the flip side, there is one little thing I miss that's work-day related: The sheer relief and joy at about 5pm on a friday heading into a 3 day weekend.

Of course, most of that joy was just the release of pressure and stress, but boy was that a nice feeling.
On the flip side, there is one little thing I miss that's work-day related: The sheer relief and joy at about 5pm on a friday heading into a 3 day weekend.
Now that I think about it, it was not Sunday night that got to me so much as 4:00pm Friday afternoon.

I lost count of how many times I'd get a call late Friday afternoon from someone in the business saying "Sorry, I forgot to get this [contract, proposal, other document] to you earlier, but here it is. We are having a meeting with the customer Monday morning and you need to review and be ready to discuss by then. Have a nice weekend!" :mad::mad:

I tried being proactive with people to avoid stuff like this, I got into arguments with people about it, I complained to my management about it, I complained to their management about it. All to no avail. It happened a couple of Fridays every month.

I love threads like these because they are a great reminder (as if I need one) of why I retired. :D
I just re-watched the first episode of Downton Abbey where the Lady Dowager, hearing that the heir Matthew is employed, asks "What is a "weekend"?

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