Thank you!


Recycles dryer sheets
Sep 6, 2002
I've been lurking here for a while, but I wanted to pop in and say THANK YOU for all the years of great advice and entertainment. I've been following FI/RE communities since 1995, and thanks to all of you, I'm now counting down months instead of years before I go into semi-retirement (I want to launch a second career as a writer).

I'll probably be asking dumb questions in the future about things like updating wills, end-of-life directives, living arrangements for singles, caring for aging parents, and all sort of other things so I can plan ahead for the next decades of my life. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and knowledge!
 Dryer sheet wannabe

Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 18
An member for more than 10 years with a total of 18 posts. What, does your ISP charge by the keystroke? :D

Post away...
Welcome back into the light. What would this place be without questions? I try to search first, and often learn a lot that way, but post away if the topic is new, different and/or searches are all too old. Things change all the time...
Thank you for the warm (re)welcome, everyone! Yeah, I dropped off the face of the Internet for several years. W*rk got in the way.
ChocoKitty. Thinking this combines two of my favorite things - chocolate and kitties. We need pictures and details. Best wishes to you =^..^=

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