The Age of Permanent Injuries: We're Animals Now!

Another exercise for balance: Get dressed standing up (including socks and shoes).

A related rule I have: No dressing (e.g. putting on sweater) while walking down the stairs.


I also wash my feet in the shower each day by standing on one leg and try not to balance by touching the sides.

I also wash my feet in the shower each day by standing on one leg and try not to balance by touching the sides.
My GF stands on one leg to shave her legs. I told her that she is asking for a dangerous fall. Soapy tub of floor, and shance for even the swmalles imbalnce can change one's life in a second. And rarely is that a good

I don't see the problem. The day I have to sit down to put my flip flops on is the day I move into assisted living.
I'm wondering whether at this age, the injuries that we have a greater likelihood of being permanent. It makes us more like animals, perhaps (if a leopard breaks his leg, it's a death sentence, so he's extra careful).

Two years ago I dropped a bookcase on my foot. I expect that if I had been 38 instead of 68 when that happened I may not have broken anything. Or, if I had, it would have healed in a few months.

I had been jogging six days a week before it happened. Now I have enough pain when I walk that I don't like big stores. I'm pretty sure this is a permanent disability.

I do practical stuff - I don't get dressed going down the stairs, I think a lot more about the ice when I'm out. But, I can't say "I shouldn't have been working on that bookcase". It seems that if I avoid all risks life is just too boring.

(And, yes, except for shirts, I sit down when I get dressed.)
I have never dressed standing up (even as a child) and never will.

There is a real good chance I could fall over and hurt myself.
^ >>> I stand up to dress not a good thing because I do have some mishaps every so often. I don't fall but miss getting foot in pants etc.. LOL I need to sit and do that.

I have noticed as I get older I cut myself and bump or burse myself more often when doing work. Not sure why but I do.
Recently I was pulling a heavy post out of the ground.

Five minutes later, I had flashes in my vision, and it turned out I had PVD. One doc thought it was coincidence, another, no.

Although not serious, I will probably have annoying floaters in my vision for the rest of my life.

I hurt my knee in January in a kayak entry malfunction. I thought for a while that it would never get better (I was wrong, happily).

I'm wondering whether at this age, the injuries that we have a greater likelihood of being permanent. It makes us more like animals, perhaps (if a leopard breaks his leg, it's a death sentence, so he's extra careful).

Perhaps we have to give more thought to things like pulling heavy posts out of the ground.

I’ve had PVD’s in both eyes. Scared the h!#l out of me when the first one happened. It did however prepare me for the second one happening. I tell you getting older is not for wimps...
I went in for a colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago and they put an IV in my arm. It took about a week for the bruising to go away. I'm a couple of weeks away from my 62 birthday and I'm really starting to notice how long it takes for small cuts and scratches to heal.
Dress standing up? Including shoes and socks? You have got to be KIDDING!!!! Admit it, you are actually a 13 year old boy who aspires to become a professional gymnast. :LOL:

Just tried it again today, since I hadn't done it for a while. It wasn't that bad except for the socks. A good bit of hopping around was involved.
I sometimes sit while putting on socks, but I always put everything else on while standing. Socks are more difficult than shoes to put on while standing.
I do, too. I think I started dressing that way in high school - rushing from gym class to next period. It saves time, or at least gives the illusion of doing so.

Maybe it's what you are use to, I dress standing up, socks and shoes too!
Oh yeah. High ankle sprain. No idea how it happened. Going into my fourth week and still hobbling.

The DW thinks maybe it's something else, but like others here, I think it's just taking a loooong time to heal. :(
Dress standing up? Including shoes and socks? You have got to be KIDDING!!!! Admit it, you are actually a 13 year old boy who aspires to become a professional gymast. [emoji23]

Don’t most people dress standing up even for socks, stocking and shoes? When I wear stockings, I support my leg on something while I bend over to pull it up but I usually don’t sit down. Seems inconvenient and slow. I imagine people would sit only if they have to. Otherwise sounds like it would take longer to do it sitting down.
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I sit down to put on my socks and tennis shoes. That way I can easily put on my knee brace. I had meniscus surgery recently and wear the brace when I go hiking. I'll be 75 soon. Other than that, I dress standing up.
I'm getting to the stage where I have to sit down to put on my hat.
I dress standing up all the time at the gym, usually because I am i a rush to get somewhere.

I do not do ladders around the house unless there are at least 3 of our kids holding it and ready to catch me if I fall. :LOL: I'll go on a stepladder by myself, but that is about it. It is worth paying someone to go on the roof and clean the gutters every other year or so.

I made it through my very active sports years very fortunate to have never broken anything. Interestingly, the worst injuries I received were not from football, basketball, baseball, softball, track, or racquetball... it was volleyball, tearing tendons in a finger and a thumb. The the thumb one the doctor said I had a chance of losing full motion, but over time the full range of motion returned.

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