The Bonus Tax - Opinion

Agreed. But AIG crossed the private/public line when they stuck their snout in the bailout trough and started feeding off the taxpayers. I don't think this has anything to do with legislating prosperity; folks are concerned about legal, moral, and ethical impropriety on AIG's part and the complete lack of oversight by our elected officials.

I'm impressed with how well CongressCritters are deflecting blame from themselves through all this. Why was there a Congress-written clause in the AIG bailout contract providing for the payment of these bonuses? And how is it that the authors of the clause are now our white knight saviors harvesting popularity for undoing what they themselves did?

I tell ya, this crop of elected crooks is just about as good at this crap as any I've ever seen....... And I'm a Chicago guy, so I've seen some of the very best!

The free marketers can declare that govmt should never stick their nose in business' business as long as business is not allowed to crawl on their knees for a meganormous bail out at taxpayer's expense for an industry-wide virus of risk-taking and greed...

Absolutely!!! The same reason that there is the separation of church and state, is the reason there should be a separation of business and state. The very action of govt and business intertwining, causes an instant, and immediate conflict of interest doesn't it?

The govt should concern itself with the country, things that involve everyone. A business should concern itself with only what makes profit for itself (an individual view). If a govt is suddenly concerned with what is best for a particular business.... or a business makes moves for what is best for the country... then neither can survive for very long.... because they are opposing forces.
To sum it up, "Hi, we're from the govt, and we're here to help".........:)

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