Their Specialty? Anything Gray


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 25, 2005

The graying of America is creating opportunities for entrepreneurs to provide new services to older people. These businesses, a relatively recent phenomenon, are helping clients create their ideal retirements, manage their daily finances and sell their homes or find smaller ones, among other services.

Here are some of the new specialties:

Transition Coach.. Help people establish goals, and decide just what they are gonna do in retirement.

Aging-in-Place Specialist.. Helps people redesign their homes so they can stay in them instead of going to nursing homes. Wheelchair access, senior friendly sinks and appliances, etc.

Real Estate Specialist.. the obvious,helping older people buy and sell homes. This is an obvious slot for JG.

Senior Move Manager.. when you move, you gotta have help, especially if you're senior.

Daily Money Manager.. help you manage your financial affairs between your accountant, lawyer, broker, etc.

I dunno whether to start one of these businesses or if I need one or more for my own assistance. What I do believe is that any business aimed at seniors should flourish with 77 million baby boomers arriving soon.
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