Thinking about a Tesla truck

I think there are some conflicting press releases that the new cybertruck is either
1. A soon-to-be production vehicle that will start at about $50K
2. A concept prototype that is actually years from being available to the public. Elon likes the exposure and free advertising that comes with this pre-hype.
I am definitely interested if it has capabilities similar to a F150, and gets 300 mile per charge. Also, price points above $65K will make me much less interested.
Along those lines, the new Ford Mustang electric SUV is intriguing as well. The coming years are going to be very interesting for the electric vehicle connoisseur.
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When I'm able to haul 3 ton of hay on it. Or 1 1/2 cord of firewood on it. Or pull the horse trailer with it. Or run 38" continental MPT 81 tires on it. still not gonna happen! My 2000 f550 4x4 diesel gets 17 mpg on the hwy and goes wherever I dang well want to..ha!
I wonder how an electric pickup truck towing anything would be able to hook up to a fast charger on the road? I haven't seen very many pull-through rapid charging stations.
Right, Otherwise HUMMER's would not have been sold to so many businesses... :facepalm:

Oh yes.

A realtor down the street from me had a Hummer, and I was sure that he got tax write-offs for using it to drive his clients shopping for a home. There's nothing to say you are not allowed to do it with a pickup.
A quick look on the Web shows GM also announced an electric PU, available in 2012. And Toyota has planned for one.

I find nothing about pricing on the Ford electric PU. One site says it will be sub-100K. Does not look like that is going to be a work truck either, at that price range.

PS. On the other hand, perhaps there are carpenters, masons, gardeners who like an electric truck enough to pay that money, thinking they will be able to write it off on business expenses. The law does not say you can only write off beat-up trucks, right?

A typo. 2021
I wonder how an electric pickup truck towing anything would be able to hook up to a fast charger on the road? I haven't seen very many pull-through rapid charging stations.

At the superchargers I go to (to get my free electricity) 2 of the 12 chargers are placed so that you park with the front of the car all the way forward. The supercharger is situated near the back of the parking spot. This allows one (if they were towing something) to park at a 90 degree angle to the intended parking spot. The cable on the charger would reach the vehicle that way. I have seen it done.

The other 10 chargers require you to back in to get charged.
Just pre-ordered a dual motor awd Cybertruck with full self driving. Blow that dough! (At least a fully refundable $100). RWD model with 250mi range starts at $39K. Oh, it won't be available until late '21[emoji39].

Kill it with fire!

It looks like a Delorean and a Pontiac Aztec had a bastard lovechild together. Lol
"Professor! You built a time machine....out of a Cybertruck?"
The features are good though. 120V and 240V outlets, stainless steel exterior exoskeleton, 400 mile range.

Maybe if it comes with a paper bag for your head...
I think Musk already realizes this particular truck design is DOA in the real world market.

Musk has said in the past that the pickup is something of a personal pet project and he doesn't care much if few people actually want to buy it.
The design is growing on me. It also is going to be the official truck of Mars so that is cool.
I just read how at the launch event Musk touted how strong their armor glass was. They threw a steel ball at the driver’s window and it shattered. Tried again with passenger’s rear window and it too shattered. Musk’s response was “Room for improvement.”
Normal person blows up a 100 million dollar rocket, they go cry in a corner for a bit. Musk does it, he smiles and says "room for improvement"
Here's the video of the intro & window fail.
Normal person blows up a 100 million dollar rocket, they go cry in a corner for a bit. Musk does it, he smiles and says "room for improvement"

And the moment we are no longer in an incredibly permissive capital markets environment, all of his ventures will curl up and die.
The glass window failed the demo, but still looked a lot stronger than normal car windows. And I was impressed that the door panel could take a pounding from a sledge hammer without getting dented.

People may not like the truck design, but I think the deviation from the normal look is driven by the need to reduce aerodynamic drag. It has a tonneau cover over the truck bed for the same reason.

No technical info given on the battery size, but I bet it has to be above 100 kWh for even the short-range version of 250 miles. And Musk must be betting on the battery cost coming down by the time of production in 2022, in order to sell it for $40K.
Because it is a frameless exoskeleton, the skin is 3mm thick stainless steel.

3mm thick! Over a tenth of an inch.

No car door is going to be able to ding this thing.

You can get it with a 250kWh battery and 500 mile range.

I am going to order one, it is only a $100 deposit.
Yes, I do like the fact that the skin cannot be dented.

But how does this exoskeleton idea work with the doors, which are not a rigid part of the skin? I would like to know more details.
Based on the unveiling, Elon is a Total Recall fan


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Yes, I do like the fact that the skin cannot be dented.

But how does this exoskeleton idea work with the doors, which are not a rigid part of the skin? I would like to know more details.

Good luck getting more details! LOL.

As Fermion says, it will be sold on Mars, too! :LOL:
I actually like pretty much everything about it. The starting price is quite reasonable, good range, good features, hardened body and windows (maybe?), etc. HOWEVER, I just can't get past the ridiculous design. I'm a hard pass for as long as it looks like a space turd. Now, Ford is coming out with an all electric F150 planned for 2021 or 2022, I believe. Their initial prototype looked indistinguishable from their internal combustion models. This I could get behind.
Is there a chance this is another Elon Musk joke, and he will debut the real truck design shortly?
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