Thoughts on Win10 and Microsoft

I gave up on Microsoft 2 years and bought a MacBook Pro. After having iPhones for years the transition wasn't too bad. I'll stick with Apple.
Have not had problems with any version of Windows that I could not solve through research.
I still have Mac os 9. It was definitely one of my favorites. Haven't driven it for awhile.
I've been meaning to do the same thing for a while now. Which distro are you thinking about? I had been leaning towards Ubuntu...

Re Win 10. Guess I'm in the minority, but it seems to be working better than the Win 8 that came with my laptop (which I bought 5 years ago when I was FIRE'd). I don't use Edge, just Chrome and have been moving more and more to the Google world with less and less Windows traditional applications in my life. The Google system was the best compromise with my mobile transition (Android phone and tablet).

The distro I'm thinking about is Linux Lite. It's a distro that are geared towards those switching over from the Win world. A new release just came out. I have the previous version (3.8) on a laptop and that reminds me of Win 7.

Another distro I looked at briefly is Peppermint which I like too (the software manager uses the same one as Linux Mint), but found lite more intuitive.

It's fun to go to distro watch and see what flavors are out there as seems like a new one pops up each day.

An update, I'm kinda torn between two distros. Had some time to tinker a bit with the Peppermint OS 8 distro with some of the settings. Now, I'm torn between two distros. Linux Lite vs Peppermint. Jury is still out as to which I'll move to in the future.
I have been trying out Arch Linux on the side for the last year and have decided it is just too unstable as a main OS. So I am staying with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (long term support) for now. Will probably move to Ubuntu Mate LTS in the future.
I went over to the dark side (Apple/Mac) about five years ago and never looked back and have no regrets whatsoever.

Me too, but only a couple years ago. I was fed up with all the Windows updates and the crashes.

I'm sticking with my MacBook pro, iPad mini (mostly for reading) and my iPhone.
The Best $3.94 I Spent in My Life

Was helping a friend look troubleshoot something a couple days ago. Had to install Win 10 :mad: on my laptop to troubleshoot.

Those darn tiles on from the start menu didn't take long to give me fits.

So, I went ahead and spent the best $3.94 in my life and got a piece of software called Start10 that blocks out all that tile nonsense and allows me to choose a start menu look similar to Win 7 :D.


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