Tiger King


Recycles dryer sheets
May 25, 2013
Being stuck at home I asked my son if he had any Netflix recommendations. He mentioned the Tiger King on Netflix. Apparently the entire country/world is hooked on this crazy documentary series. What a train wreck. Definitely takes your mind off of the Coronavirus....
Being stuck at home I asked my son if he had any Netflix recommendations. He mentioned the Tiger King on Netflix. Apparently the entire country/world is hooked on this crazy documentary series. What a train wreck. Definitely takes your mind off of the Coronavirus....

I haven't seen it but our grandson (21) was describing it to us yesterday. I thought he was making up some of the stuff he told us, but maybe not...
Being stuck at home I asked my son if he had any Netflix recommendations. He mentioned the Tiger King on Netflix. Apparently the entire country/world is hooked on this crazy documentary series. What a train wreck. Definitely takes your mind off of the Coronavirus....

Thanks! I just sent this info to Frank since he loves watching TV, has Netflix, and is running out of the various series he usually watches.

(As for me, I don't watch TV much if at all. Instead I am addicted to my new video game, Animal Crossing New Horizons which I could play 25 hours/day right now if that were possible).
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