Tools/Devices/Items/Equipment that helps you to Live Below Your Means

I was so excited to read REWahoo’s suggestion of using “delayed gratification clamps” ...

... I discovered the closest pair of clamps were at Neiman Marcus. I rushed right over (darn, just where is that delayed gratification when you need it)?...

...But the problem is, these clamps didn’t come with instructions—except on how to clean the leather. And, REWahoo didn’t really explain how to use these things. Eventually, after a lot of trial and error I figured out what to clamp the clamps to—but, they kept slipping off (wow, was that an eerie/panicky deja vue moment that I’d like to forget)...

...Anyhow, eventually my neighbor came up with the idea of using duct tape to keep the clamps from slipping off. But, now with the clamps on, well, it causes me walk with a peculiar gait. When people ask me about the brand-new hitch in my step, I simply explain that I’m wearing delayed gratification clamps so that I can retire early...

Huh? The clamps, if of the right size, should not need to be held on with duct tape. Nor should they cause you to walk funny... Something is very wrong...

Could it be?....

OMG! The sales lady did not tell you? Oh yes, the presence of all those semi-precious stones explains it...

You bought the clamps that were meant for WOMEN! Those, I will have to break the news to you, are installed in a different manner, and in a different place.

Oh no! Stop immediately, or your deformity will be permanent.
I was so excited to read REWahoo’s suggestion of using “delayed gratification clamps” to save money (i.e. live below my means--and therefore retire early) that I immediately checked out The clamps were there and were deeply discounted, but I would have had to wait two days for them to be delivered (I use Amazon Prime). But, I mean, who can actually wait two days? Really? So, once again, jumping on the internet, I discovered the closest pair of clamps were at Neiman Marcus. I rushed right over (darn, just where is that delayed gratification when you need it)?

Anyhow, she (the sales lady) only had one pair of clamps left, but a great pair (OK, enough about the sales lady). These high-end clamps were trimmed in the finest grade Italian leather in which semi-precious stones were embedded. Obviously, these clamps were expensive, but some of the semi-precious stones brought out the blue in my eyes. I bought the clamps. Both style and function—can’t beat that.

OK, you guys are probably saying, “Wow, so far, so good.” But the problem is, these clamps didn’t come with instructions—except on how to clean the leather. And, REWahoo didn’t really explain how to use these things. Eventually, after a lot of trial and error I figured out what to clamp the clamps to—but, they kept slipping off (wow, was that an eerie/panicky deja vue moment that I’d like to forget). Anyhow, eventually my neighbor came up with the idea of using duct tape to keep the clamps from slipping off. But, now with the clamps on, well, it causes me walk with a peculiar gait. When people ask me about the brand-new hitch in my step, I simply explain that I’m wearing delayed gratification clamps so that I can retire early. I tell them that I got the idea from a guy named REWahoo who suggested it on the internet. They ask no more questions and tend to look away so I can’t really tell what they are thinking. I know that a number of the FIRE group members who have used these clamps or had some other plan of action, such as asset allocation and diversification, have experienced the same sort of reaction from co-workers and friends. Many of you have concluded that these people were simply jealous, but I’m not so sure it’s jealousy that they were experiencing.

Anyway, it’s too soon to know if REWahoo’s suggestion is going to allow me to retire early. I do know it’s really uncomfortable wearing these clamps to bed every night.

I wonder if unclemicks “pssst Wellesley” might have been a better idea.

This post is useless without pictures :ROFLMAO::LOL:
I'll say ReWahoo needs to post a picture of himself modeling these clamps to show how it should be done. He's the one who brought this up!
I'll say ReWahoo needs to post a picture of himself modeling these clamps to show how it should be done. He's the one who brought this up!

Now, that's a great idea, because I'm pretty sure I have these babies on wrong--chafing has set in.

As for REWahoo's idea of going onto Craiglist: they have the clamps, but they've been previously worn. I'm kind of squeemish about stuff like that.

And, I can't return them to Neiman Marcus because one of the semi-precious stones fell out of the finest of Italian leather and is missing. That, and one of the leathered clamps somehow got stained. (Is that too much information)?
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My best buys are at thrift stores. Last week I got an external framed back pack for $6.50. Same thing on Cabelas was over $80. I'll use it to haul my gold panning equipment to the river this summer. Men's clothing, shirts especially, are awesome buys. I get them for about $2 each. I'll recycle them into rags by changing my motor oil wearing one once it's ready for the garbage. I got a nice coffee pot there too; $3. I picked up an old iron for pressing clothes. I use it as a heater for my hot tub. Just sealed it with a tube of RTV and toss it in then wait 4 or 5 hours. I got the hot tub of craigslist for $300. (don't use the tub with the iron plugged in and inside the tub.)
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And we could just eat dirt instead of going out to lunch too. Instant Coffee!!??

No need for a $200 machine. Choose tools wisely, and live well.

But then you would have to scour the thrift shops to find a suitable hair shirt.
haha said:
But then you would have to scour the thrift shops to find a suitable hair shirt.

Make mine custom made!
But then you would have to scour the thrift shops to find a suitable hair shirt.

Make mine custom made!

As a hard-core DIY'er, all my cilices are home made! :angel:

I know, I know... Someone will soon post that oft-repeated video of the four yorkshiremen...

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