Twice boosted, Covid positive

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Recycles dryer sheets
Feb 27, 2019
I am very grateful to be at the tail end of a very mild Covid infection. I had received my second booster (Pfizer) this past month and last week tested positive for Covid (first positive ever). I had been experiencing cold like symptoms and decided to use one of home tests, positive! Went and got a PCR test, which confirmed.

I am so grateful to have received my 2nd booster, as my Covid symptoms were very mild (like a 3 day cold). I do have multiple underlying conditions, and remain a frequent international traveler. So I am a firm believer in "the jabs". The vaccine worked aces for me.

I am socially isolating from all (including my husband). All that have been in contact with me remain negative. Doubly grateful.
Very good.

Yeah, "the jabs" work. Can't understand the resistance. After all they're free eh?
So you probably had 4 doses in a little over a year ? Maybe I'm confused but if my last booster didn't give excellent protection for even a month, I wouldn't be too impressed. I've had 3 doses and won't be getting another for quite some time. I guess 3 doses should help me get a lighter case if it comes to that. I'm curious what the official recommendation for booster doses is being considered.
I believe the 2nd booster amped my immune system to fight off this covid infection. It had been 6 months since my first booster when I received my second. With my out-there travel, and underlying conditions, I'm doing all I can to minimize my risk. Works for me. I'll glady take a vaccine jab every 6 months if available.
I know plenty of people who are afraid of the JAB, not the vaccine. People have fears, and this may be one of them for many people. I got both vaccine shots and the booster and would recommend it to all.
Whatever jab is needed is good for me.
Same here!

From what I read, unless you are immunocompromised, a 2nd booster is not currently needed. It’s not going to protect you against infection from Omicron. You still have tremendous protection from severe disease that should last a long time according to virologists like Dr. Paul Offit.

The waning immunity paper from the CDC probably had too many early immunocompromised people getting the first boosters to be a reliable indication for the general public. These were given as caveats, and Dr. Michael Osterholm said there were so many caveats he thinks the CDC should have waited to publish the paper. It wasn’t a good quality study. Better quality information should be available now - hopefully this info gets revised.
Each infection is a new opportunity to get Long Covid. The severity of the initial infection is no indication of the likelihood of getting Long Covid. Trust me, you don't want that. The Covid research budget is being defunded, as the money is needed elsewhere. Mask up and stay home when possible is my approach.
2nd Booster is half a dose, at least according to my pharmacist when he gave me mine. All for all jabs offered.
Sorry you have Covid, but relieved it is only cold symptoms and you are recovering.
So nice to have access to the vaccines.
Today my wife’s brother tested negative for Covid following 9 days of positive tests. He still has mild symptoms similar to a bad cold and we are relieved to hear that he is on the road to recovery as he has many health issues. His wife caught it first and recovered after a few days in bed. She had been visiting her daughter in hospital every day so missing out for 10 days was disappointing, but she was able to visit just prior to an operation to remove a kidney, and that surgery happened today.

Both of them had had their boosters in January.
I am considering getting the Novaflex vaccine as a booster if it is offered later this year and IF I am required to get it to travel. Because it works differently than the mRNA vaccines, it might give somewhat better immunity. Or maybe not.
So you have had 4 shots:confused:

I have not heard of that before...
2nd Booster is half a dose, at least according to my pharmacist when he gave me mine. All for all jabs offered.

Ok well some food for thought..if there are no issues with the number of vaccines we get why is the booster half a dose?if it's a net neutral and gives more protection why not a whole dose. There are obviously things we don't get to know I'm triple jabbed so not anti vax but I am anti too much vaxx..
So you have had 4 shots:confused:

I have not heard of that before...

I was in a mixed vaccine trial that I detailed here

Since it turned out that my wife and I had Novavax as a 2nd jab (1st was AZ) when the trial was unblinded and it was still unauthorized at that point they gave us both a Pfizer dose which counted as a 2nd dose to provide the Covid passport needed for travel. We were then offered a booster last month, 90 days after that 3rd dose and that happened to be Moderna. Our Covid vaccine passport record still only shows 3 doses even though Novavax is now approved.

In the UK 4th jabs are being offered to immunosuppressed folks and soon all over 75s.
I will be talking to my PCP about getting a 2nd booster next week. My booster was in the beginning of Oct 2021 and I'm currently on an immune suppressing drug for the next month. I've continued to mask when I'm out. I had a 3 day reaction to the 2nd shot and a 2 day reaction to the booster. Even with that, I'm willing to get another booster.
So you have had 4 shots:confused:

I have not heard of that before...

Nope. IIRC, the 3rd shot is still very effective. It's just that a 4th shot after that does not add much additional protection against Omicron.

Needless to say, this is all subject to change as more data become available.

An Israeli hospital on Monday said preliminary research indicates a fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine provides only limited defense against the omicron variant that is raging around the world.

Sheba Hospital last month began administering a fourth vaccine to more than 270 medical workers — 154 who received a Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine and 120 others who received Moderna's. All had previously been vaccinated three times with the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine.

The clinical trial found that both groups showed increases in antibodies “slightly higher” than following the third vaccine last year. But it said the increased antibodies did not prevent the spread of omicron.
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From what I understand it is only Moderna that is a half-dose for the booster. Unless they very recently changed something.
Agreed, my pharmacist said the Pfizer boosters are full dosage, whether 1st or 2nd boost. I received the 2nd booster as soon as I was eligible. Once Omicron reared its ugly head, I changed my thinking from: the vaccine will prevent me from getting Covid, to: I will probably get Covid anyway, and the booster will keep me out of the hospital or WORSE. As, I said before, the vaccine has worked aces for me. So grateful. I am fully recovered now, with just simple 3 day head cold symptoms from my (known) bout with Covid.
It’s because the original Moderna shot was quite a bit larger than the Pfizer shot.
Worked as advertised for me. Two Pfizer shots and a one booster so far.

Felt ill earlier in the week so I broke open the self test. Covid confirmed.

Three days of flu like symptoms and that was the extent of it.

So much better than 2,3,4 weeks in a hospital or worse!

We both feel so thankful that we were able to get the shots and the home test kits. The clinics and hospitals are busy enough without having to put up with the likes of us. Staying home to veg out for five days to ensure that I am not going to pass the virus on to anyone.

Still have to figure out how to get those microchips out of my system!
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Congratulations, brett!

I had a cold a couple of months ago but tested negative so it was in fact just a cold. First one in three years though, so it definitely got my attention!
Worked as advertised for me. Two Pfizer shots and a one booster so far.

Felt ill earlier in the week so I did broke open the self test. Covid confirmed.

Three days of flu like symptoms and that was the extent of it.

So much better than 2,3,4 weeks in a hospital or worse!

We both feel so thankful that we were able to get the shots and the home test kits. The clinics and hospitals are busy enough without having to put up with the likes of us. Staying home to veg out for five days to ensure that I am not going to pass the virus on to anyone.

Yep! Glad you got well quickly and were able to get everything taken care of at home. Certainly great having tests on hand and being able to isolate at home for a period of time.
Yep! Glad you got well quickly and were able to get everything taken care of at home. Certainly great having tests on hand and being able to isolate at home for a period of time.

We have been tempted to self test several times but we did not. Paranoid when we get the sniffles or if we felt a little under the weather.

But this time.....I felt the same way I did from my reaction to the second Pfizer shot. Back of my legs ached as though they had been run over.

Sure enough, the test confirmed it.

We both tested. My test indicated a much wider band than DW's. Her test line was like a pencil. Mine was was the size of a marker or under liner. Her symptoms so far are extremely mild. More like a light head cold and cough.

The very LAST place we want to go these days is to a medical clinic or a hospital. Far too many sick people to catch something from!
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