Unexpected Dithering

Two or three of you all have reflected on having the courage to make this decision. That resonated with me. So, today, told the group mngr I plan to retire end of Jan 2016. We discussed making it more gradual than that with part time work. He is quite open to that possibility. It will be a tough sell up the line. even though it will be I imagine much more common in the future, along with a lot more work from home options than my mega corp mgmt is currently comfortable with. What a relief it was to arrive finally at this decision. The few others i told are generally happy for me. Those who have leaned on me for yrs for more effort than they really should have will have a time adjusting to my absence. Good. I will miss several of those who do pull thier weight and regret not being there to provide the support and encoragement they have told me they would miss during the past yr or so that I have openly discussed ER with them. For this last reason, a part time transition period is enticing, should it be a viable option.
I also went about halway through the benefit commencement form, but the electronic version, last week actually. Lack of courage then stopped me. Today i gathered all the forms I need to scan in, and did that much. So, ready to officially apply for my DB once we determnie how the part time work will be a part of the equation, if it is at all. Glad to get this done before the Holidays.
you don't hate your job enough. keep working until you do.
OP, somehow I missed your post 26...congrats on making the decision.

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