Update International Living Magazine


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 10, 2007
Thought I better update the information since ordering International Living magazine last April. Since some board folks seem to have had bad luck before with this magazine; however, I can report that not only have I received EVERY copy, but the magazine is in 4 color glossy (purty colored pictures), written in fine print and runs about 50 pages long.
The articles are on real estate to purchase and local customs (pretty extensive information and really in-depth), how to avoid taxes, where to find cheap medical care overseas and costs, how to invest money overseas or start a business overseas, local customs and foods...well, just a wide, wide variety of topics for those looking to relocate overseas.
My opinion is that--if you are considering relocating overseas, but have no idea where--that International Living magazine YES! WOULD BE BENEFICIAL to you.
The well written and informative articles are so richly detailed that I have been surprised really, since a few seem so disappointed in the magazine. I have no complaints at all with it at this time. And you can contact most of the writers as most often they seem to invite inquiries at the end of their article on whatever.
Anyway, International Living magazine gets a thumbs up from me.
Just passing this on for those interested.

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