What Absent Minded Thing Have You Done Lately?

I just put a sticky note on DH's bathroom mirror to remind him to lock the door behind him when he comes in late at night from the hot tub. I've found it unlocked four times this week. :(

I started a thread a while back about stuff we've put in place to prevent absent-minded mishaps around the house: http://www.early-retirement.org/forums/f29/life-on-auto-pilot-87380.html

My absent minded thing for today was to read SumDay's above linked thread and almost - almost, mind you - reply to the last post saying, "Hey, I do those things too!"

The last post on the thread was one I wrote. :facepalm:
Exited car in driveway, used keyfob to lock car, went to front door of house, used keyfob to (unsuccessfully) open front door, switched keys, chuckled nervously.
A few years back, T-Al and his wife did a few camping trips with his car. Perhaps this packing list was for that, although he showed no tent or cooking utensils.
Exited car in driveway, used keyfob to lock car, went to front door of house, used keyfob to (unsuccessfully) open front door, switched keys, chuckled nervously.

Chuckled nervously... yup.

Today I poured OJ into my coffee instead of milk, did the nervous laugh and then looked around the completely empty room in the empty house to see if anyone saw the goof. :blush:
Chuckled nervously... yup.

Today I poured OJ into my coffee instead of milk, did the nervous laugh and then looked around the completely empty room in the empty house to see if anyone saw the goof. :blush:

So, how did it taste?

We were an hour into a three hour drive to Tucson. Our main objective was Costco's, Sprout's and TJ's. Ms.G also had an appointment to have her hearing aids adjusted, but had left them at home no turning back.
Cleaning out the cat fountain, instead of submerging the pump, I dipped the power adapter into the sink :facepalm:.
Overnight? All that food? :confused: Waffles and syrup? :confused:

Yes, it seems strange, but here's the explanation:

When hotels offer breakfast, it's usually toast, waffles, bagels, yogurt, cereal, and so on. Sometimes they have eggs and bacon, but usually it's all hi-carb.

So, we bring our own low-carb bread, home-made waffles, jam, and syrup. We smuggle these into the breakfast room and use their toaster.
DW woke me up this morning at 5:00AM to tell me the endodontist office called yesterday afternoon.

My wife wants to know why I'm laughing out loud! That's a good one.
Oh, misplacing eyeglasses/reading glasses ..... DW has lost 3 pair in the last 2 months. We did find a portion of one pair in the dryer ....
Oh, misplacing eyeglasses/reading glasses ..... DW has lost 3 pair in the last 2 months. We did find a portion of one pair in the dryer ....
She needs eyeglasses like these. Never missing.

At least he showed a sense of humor about it.

“Oh you mean his invisible glasses from Warby Parker? They're new, you've probably never heard of them,” the senator tweeted in response to the viral video from a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
I have come out of the house to go to work with my handbag in one hand and a garbage bag in the other. Open garage, open car door, put garbage bag in car, go to trash can and almost put handbag in trash. Oops!
So I put the pizza in the toaster oven to reheat. Ding! Where is the styrofoam plate I had it on? Oops, it was a toaster oven, not the microwave. For the record, toaster oven heated styrofoam plates shrink to a fraction of their original size, they don't stick to the bottom of your pizza or to the racks in the toaster oven. Almost like a magic trick!
...that time I stopped at a stop sign,...and waited for the light to change....

Reminds me of something I did decades ago (not lately). I once held a summer job as a messenger which included driving about 1,000 miles a week to some area offices. I drove a company car which had automatic transmission, of course. While I was usually dropped off at my job by my mom, sometimes I drove her car there. Her car was a manual transmission.

After driving the whole day, I returned to my mom's car to drive back home. I started the car, released the parking brake, took my foot off the brake, and wondered why I wasn't moving like I had been for the last 8 hours. The car wasn't in gear.
The scary thing about reading all these posts is that the examples appear to be so commonplace that I'm starting to feel like I'm 'normal'.......whereas, previously, it'd be "Oh Geez, did I just....?"
So I put the pizza in the toaster oven to reheat. Ding! Where is the styrofoam plate I had it on? Oops, it was a toaster oven, not the microwave. For the record, toaster oven heated styrofoam plates shrink to a fraction of their original size, they don't stick to the bottom of your pizza or to the racks in the toaster oven. Almost like a magic trick!

Expanded polystyrene (made with a blowing agent) releases the blowing agent (gas) when you put it in the toaster. So what you end up with is non-expanded polystyrene!
The scary thing about reading all these posts is that the examples appear to be so commonplace that I'm starting to feel like I'm 'normal'.......whereas, previously, it'd be "Oh Geez, did I just....?"

Yeah, me too. Nice to know I'm not the only one.
Expanded polystyrene (made with a blowing agent) releases the blowing agent (gas) when you put it in the toaster. So what you end up with is non-expanded polystyrene!

Why thank you! I never thought to research what happened. You really do never stop learning.
Lately I’ve been misjudging the width of doorways and other passageways and running into them with my left shoulder. Gets lots of chuckles because it’s usually in a restaurant.
Expanded polystyrene (made with a blowing agent) releases the blowing agent (gas) when you put it in the toaster. So what you end up with is non-expanded polystyrene!

and gassy pizza ? :cool:

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