What are you afraid of?

Old age poverty is always a concern, but my biggest fear is dementia or AD.
Right now, I am afraid of the Anthem data hack:facepalm:
I'm afraid of being broke when I'm old

Same here.

But, in the sense of phobias, it's fish hooks. I was accidentally grazed by one when I was a kid; fortunately, it didn't lodge in my skin, but just looking at a fish hook will make me feel creepy.
Fire in the house (this one's really ingrained;perhaps from a previous life?)
Anything to do with selling a house.
Claustrophobia... not a fear, it's real!
Ground wasps... 1963 unconscious and not breathing... thank goodness for hospitals and digitalis. 10 years of shots but when I get stung, use the epipen, and go to the hospital and sit in the emergency room for an hour... just in case.

Not afraid of dying, but in no hurry to do so. :blush:
Something happening to my daughter or my grandsons . The skyway bridge .


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I do not like to get close to snakes. However, if they endanger my life, I will fight (not run).
Claustrophobia... not a fear, it's real!

May I ask if this has been a life-long thing or something that happened later in life? I used to have no problems flying but now I cannot get on an airplane due to the feeling of being buried alive. Silly I know. Nothing to do with "how does it stay in the air" or "What if we crash". It's the claustrophobia after flying for 30 yrs.
Falling through the ice on a frozen lake. Went through once about 7 years ago and now I'm afraid to even walk out on a frozen lake.

Used to be afraid of snakes, but that phobia subsided after a few run ins with rattlers in Arizona.

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One of my uncles recently died, 12 years after being diagnosed with AD (and the family knew something was wrong with him, long before then). The shell can be kept alive a long, long time, long after a person would have preferred to be dead if they were still capable of preferring anything.

I saw it hollow out and slowly kill my Dad. I don't want to inflict that on my wife and kids.
Office politics
wild fires
moving (from one house to another. ....ugh)
Black ice

Succumbing to OMY syndrome for a third year
Being old and penniless
Alzheimers - in me, DH, mom or sister
Getting stuck in an elevator (but I ride them)

I love spiders and snakes and hopefully am smart enough to get close enough to admire yet stay far enough away to not get bitten
Cluster headaches

Had them many years. I can't take triptans as I have many of the side effects they list. Oxygen(only recently leared of O2 as an alternative treatment) with Fioral 3 are the only thing(s) that keep me alive sometimes.

They have their nickname for a good reason. Very sorry you get them. Best wishes
Heights, if I could conceivably fall somehow, such as off a balcony.

This has happened to me in the past and it was not fun. Over 40 years ago I was at a reception and out on the deck where we leaned against the railing and it gave way. The guy I was with and I fell to the ground, maybe 10 feet. He fell on top of me and I ended up with a broken arm and shoulder. I had a terrible fear of getting near the edge on any porches, decks. etc. where the railing could possibly give way. The fear has mostly abated over the decades though.
Spiders and snakes don't bother me. In fact, I have a pet python...had him about 13 years now. We get spiders in the house all the time, being an old, drafty house, out in the sticks. Normally I leave them alone, but one of my house mates is deathly afraid of them, so if he sees one, I'll try to catch it and take it outside. Certain types don't bother him, but the ones that jump, scare the you know what out of him!

My one critter fear is bees. I was scared as hell of them as a kid. A lot of it was all those killer bee movies of the 70's that seem so scary as a kid, but when you grow up you realize they're really pretty campy. For the most part, I've gotten over that childhood fear, but sometimes it still lurks in the back of my mind. I got stung a few times as a kid, and once got into a bumblebee nest and got stung pretty bad, enough that I was laid up for the weekend.

Usually, at least once per summer, I'll run over a yellow jacket nest while cutting the grass. I've been lucky so far, that I've never been stung. I'll run right over it with the tractor, and not even notice it, but the next pass I make, as I get closer, I'll see them swarming around and simply give them a wide berth.

Otherwise, I don't know if these things really scare me, but here are two recurring dreams I have. Not really nightmares, but just bad dreams...

1) In this dream, I realize that I'm going to be running out of money, so have to go back to my old second job delivering pizzas. The only problem is, things end up being a total disaster in the store, and when I go on the delivery runs they take a lot longer than I expected, I can't find the house, etc. I usually wake up before anything truly bad happens. In some versions of the dream, I take on a second job waiting tables, with disastrous results. In the pizza delivery dream, I take on the feeling of dread that whatever freedom I've had is gone, and I'm back to being a slave to the system again. For some reason, the waiter version never gives me that feeling...it's more along the lines of I'm picking up the job simply for extra money, but not because I have to. And in the waiter version, usually something tips me off that it's not real and just a dream, so I quit worrying. But with the pizza delivery version, sometimes I'll wake up, and have to shake off that feeling of worry.

2) In this dream, my Mom and stepdad fall on hard times and move back in with me, and drive me up the wall. In this dream, it's always the house I'm currently in...never some other house that I know of, or even a random, made-up house. So I'm guessing the message this dream is trying to send me is that I need to move and not give anyone a forwarding address! :D
May I ask if this has been a life-long thing or something that happened later in life? I used to have no problems flying but now I cannot get on an airplane due to the feeling of being buried alive. Silly I know. Nothing to do with "how does it stay in the air" or "What if we crash". It's the claustrophobia after flying for 30 yrs.

Or Agoraphobia?

I always get an isle seat if possible. Elevators don't bother me until people are packed together. One guy was my blocker after a fire drill, pushed and pulled me outa there. Started walking 11 flights after that.
Tubes in London are great, except rush hour in the most packed cars, I can't handle it. I used to run out of Walmart leaving the cart behind, when it got too busy. For me it's not small places per se, but crowded in with a bunch of people, not for me.

That said I'm no DR. the advice is worth what your paying for it.

Oddly, I'm not afraid of spiders (although I respect them - no reaching into dark spaces under logs for me!) and I enjoy public speaking, as long as I've had time to prepare. Supposedly, most people would rather have a root canal than address an audience, and I cannot understand this (especially since I've experienced both).

I would just barely prefer selling a house over the root canal, and that's only because the root canal means my teeth are getting worse - not because of the pain and discomfort per se.


Deep open water and public speaking. Not at the same time.
Snakes, all kinds. HATE them. Most of them that I see die very quickly from one dose of lead poisoning delivered at about 1200fps.
The usual - Alzheimer's, blindness, paralysis, anything that takes away the ability to make my own decisions and act on them.

Fear of falling is generally built in as Rich said. When we went on the zip line tour last spring the hardest part was overcoming that and stepping off the platform. Dunno what my pulse rate was but I'm sure it was through the roof. Two seconds later I was having a ball.

Fear of fire is another primal one - every animal is afraid of that. At least the sane ones are.

Snakes & spiders don't bother me much. I don't like them but I'm not deathly afraid of them. DW will call me to deal with spiders but she can deal with them herself if she has to. I've accused her of marrying me so she'd have a live-in spider slayer though.
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