what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Revelie was at 0530. :eek:
dh2b has restarted his exercise routine at free gym at w*rk. I got up and made him coffee and snack bag and sent him on his way. I'm seriously thinking about doing some exercise bike since I'm up anyway. I hate exercise, but we can't have him leaving me in the dust...:nonono:
Usual Wed routine - chinese buffet, shopping at dollar store, enjoying sunshine and temps in the mid 50s. :D
Zzzzzzzzzzzzs will hit me very early tonight.
Looked at houses in the desert. Drugs & mass food shopping for the MIL. Negotiation w/ realtor on our Oregon rental house. Maintenance/fluids on MIL rigs. touchup paint exterior wall from yesterday's tub plumbing repair work.
Just beware of any former male cows. BTW, your little town must be rockin'. :)
Oh yeah, I know about the wolves. No match for this girl. ;)
Woodstock was a lot of fun during the day, but it was actually a pretty big mistake for the town. Local and concert organizers turned down NYS Troopers offer to provide security from day one, on the outskirts, like they do at the State Fair. It all ended in flames. I wasn't there when the craziness went down, TG. :blink: I left before dark.
This is a very accurate report.
I had some friends who were there too. Not what they were hoping for. More like Altamont 99 than Woodstock.
Got up with thunder ringing in my ears, and got to work by 5:45 AM in the pouring rain and dark. It stayed pretty dark most of the day.

Spent much of the day sorting through many, many thousands of old work e-mails, deleting those that seemed important at the time but which are nothing that anyone will ever need again. (This is part of my preparation for ER.) I think I managed to cull it down to two or three thousand.

Another day, I will do it again.

Working on minimizing the paper files too, and files on my hard drive. I want to do this now, since I will be taking a lot of time off next fall and it will be easier to get a start on it now.

Anyway, it is hard not to feel nostalgic when going over everything I have done for so many years, and personal e-mails from many old friends/colleagues. I accomplished much more than I remembered, and I am proud of that. You know what it feels like when you are clearing out the house of someone who has died? This felt eerily similar. But I am determined to not have second thoughts about this! I am still looking forward to my new life in ER.
You know what it feels like when you are clearing out the house of someone who has died? This felt eerily similar.

W2R, I made my actual exit from w*rk very quickly - not like you with a count down. Having said that, by the time I had 36 years clocked at Megacorp, I knew my time was short and I began the process of pitching old files, deleting saved messages, and going through memorabilia. Took me 6 months of on and off flurries of activity.

The best way I can describe the emotions: Sadly sweet. It was wonderful to think about the freedom to come but every memo, every project report reminded me of folks (some long gone) I'd worked with and got to know. It was tough to say good bye to the people - the w*rk. Not so much.
W2R, I made my actual exit from w*rk very quickly - not like you with a count down. Having said that, by the time I had 36 years clocked at Megacorp, I knew my time was short and I began the process of pitching old files, deleting saved messages, and going through memorabilia. Took me 6 months of on and off flurries of activity.

The best way I can describe the emotions: Sadly sweet. It was wonderful to think about the freedom to come but every memo, every project report reminded me of folks (some long gone) I'd worked with and got to know. It was tough to say good bye to the people - the w*rk. Not so much.

Thank you - - you know, that is just what I have been feeling, too and it makes me feel better to know that someone really does understand how hard this is to do. I already miss some of the people who have died. I even deleted some obituaries and death notices after re-reading them yesterday. That was very hard to do, but it is a final closure and I know I don't want to keep those e-mails forever. Also there were touching e-mails from many dozens of colleagues living all over the country, sent to me just after we were able to return to work, two months after Katrina. I am trying to keep the personal e-mails that I retain down to a handful, that I will forward to my home e-mail.

I also put an immense amount of work into some projects, and although I don't want to continue working on them still they are my "babies" and I feel nostalgic about them, too. Those that still have funding I will pass on to my supervisor. But there is no reason to keep all the e-mails about those which are finished or no longer funded.

I know it is easier for me to start working on it now, than it would be if I waited until the last minute when I am actually saying goodbye to everyone in person as well. If I can get it down to less than 1,000 e-mails now, I will have a head start and can do the final ruthless culling closer to my ER date.
I was given 30 days notice when I retired/took a package after 29 years- once people know you're leaving, they quickly start going to others for answers, etc. unless it's to get some information before you're out the door. I did a lot of cleaning and culling the last few days and did find some interesting notes, and some memories of people that moved on long ago. I also put together a list of names and numbers I thought I might like to have, then promptly forgot to print it off before I did the final wipe of data on my computer- at the 6 month mark, only once or twice I wished I had remembered it!
I was given 30 days notice when I retired/took a package after 29 years- once people know you're leaving, they quickly start going to others for answers, etc. unless it's to get some information before you're out the door. I did a lot of cleaning and culling the last few days and did find some interesting notes, and some memories of people that moved on long ago. I also put together a list of names and numbers I thought I might like to have, then promptly forgot to print it off before I did the final wipe of data on my computer- at the 6 month mark, only once or twice I wished I had remembered it!

That's encouraging. That is what I am thinking, too - - that once I am immersed in ER, I probably won't miss this stuff very much. It sure is hard to let it go, though.

I am having the same experiences concerning people either ignoring me or wanting info before I leave, since everyone knows my plans. There has even been a series of meetings which (as far as I can tell) are on the topic of "let's have W2R explain the steps to get from A to B and then start reassigning small bits of these steps to people, while leaving her ultimately responsible just in case". I don't mind, because I think we all want this transition to go smoothly and people have to learn. I have to watch myself, though, because the knee-jerk response is to want to block someone taking over my "territory" but actually, I need to encourage this. Lots of deep breaths and measured smiles before speaking, on my part.
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Today is Food Bank day. I will go round up some empty boxes at the liquor store and head over at noon. Last month we had a huge order. It took a dozen volunteers several hours to sort, pick and pack 13 food items into boxes and bags, then recount. I got a heck of a workout. :D

Final check of tax data inputs and print/mail fed and state forms awaits me this PM. I made some mistakes reporting investment income on my 2005 taxes so I'm sure the infamous "red flag" is still set.
Argh...please send that team of wild horses to make me do this. :nonono:
End of whining...:LOL:
Pretty day, but too darn wet to play golf. Suppose to rain again tonight.:( Visited with some out of town relatives at my mom's house. Good to see a cousin I had not seen for a few years. This afternoon, went hiking with the mutt. She had a good time swimming. Kind of pooped out so will just relax around the house tonight.
Worked on some landscaping here at the townhouse. The "dirt" here is hard baked clay sprinkled with rocks. Couldn't use a shovel, so I was digging holes for flowers with my post hole digger. But it looks nice now.

Got my car inspected.

Went to happy hour with the old coworkers at the Wing Factory. That was fun.

Good day so far.
Made lunch, ran the dishwasher, folded laundry, bought groceries enduring a chilly rain, emptied the dishwasher, made chocolate chip cookies, cleaned the kitchen, baked a chicken for dinner, cleaned the kitchen again.

DH watched 6 taped episodes of Mission Impossible.

I'm gonna have to have a talk with that boy....:bat:
Went to the dermatologist for a spot that I thought might be a problem but wasn't. She spotted a precancerous spot that I hadn't even noticed and zapped it with liquid nitrogen. Said it was spotted so early not to be concerned about it, come back in a year.

Went for a 130-mile motorcycle ride, turned around at some traffic jam near Harper's Ferry and went the other way.

Finally talked DW into going on a ride! We went on the 35-minute ride to her brother's, who was surprised to see her on a bike in all the gear, including the engineer's boots. She actually enjoyed it, but is more looking forward to small-group rides later in the year in nice scenery.
Thought he's still working.
No...his last day at work was Feb. 26th. I figure we'll have to ease into this retirement gig. tick tock...tick tock...:)

He's the MC at a concert tonight...I guess he figured he needed to rest up for it. :rolleyes:
Anyone know what this bird is called?


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+1 White crowned sparrow. I don't know western birds, but I was sure it was a sparrow, so I googled them. Here's a good page for other Southwestern sparrows. Google Image Result for http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3232/3129492959_5652f45e52.jpg

OMG, that looks like him. I couldn't find him on a local site. I didn't plan to be a bird watcher but when those guys stay still long enough for a photo, I can't resist.

I was thinking "Twiddy" didn't fit, but I like Ralph as a bird name.

[Edit to add link, here he is! http://www.nps.gov/prsf/naturescience/white-crowned-sparrow.htm
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Yesterday, DH had the opportunity to play with musician Tim Ries. Tim is the sax player for the Rolling Stones and just completed his second world tour with them. Other folks he has played for are Paul Simon, Sheryl Crow, Stevie Wonder and many others.

This a.m. we took him to the airport. It was an honor to meet such a talented, gracious and congenial man. I took a pic of the guys at the airport. Tim is the one on the left.

Now, I'm getting ready to clip coupons out of the Sunday paper.....:p


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