what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Great day! DW went down to Naples Friday to visit our son and g'daughter. She had extra time and I did not; but, I went down today to visit a little and bring her home. Met them and sons g'friend at Cracker Barrel. Can't beat that place for breakfast. Son wanted to take me for a boat ride out in the gulf. He had just done some work to his boat and wanted to try it out. What a ride! It's a 21' DONZI and goes like hell. Sixty MPH out in open water. Seemed like a 100! Water was beautiful and just a small chop as winds were out of the east. About 80 degrees today. Two hour trip down and wonder why we don't go more often. Son is a firefighter/EMT and has a goofy schedule. Just a super day.
No ichthyologist, nor fisherman, nor seafood chef here, but I vote for a catfish.
We have 2 winners...catfish it is.
What surprised me was the multitude of tiny little teeth in the mouth. Glad this guy is as small as he was. I cringe to think of swimming in the same lake as Jaws. :eek:
Who bought the book ? Did you buy it for your wife or did she buy it to get insight into you ?

Thought someone would notice that book. I bought it -- and I didn't get in any trouble for it!
There is something white and fluffy descending from the heavens in very minute amounts.
This event has forced me to take more drastic measures.
From here forward, all "snow bunnies" will be shot on sight. :mad:
"Snow bunnies" are people who really like the snow :nonono: for skiing and snowmobiling and ice fishing and lament :-\ the coming of Spring.

To compensate, there is a nice cozy fire burning in the living room and I am firing up the ol' crockpot to make this:
Thought someone would notice that book. I bought it -- and I didn't get in any trouble for it!
I miised it on first glance at the pics. :rolleyes:
Excerpts from "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands" has stupendous potential for thought provoking subject matter for a new thread.
Would you do the honors, Al ? :flowers:
Excerpts from "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands" has stupendous potential for thought provoking subject matter for a new thread.
Would you do the honors, Al ? :flowers:
I've started reading, and it's pretty interesting. Surprisingly un-feminist. DW is reading it now.

Lace is itchy.

Dr. Laura makes me want to urp. What does she know about relationships? Here doctorate is in physiology.
Lace is itchy.

Dr. Laura makes me want to urp. What does she know about relationships? Here doctorate is in physiology.
My motto is "we must conserve fabric at all times". ;)
I know who she is now. She is the host of a sicky sweet radio show where people call in and tell increasingly slobbery stories :sick: and ask her to play a special song for their special one.
Laura Schlessinger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I meant to post this last week...this was discovered on the shore of the small lake where I boat in warm weather.
Name that freshwater fish if you can.
It kinda reminded me of my portfolio...:LOL:

Aha - context people: reminded of portfolio, so maybe flounder? Crappie?
I knw - catfish is already the answer, but why let facts get in the way.

45-65 MPH winds pretty constant here in the desert today - dragged the mile long dirt road with the jeep, thinking the fines would blow away better, did some diagnosis on the transmission on same. Trash run. Hose repair. Watering the Athols. Have MIL's dressing to change - skin cancer doc took a heck of a whack out of the back of her shoulder - 15 stitches, about 4 inches long. She's not a happy girl, more confusion than the last time i saw her. :( Nobody gets out alive, but i'd sure like her to be as good as possible till she checks out. the gal is cooking like mad, attending to each little comment from her Mom, sorting pills for the next month into labled envelopes with time and date, arranging doctor visiits, re-stocking the pantry and house with a month or more of supplies, making sure all is beautifull and clean - you know, just hanging out on vacation in the Palm springs area.

Had a call from a stupid tenant at 7:30AM - he was all pissed because a neighbor called the cops with a noise complaint. Guy's a constant drunk, which i don't care about as long as it doesn't impact any one else - once it does... Units have been filling so fast i really should implement a hit list for dud tenants - but that takes a bit of effort on my part, so it's a balancing act - more of a pain in the azz keeping or dumping? Calling me when i'm out of state before 8AM moves me in one direction...
Slept late, made a yummy salad for lunch. It's a beautiful day, so I rolled around outside in the dirt for a while pulling weeds, came in and rolled around on the couch to get comfy.

Heating up some chili so I'll have something to cover the hot dogs! Later will probably do a little more rolling around on the couch. Ahhh...the sweet life.....:D
Dr. Laura is big on the tend to your man . Not as bad as the wrap yourself in cling wrap one ( of course at this age it would be laughable ) but a step down from that kind of like June Cleaver .
What surprised me was the multitude of tiny little teeth in the mouth. Glad this guy is as small as he was. I cringe to think of swimming in the same lake as Jaws. :eek:

Yep. If the thought doesn't stop one from going skinny-dipping, I don't know what would.

Actually, what is more scary is the tiny candiru of the Amazon that can eat you from inside out. It is arguably more fearsome than the piranha.

I am telling you, I will never venture into the rain forests of South/Central America. Call me chicken, but I will not go to to the forests of Africa either.

From a Web site:

The candiru refers to parasitic freshwater catfish in the family Trichomycteridae. They can be found in the Amazon River and are almost impossible to see through being translucent.
they can swim into the gill openings of other aquatic species and start feeding on their prey's blood. The spines around the head pierce the scales of the prey and draws blood while anchoring the candiru in place. The candiru uses its mouth to slurp the blood of the prey while rasping the ling teeth on its top jaw. After having sucked enough blood it sinks to the bottom of the river to digest its meal. The blood sucking is the reason the candiru is often called the vampire fish of Brazil.
The fish is attracted by the smell of human urine. After tasting the urine the candiru may follow the urine stream back to the human. It then swims up the urethra and uses its spines to manifest itself somewhere in the urinary tract. After having spread the spines like an umbrella the candiru finally starts to draw blood and may grow by the amount of blood that is consumed. It eats away the muscous membranes and tissues until it is stopped either by hemorrhage or the host. Every attempt to catch the fish by the tail will fail since once in the urethra, it cannot be pulled out because the spines are spread like an umbrella. Men as well as women can be attacked by the candiru.
I just met the neighbor, who is renting the house next door. He is a professional jet ski racer. He spends his summers in Dubai, racing jet skis.
I just met the neighbor, who is renting the house next door. He is a professional jet ski racer. He spends his summers in Dubai, racing jet skis.
Did you sign a permit to allow rentals?
Is this the guy who is responsible for you wearing earplugs?
If so, did you ask him where he was going in the middle of the night - or if he would share some of his drugs with you? :D
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