What did you do today? - 2020 version

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I bought a bag of frozen mahi mahi at Costco and grilled it today. I never cared for mahi mahi much as it was already dry, but this was surprisingly very moist and tasty. I'm glad I gave the fish another chance.
I bought a bag of frozen mahi mahi at Costco and grilled it today. I never cared for mahi mahi much as it was already dry, but this was surprisingly very moist and tasty. I'm glad I gave the fish another chance.
I love mahi mahi! We used to eat fresh mahi mahi a lot growing up in Hawaii. I have a bag of frozen mahi mahi in my freezer right now, so thanks for reminding me. Maybe I'll have that for dinner tonight.
I'm still waiting for my Retired Moderator pension to start.....:(
Hmm! I am getting 100% of my full Moderator pay each month, in my Retired Moderator pension. Can't beat that with a stick, as they say. :D $0.00/month and no need to do anything for it.
Well, I'd intended to resume work with the jackhammer and tiller, but my sore back said "Nope. Fuggetaboutit."

Me: "Ouch! Okay."

I did run the tiller over the area I'd done and tilled in five bags of Scotts Lawnsoil (very little bending doing that) spread grass seed, scatter one more bag of Lawnsoil on top, and water it. I'm pretty much taking the rest of the day off from yard work though.

This "getting old" is starting to wear thin. Today's weather is about perfect - high overcast, high temperature 70° F, moderate humidity, I'd very much enjoy doing more yard stuff if my back didn't hurt so much.
This "getting old" is starting to wear thin. Today's weather is about perfect - high overcast, high temperature 70° F, moderate humidity, I'd very much enjoy doing more yard stuff if my back didn't hurt so much.
My sympathies! I remember those days. I'd work all week, and then on the weekend I'd do yard work and it would just do me in; I'd hurt all over. You are still young, but possibly at some point you may want to consider joining those of us who decided to re-think our landscaping to make it as "easy care" as possible. No landscaping can be as beautiful as a back that doesn't hurt. :( Anyway, I hope your back stops hurting so much, soon.
I love mahi mahi! We used to eat fresh mahi mahi a lot growing up in Hawaii. I have a bag of frozen mahi mahi in my freezer right now, so thanks for reminding me. Maybe I'll have that for dinner tonight.
Oh, living in HI must have been wonderful, with all kinds of fresh ocean fish!
Oh, living in HI must have been wonderful, with all kinds of fresh ocean fish!
It was great! All the supermarkets had lots of fresh fish of every kind, and the prices were relatively good there compared with beef. Plus, my friends and I used to go spearfishing and I got some fish for free that way, too.
We've had projects and workers here for the past two days. DW is still running the landscaper ragged, hopefully next week will end this small redesign of our back yard and some fire mitigation work. It's been a couple weeks so far and finding help has been difficult.

DW was also looking for a handyman for several smaller projects requiring different skills. After several people blew us off I found a guy who is pretty awesome. He's fixed the 18" tile floor in a small area, grouted the shower, fixed drywall, sanded and painted lawn furniture. He said it would be a full day for $370, it was closer to two days and he stayed at $370. I gave him $500 and told him how much we appreciated his work.

I'm pleased with how this 25 year old furniture looks painted, it had been stained for it prior life and in horrible condition. This rustolum furniture paint was a great find.

We managed to get to our favorite Mexican place. We haven't gone inside since March today was upper 50s and the outdoor dining is shaded. I don't think they are going to be able to heat any outdoor area in the winter guess we'll carry out 20200912_172019.jpeg
Workout on my bike, cardio on the treadmill at the gym and finished with time in the lap pool. Had my own mini triathlon today.

Maybe do it again tomorrow ... or not.
Long day for us.

Wife is having her other knee replaced later today. Barring complications will be back home around 8 pm. Only patients allowed in the hospital so will be managing my anxiety with a trip to the gym and a workout on my mountain bike. Those are better options to burn off stress than sitting in a quiet house waiting for the debrief from her surgeon.

Here's hoping your wife's surgery went well. I had knee surgery as well thurs. to repair large meniscus tears. At the outpatientcenter at 6:30 am for an 8:30 surgery. Like your hospital ,no visitors so DW went back home after throwing me out. Then my DD picked her up at home and they went to breakfast. After my surgery and recovery /wake up time they brought me home around 1:15pm. I was pleasantly surprised at the small amount of pain I had. I elevated my leg in recliner and watched tv.:) Fast forward to 8:00 pm Pain getting a worse,time for pain pill-- by11:00 pm I'm having to go to restroom and can't get up alone, My 5ft 4 120 lb wife can barely help me up. I was up every 2hr. all night!:mad:The next morning my daughter had been told about a "medical ice machine" by a friend that would help me. We started looking for one and found 1 in stock about 45 min. from home. She went and got it and we started using it. Within 2 hrs. my pain was down to tolerable and by that night it was a non entity. I can recommend using one for knee surgery or any type sprains, it is great. I only used it yesterday about 5 hrs. total and so far this am an hour. It is so much better than the ice packs I used 1st day.The person that told my DD about it had rented hers for 30 days @ 300.00. We bought mine for $175.00 and now we have it if and when we need it.
I'm pleased with how this 25 year old furniture looks painted, it had been stained for it prior life and in horrible condition. This rustolum furniture paint was a great find.

It's beautiful! I never would have thought to paint those chairs red like that, but that's a terrific color choice, best I have ever seen for that type of chairs.

As for what I am doing today, I awakened around 9 AM and I am finishing my preparations for Hurricane Sally's arrival tonight. Right now I am doing laundry (those in hurricane prone areas probably remember that last minute task before one hits!). Then, we will go over to Walgreens so I can pick up my routine prescriptions which I forgot to re-order until Saturday night. Oops. Anyway, they are ready.

Right now it is overcast here but not raining or windy yet. If the weather still looks reasonable we might go to our restaurant for lunch, but at some point early this afternoon we will come home and wait for Sally. We decided not to evacuate.
Right now it is overcast here but not raining or windy yet. If the weather still looks reasonable we might go to our restaurant for lunch, but at some point early this afternoon we will come home and wait for Sally. We decided not to evacuate.

Hoping that Sally behaves herself for your sake and everyone on the coast.

The mornings are now cool enough for yard work to be tolerable so I whacked at some overgrown bushes for an hour or so (two bags worth) after walking with the little dog. I think it will be 5 or 6 days of this to get them all back to size - should have done this two years ago :facepalm:.

Today I'll finish up some pages for our church's new website, write the report from the search committee I chaired, and continue with my non-partisan voter registration/voter information activities. On Saturday I decided to set up a table at the corner of our lot (it's a main street in our subdivision) with mail-in voter registration forms and other voter information (I'm a volunteer deputy registrar, which is needed in Texas because there is no online registration.) Surprisingly in two days I've had more than 10 applications picked up. So I'll be carrying it out each morning until the registration deadline in early October.
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Trash can filling day!

Today is trash can filling day. :cool:

It's my ongoing goal to find enough "stuff" around here to completely fill the large can each week. I'm currently out of Amazon boxes to cut up.:blush: And my stash of old, used auto parts is down to a few useless things, but they are relatively heavy and big (why am I keeping this junk?) and should be taken to the recycle lot in town.

I did cut up into many pieces a damaged ABS plastic bumper cover I replaced on son-in-law's car (2016 Hyundai Accent) after he ran into/over some debris on the highway early one dark morning and cut it up pretty badly. I did the repair for way less than the deductible he would have had to pay. That's in the recycle can for future disposal.

I also went in the attic and low and behold, a dozen plastic crates full of Christmas decorations.>:D With DW reluctantly giving me permission to get rid of a good 40% of it, the can is now full! Now if I could get her to agree throwing out whatever is in the other boxes in the attic...well, I'll save that for a rainy day.

I'm doing my part to "simplify" my life and not leave a pile of junk for the kids to deal with "when the time comes".

It's actually kind of fun decluttering. It's amazing how fast clutter accumulates.

DW requested we put gutters on one side of the house to keep the water away from the foundation. I dutifully did it, and discovered after our first heavy rain that the water was puddling near the downspout because of the bad drainage. Rather than regrading the yard, I had a better plane.
I ordered 4 10 foot sections of downspout, plus a right angle adapter from Lowes. It was cool, as they had a pickup place designated in the parking lot with a placard with the phone number on it. Believe it or not, I got the four
10 foot pieces in my Hyundai Accent!
So, tomorrow I will assemble them, using sheet metal screws and sealant between the joints.
Took a spirited ride on some winding rural roads in my 19 yo Chevy, hiked at Starved Rock State Park, watched the bison at Buffalo Rock State Park, and now settling in for a nap.
Ran across some interesting numbers from the year I was born:

Average annual income was $2,600.
Average household income for nonfarm families was $3,000.
The federal minimum wage was 40¢ an hour.
The average house cost $5,150.
The average new car cost $1,125
A first class postage stamp cost 3¢.
A gallon of gasoline was 21¢.
A movie ticket was 55¢.
A gallon of milk was 67¢.
A dozen eggs was 59¢.
A loaf of white bread was 10¢.
One year tuition at Harvard was $420.
A computer cost $486,804 (ENIAC)
^ Wow gas was 21 cents a gallon in 1946. I wonder if that high of a price was due to WWII. I think gas was around 25 cents when I got my drivers license in 1971
Here's hoping your wife's surgery went well. I had knee surgery as well thurs.


Hope your recovery is going well too.

No complications with wife’s knee replacement on Friday. She was sent home with an ice machine many pages of instructions and a big bag of medicine. My job at this point is to make sure she has healthy light meals and snacks, takes all her meds on time and keep the frozen water bottles refreshed in the ice machine.
DW requested we put gutters on one side of the house to keep the water away from the foundation. I dutifully did it, and discovered after our first heavy rain that the water was puddling near the downspout because of the bad drainage. Rather than regrading the yard, I had a better plane.
I ordered 4 10 foot sections of downspout, plus a right angle adapter from Lowes. It was cool, as they had a pickup place designated in the parking lot with a placard with the phone number on it. Believe it or not, I got the four
10 foot pieces in my Hyundai Accent!
So, tomorrow I will assemble them, using sheet metal screws and sealant between the joints.

This requires you to post a photo of whatever the drainage solution contraption will look like! :D
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