What did you do today? - 2020 version

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Yesterday just as I was sitting down for dinner the UPS guy dropped off the new TV stand that DW ordered from Amazon. Those guys at UPS must eat their Wheaties, because that thing was over 70 lbs and he didn't look like he was struggling at all. I went and got the hand cart to move it. Surprisingly, for the price it's real wood and not that particle-board stuff I'd expected. Anyway, that's what we did yesterday evening, put that together. DW is pleased, and that's always a good thing.

Today I decided to try placing a TV camera on a small helicopter (fixed pitch) for a video. I should have stayed inside, it turned out to not have enough "oomph" to outfly the little bit of wind and I saw that it was being carried off into the woods. Not quite in the nick of time I chopped the throttle and let it drop, but it was into some trees right at the edge of the woods. Not very hopeful, I trudged on down the hill to look for it and finding nothing, decided well, maybe if I wiggle the sticks I'll hear a servo move, but nothing. Next I tried advancing the throttle, hoping to maybe hear the rotor blades flapping against some leaves. To my astonishment it dropped out of a tree not three feet from where I was standing! But it was missing the TV camera/transmitter and battery powering them. Looking around a bit I found them under some leaves about a foot from where the helicopter had fallen.

I must be living right.:) In total all that was missing was the tail rotor blade, about a $4 part.

And I have a shaky video of a short helicopter flight ending in bouncing through the tree leaves. It turns out that while velcro may be okay for holding a TV camera on a fixed-wing airplane, it's lousy for a vibrating helicopter and it was slowly shaking loose. The next Amazon order will include some tiny cable ties to strap it to the landing gear.

To make up for my luck in finding the helicopter, when I went to water some newly-planted grass seed I found that some yellow jackets had decided to build their nest under the hose bib. I didn't find that out until I went to turn the water off and one of them stung me. A couple squirts of wasp & hornet spray took care of that, but I'd forgotten how much a yellow jacket sting, stings. I am now being reminded.:(
Busy day in the garden and orchard today. I picked my first zucchinis of the season. I also picked a few pounds of red and black currants (to make jelly), as well as 20+ lbs of cherries. I will be making jam, sorbet, and clafoutis with the cherries and I might preserve some in brandy. There are still tons to pick.
A hot (for PA) day at the camp. Full sun so sat and analyzed solar panel performance. At near vertical mounting (winter and snow dump optimized) about 70% of the rated output. Ultimately though I need about another 700 to 900 more watts for good winter power use.

Another observation was, a baby bird exited the nest, I think too soon. Not sure it will survive. Momma bird was not happy.
Today was the last day before the beaches here on the beautiful Central Coast of California were closed for the holiday. DW and I drove out to a spot on the beach only known to locals. There we set up our day camp.
I had picked up a big sub, chips and a small carrot cake at the market, so DW packaged everything in our Playmate including paper plates, a trash bag and utensils..

We always have two nice folding chairs in the back of her car. Today we added a nice wooden TV tray and an 8 foot beach umbrella. The site had a K-rail at the end of the lot, and the loops at the end were just the right opening to hold the umbrella. We were there for quite some time, and it really made our day.
Attached is the view we had with DW in her day camp.


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We went to the public gardens in Tilden park in the Berkeley Hills, with some great views of San Francisco Bay on the drive there. Afterward we went on a hike in a nearby Redwood park. The garden just opened to the public again after being closed due to COVID. Now it is reservation only but once there visitors can stay as long as they like.
Weights and morning walk. Put a pergola together for DW's friend. 6 hours in 91° heat. Couldn't wait to get the sun shade on. Then went home and took a nap
Got out the pressure washer and pressure washed the driveway and sidewalk. They both look white again! One doesn't realize just how dirty concrete is until it is clean again.
My round surface cleaner attachment really makes it quicker & easier then the old slow wand way!
Took the Model Y up Wolfe Creek Pass to see what it would do on the highway. Town was stupid and it took a while to get out. I'd never taken it on a highway, such as it is, or tried out Autodrive. I was really impressed by what the vehicle could do. The vehicle steered on its own while maintaining proper social distancing from other vehicles. It doesn't steer like I do and it takes some trust in the technology.

It was terrifying to let it "drive" for the first time on this section of road. In the reasons why the technology wouldn't work it states curvy roads may not be Autodrive capable. That pass is curvy! It told me as it kicked off on the worst hairpin corners but somehow drove most of the way. It never was lagging for power.[emoji2]I had to adjust it's following distance on the way back, it's way more confident in the ability to stop then me. We managed to recover 4% of the battery on the way back down.
We went to a different garden today and walked around a lake. Life is a little more subdued with the pandemic and not much open but on the bright side, less restaurant meals and more walking and outside time has probably been healthier for us.
I dusted off my web development skills. It didn't go so great but then I referred to an old backup file of a webpage that I created that does what I want to do and I just finished paring it down to the essentials so I'll see how it's done.
Prepping for a family dinner tomorrow (10 of us). Brownies & start sourdough foccacia today. Assemble lasagne tomorrow.

Arm almost healed from dog attack slowing me down. Still wish the dog owner would have let me know if she had her shots. Meds wrecking havoc with my digestive tract. But I guess I understand. Animal control would have quarantined dog & her insurance company would have been notified.
Heading over to DD and DSIL house for BBQ. They have been quarantining and are in our "quarantine social bubble"
Prepping for a family dinner tomorrow (10 of us). Brownies & start sourdough foccacia today. Assemble lasagne tomorrow.

Arm almost healed from dog attack slowing me down. Still wish the dog owner would have let me know if she had her shots. Meds wrecking havoc with my digestive tract. But I guess I understand. Animal control would have quarantined dog & her insurance company would have been notified.

As it should be! Otherwise the dog may bite someone else, maybe someone who won't be so understanding, which could result in violence.
Arm almost healed from dog attack slowing me down. Still wish the dog owner would have let me know if she had her shots. Meds wrecking havoc with my digestive tract. But I guess I understand. Animal control would have quarantined dog & her insurance company would have been notified.

So what? Animal control SHOULD have been notified and the animal SHOULD be quarantined and if her insurance rates go up maybe, just maybe, the danged stupid irresponsible fool will keep control of her mangy mutt in the future.

If it sounds like I don't have any sympathy for dog owners who allow their dogs to roam uncontrolled, you're right.
So what? Animal control SHOULD have been notified and the animal SHOULD be quarantined and if her insurance rates go up maybe, just maybe, the danged stupid irresponsible fool will keep control of her mangy mutt in the future.

If it sounds like I don't have any sympathy for dog owners who allow their dogs to roam uncontrolled, you're right.

The husky ran towards my granddaughter & my dog growled at her. That's when she bit me. I don't know if it was because of A or Koda or if something else was going on ..... I just know that I was surprised when the owner yelled at me for having my medium dog in the large dog park. I went into auto mode and just reacted impassionately. I know I wouldn't have if either my granddaughter or my dog were hurt.

'Lucky' bite hit a vein on the back of my wrist. 3 more days of meds
The husky ran towards my granddaughter & my dog growled at her. That's when she bit me. I don't know if it was because of A or Koda or if something else was going on ..... I just know that I was surprised when the owner yelled at me for having my medium dog in the large dog park. I went into auto mode and just reacted impassionately. I know I wouldn't have if either my granddaughter or my dog were hurt.

'Lucky' bite hit a vein on the back of my wrist. 3 more days of meds

Give me strength I don't know if it's COVID or what but people are getting more insanely jerky every day. Dog people like that one are a menace and give all people with pets a bad name...I'd have called 911 and gotten everything on the record.

You were hurt and you are important too!
Thank you, mending well

Changing today's menu bc I can't knead bread. Will make sushi for my DD birthday. GS1 is doing 2 different stir frys.
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Actually last evening. We grilled 2 of those bacon burgers, topped off with tomatoes from our plants. After dinner we went down to the little oasis DW created between our cars and the storage shed. She put in two lattice planters for privacy, and 2 baker's racks filled with small succulents. We sat there listening to music enjoying our wine and looking at the fire from our new vertical fire pit. It doesn't get much better than that.

The fire pit is really nice, and it uses those one pound propane bottles. I bought spare refillable bottles and a kit to refill them from a 20 pound BBQ tank


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Offered up my annual prayer of thanks to Willis Carrier, widely credited with inventing a practical commercially available air conditioner. Today hit 98° F and we both lounged around in our comfortably cool and dehumidified home, luxuriating in the simple joy of not having to work, especially outside, today.

I did do some hedge trimming at 9:30 AM while it was still cool enough to be bearable, and hopefully not too early to annoy the neighbors with the two-stroke engines on the hedge trimmer and vacuum. Both ran for less than 15 minutes so it shouldn't have been too bad.
Repaired a rock chip on the windshield of the SUV. Used the Rain-X repair kit from Amazon. Very pleased with the results. There is enough resin for several more repairs, so I will definitely take it to Arizona with us. It had probably been 20 years since I had a chipped windshield, and then we had one chip 18 months ago and another 5 months ago. Both times in Phoenix.
So what? Animal control SHOULD have been notified and the animal SHOULD be quarantined and if her insurance rates go up maybe, just maybe, the danged stupid irresponsible fool will keep control of her mangy mutt in the future.

I can go along with "danged stupid irresponsible fool", but "mangy mutt" is pretty judgemental in my opinion. It could have been a very well groomed and well bred canine. I didn't see any pictures or papers.
Went for my eye exam this morning. Every two years with an excellent ophthalmologist. For various reasons, I need the professional checkup on a regular basis.

The doctors at this practice are all truly excellent, but their administrative machinery is horrible. I had to spend a good 15 minutes last evening going through their online check-in procedure, and when I showed up they couldn't find it so they asked me to fill it all out again on paper. I refused and was ready to walk out until they relented.

Then when I walked in the building, I had my temperature taken and was asked the usual screening questions. No problem there, but they made me take off my N95 mask and put on one of their regular masks "because we don't know about your mask and we have to protect our staff". Just insane. I'm glad it will be another two years before I have to go back.
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