What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

A slightly sad cleanup day from having the grandkids in the house for several days this week. Our living and family room took the brunt of the "kiddie tornado" generated by an almost 4 year DGD and a 2 year on DGS. But it was a joy to have them.

DW set up a huge plastic fold-out doll house will lots of accessories. I set up a four lane hot wheels track with extensions and curves and 25+ cars. We also set up a marble run. Both kids loved them, and of course at that age "mixing" of the environments quickly developed (rolling marbles and the dollhouse car down the hot wheels track, crashing the cars into the dollhouse, sticking the dolls in the marble run, etc.).

They left Friday (down to DC for several days before they fly, we will join them again tomorrow), but we kind of enjoyed leaving the "mess" for a day, it was a nice reminder of them being here. But, walking is hazardous and we are old :)laugh:), so we picked up and put everything away. Amazingly, we found all of the pieces for everything, nothing was lost :). It was a little sad knowing it will be a while before they return, but we have plenty of memories to enjoy.
I went bowling last night for the first time in over 40 years. It was fun, but my bad left knee is sore this morning.

Are you going to use those oak slabs or sell them? Are you clearing the land for a purpose or doing maintenance on the property?

Just maintenance: couple of trees were too close to the house and causing foundation damage. I am going to make something out of these slabs some day! Mostly likely a farm dining table.
Just maintenance: couple of trees were too close to the house and causing foundation damage. I am going to make something out of these slabs some day! Mostly likely a farm dining table.

That was a great video and wasn't an easy task.
Your videos have inspired me to take down some more trees. 4 maybe 12" dia scrap wood trees. All 4 are impeding my view (and casting ability) to the lake. Should be interesting. 2 are leaning over my dock. 1 has a big hornet's nest in it. DW will not let me tackle this until mid March.
Leaning trees are scary. You can try to de-limb the deck side of the trees before felling them. I did that as an insurance for the Oak that was too close to the house.
^^ Tree 4 leans over the lake by about 20'. I was thinking about de-limbing that one somehow instead of dropping the whole tree in the lake. It would be easier picking pieces of it out of the lake as opposed to trying to drag the whole tree out. I can move the dock in minutes - no big deal.


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^^ Tree 4 leans over the lake by about 20'. I was thinking about de-limbing that one somehow instead of dropping the whole tree in the lake. It would be easier picking pieces of it out of the lake as opposed to trying to drag the whole tree out. I can move the dock in minutes - no big deal.

Beautiful backyard! Ronstar, you have the right equipment (sideXside) to pull those trees right up to where you need them.
Another beautiful day but will stay home this morning and oil my winter packs and do some small jobs around the house.

We need to finalize our new kitchen cabinetry so we can get them ordered.

I woke up early and got an email off with a proposal offer for the purchasing of land. In hopes we can continue negotiating if that offer doesn't work for them. If it is supposed to be it will, if not life goes on. The ball is in their hands, and I did offer a fair but not above fair offer. I never buy land at any inflated value, but I do have room to move up, but I do have a limit.
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A beautiful day over here in Northern Europe too. I'm planning a small trip taking my mum back to the small farm village she grew up in. Booking hotel rooms. Arranging visits.

A few hours by car to get there. A couple of nights at the local hotel. Her visiting a couple of friends. Visiting the graveyard. Driving around and gawking. :cool:

It will be nice!
Beautiful backyard! Ronstar, you have the right equipment (sideXside) to pull those trees right up to where you need them.
Yes, for tree 2 thought tree 4, dragging them out with a rope/chain and some muscle (4x4 or tractor) would work. Tree 1 looks big and heavy which you may not be able to pull out as a whole. You can piece that one out.
Woke up this morning at 6:00 with afib going on. It's not out of the ordinary for me to have that for a few seconds at a time since the cardiac ablation in 2016 but this time it wasn't reverting back to normal rhythm. I said a string of naughty words and informed DW that I thought I would need a ride to the ER. We waited a while longer to see if it would go away but no dice so off we went. At 7:00 or so there was no one else there so we were seen immediately. At least that part went right.

After some diagnostics and the usual blood tests and such we decided on a cardioversion. They tried three times, but no luck so here I am admitted overnight. They're trying some medication (I forget the name of it) and if that doesn't work they'll try another cardioversion tomorrow in combination with the medications. All of this took about seven hours and I hadn't had anything to eat since last night. They don't feed you in the ER. So when I did get to the room and dinner came I didn't complain at all about the lukewarm and somewhat bland dinner. Well, the bland part I get; I'm a cardiac patient so pizza, fried chicken and Philly cheesesteak subs are off the menu.

On the plus side, I lucked out and have a private room, and in a recently renovated part of the hospital so everything looks new.

If all this doesn't work, I guess the next thing is a cardiac ablation but I don't think they do that here. It's a rather involved procedure that last time took the electrophysiologist seven hours. That was at the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville, VA., about a three hour drive, and I still see that doctor annually. But I don't really know what the next step is if the efforts tomorrow don't work. Ah, the joys of growing older. This makes my tagline even more appropriate.
Woke up this morning at 6:00 with afib going on. It's not out of the ordinary for me to have that for a few seconds at a time since the cardiac ablation in 2016 but this time it wasn't reverting back to normal rhythm. I said a string of naughty words and informed DW that I thought I would need a ride to the ER. We waited a while longer to see if it would go away but no dice so off we went. At 7:00 or so there was no one else there so we were seen immediately. At least that part went right.

After some diagnostics and the usual blood tests and such we decided on a cardioversion. They tried three times, but no luck so here I am admitted overnight. They're trying some medication (I forget the name of it) and if that doesn't work they'll try another cardioversion tomorrow in combination with the medications. All of this took about seven hours and I hadn't had anything to eat since last night. They don't feed you in the ER. So when I did get to the room and dinner came I didn't complain at all about the lukewarm and somewhat bland dinner. Well, the bland part I get; I'm a cardiac patient so pizza, fried chicken and Philly cheesesteak subs are off the menu.

On the plus side, I lucked out and have a private room, and in a recently renovated part of the hospital so everything looks new.

If all this doesn't work, I guess the next thing is a cardiac ablation but I don't think they do that here. It's a rather involved procedure that last time took the electrophysiologist seven hours. That was at the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville, VA., about a three hour drive, and I still see that doctor annually. But I don't really know what the next step is if the efforts tomorrow don't work. Ah, the joys of growing older. This makes my tagline even more appropriate.
I wish you the best and sorry to hear that news. Please keep us informed and get well soon Walt.
Up in the attic again for some finishing touches and clean up. Mounted the terminal strip for the gable fan and the 12v to 6v DC-DC converter. When it stops raining I'll run the wire from the storage shed with the solar panel and the battery up to the gable and then I'll go back in the attic and hook it up.

Also have to rig my block and tackle supports so I'll be able to hoist heavy stuff through the opening and not have to try carry up the ladder. Which could end up very badly even though the ladder will not move - :)
Sorry to hear that you are in the hospital, Walt. I wish you well and hope that they get it under control.

Your tagline makes me chuckle every time I read it.
Yeah, hope all goes well and they get you fixed up soon.

Yeah, getting old sucks. But it beats the alternative.
Best Wishes for a good outcome on the AFIB, Walt.
Well, I'm still here and it looks like I may be here one more night. They decided to not try another cardioversion but are trying a drug to slow down the heart rate. It's supposed to work well but takes a day or three to take effect and they want my resting heart rate below 100 bpm before they send me home. I'll also have a Holter heart monitor when I do leave or shortly thereafter. So hopefully I'll be released today but it's not looking promising. Oh well, worse things can happen.

Right now the worst thing is the boredom. I'm not in any pain from this (the back pain never really stops, it just varies) and I make it a point to get up and walk around the floor every couple of hours so I don't get blood clots or something. Daytime TV is worse than I remembered; here is the only place I watch it but quickly reverted back to youtube. No commercials there.
Walt, I missed your post last night and just saw this. Bummer that your AFIB flared up again. Hope the meds kick in soon and they release you on parole with that [-]ankle[/-] heart monitor.
This morning, I shoveled snow for the very first time this winter.
Well, I'm still here and it looks like I may be here one more night. They decided to not try another cardioversion but are trying a drug to slow down the heart rate. It's supposed to work well but takes a day or three to take effect and they want my resting heart rate below 100 bpm before they send me home. I'll also have a Holter heart monitor when I do leave or shortly thereafter. So hopefully I'll be released today but it's not looking promising. Oh well, worse things can happen.

Right now the worst thing is the boredom. I'm not in any pain from this (the back pain never really stops, it just varies) and I make it a point to get up and walk around the floor every couple of hours so I don't get blood clots or something. Daytime TV is worse than I remembered; here is the only place I watch it but quickly reverted back to youtube. No commercials there.

Hope you are feeling better, soon!! Sounds so scary. But at least you are getting good medical care and treatment. As for boredom, I'd probably be watching youtube like you are. It's amazing what topics their videos cover. We watch tours of antebellum mansions, and I also like to watch true crime videos (but that might be too reminiscent of work, for you! :LOL: )

Take care and we are all hoping your recovery is quick and uneventful. :) Let us know how everything goes.
Be well Walt!

Met with the contractor who is working up plans to build us a steel garage. Took measurements and concluded we can fit our 20 x 25 or so building in back. Next up plans need to get made up, and permits applied for.

The steel building companies make it sound so easy. Order the building and we install it on your pad. And BTW you might need permits. :angel:
Breakfast out with the wife. TUE is senior discount at Ross & Goodwill. Typically find some really great deal.

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