What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

Rebuilt two Infinity bookshelf 6" woofer drivers. Both had surround foam suspension material crumbling from age (like me, I guess:D). Ordered two new foam surround rings, voice coil shim stock, two voice coil covers and glue. Took all of one hour to replace the foam rings and voice coil covers. ;)

Tomorrow is the sound test!
Yesterday first grandchild was born and my mother was diagnosed with incurable cancer.

Reminds me of the scene in the movie City Slickers when the actor was talking about the worst day of his life and the best day of his life. His response was "same day".
Rebuilt two Infinity bookshelf 6" woofer drivers. Both had surround foam suspension material crumbling from age (like me, I guess:D). Ordered two new foam surround rings, voice coil shim stock, two voice coil covers and glue. Took all of one hour to replace the foam rings and voice coil covers. ;)

Tomorrow is the sound test!

I did that with a pair of Pioneer speakers a neighbor threw out. I picked them up, did a thorough cleaning, from a smokers house they smelled! Speaker covers were cleaned in the bath tube, twice, everything washed down. I had to replace a tweeter, I found one on Ebay, then I install the foam surrounds. Worked out great, sold them at my wife's next yard sale.
As far as what I did today, I helped my son change the oil in his car, then while under it saw how much the transmission pan was leaking, we had re -torqued the bolts a couple years ago, so knew it was coming, We removed the transmission pan and filter, cleaned it up, installed a new filter and gasket. Then the worst part, cleaning up all the tools and putting them away when your done. It was good father son bonding time.
Yesterday first grandchild was born and my mother was diagnosed with incurable cancer.

Reminds me of the scene in the movie City Slickers when the actor was talking about the worst day of his life and the best day of his life. His response was "same day".

So sorry to read of your mother's diagnosis. That's pretty hard for any of us to take. Hope your grandchild can help you to get through this time. Nothing more beautiful than a newborn baby.
Yesterday first grandchild was born and my mother was diagnosed with incurable cancer.

Reminds me of the scene in the movie City Slickers when the actor was talking about the worst day of his life and the best day of his life. His response was "same day".

A happy and sad day puts life in respective. I wish you the best.
Day four of remodel is in the books. We made some progress yesterday but do have a way to go. It seems like we take two steps ahead and then go back three steps. Lol
Kids stopped by with pizza so knocked off early which was nice to see them and for the break.

Day 5 (today) I'm feeling the aches and pains more today from all that crawling around and in and out from inside the cabinets. We are hoping for a good day of progress and may just take a few days off to recoup after today.
Spent 7hr. at the hospital with DW for her heart cath. Was supposed to be 2-1/2 hr. but her veins were too small in upper arm for the needle thingy to go thru so they had to fall back to the groin area to get it done. Got home and then spent rest of day helping her with every thing she needed. No blockages to stent but she got a very large hematoma in the crook of her right elbow we assume from where they had the trouble. We kept it iced down and it looks better this am. Swelling gone down but a very large blue/black spot on arm now. Next step will be to see a respitory Dr. for lung tests and possibly some type inhaler for her shortness of breath. Growing older is not for the faint of heart for sure.
Yesterday first grandchild was born and my mother was diagnosed with incurable cancer.

Reminds me of the scene in the movie City Slickers when the actor was talking about the worst day of his life and the best day of his life. His response was "same day".

I am sorry to hear this about your Mom. The new grand baby will bring you such joy!

I went through this with first DGS, He was born 5 months after last parent passed.
The circle of Life continues.
Started the repair of an inside corner in the basement drywall that's needed it for oh, about 15 years or so. The corner bead pulled away when the house settled and we've managed to conceal it even from our own eyes with strategic placement of chairs and such.

While I have many talents, alas drywall repair is not one of them. This is gonna take a while. It looks a lot easier on youtube.
Drywall patching is not super hard, but is time consuming. It's a basement, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. :)

More painting here today. A couple hours work priming, and done for today. Tomorrow the finish coat on that wall.
Looks like a lot of us are DIYing today. For my part, DH & I installed a new dishwasher. It was made a little tricky due to the placement (not next to the sink). We got it done with only one trip to buy parts.

Since I’m more limber than DH, I did most of the crawling and reaching. I learned that I can’t do this kind of work while wearing my progressive lenses - the darn screws and wires kept going in and out of focus!

Neighbors invited us for a boat ride with them tonight. We usually see a few illegal fireworks from the lake when we go out on July 4th, I expect it will be the same tonight. I baked some cookies to contribute to the snack potluck on the boat.
I have seen and heard zero fireworks here, other than the official ones last Saturday.
A whole different world than our old place. For several days before and after fireworks were going a lot. On the 4th it sounded and smelled like a war zone for hours. Crazy.
Today mowed lawn for the State University outpost center. It has been a very busy last 5 days. Got the kitchen remodel done and will do the floor in a week after I recover from these last 5 days. Also been to ranch on Wednesday to water tree some trees and do a little mowing there too.

I'm a tired boy wore out boy. Lol
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Finished up remodeling our laundry room. It was by far the ugliest room in the house and also the one we walk through many times each day since it leads to the garage.
Took down the old shelves and hanging rod

Installed new lighting
Installed new modern shelving
Removed cube freezer to garage
Bought new laundry hamper - good-bye pink plastic basket
New pulls for the cabinets

And much more.
It looks so much better!
I am worn out just reading your post, Street. lol.

Routine Doctor visit. Removed tape and plastic from yesterdays completed paint job of 1 wall. Replaced 3 electric outlets. PITA. Doesn't sound like much in comparison. But enough for me today.
Had an appointment with Costco to get a hearing aid adjustment, and carried my DW's electric bike back. We bought 2 from them as our Christmas to each other so we could use them to get around when camping. Hers had a funny noise coming from rearend so I returned it and purchased another on in early June. We camped the week before the 4th and on the 1st trip around the campground her bike locked down something in the rear hub. So I got her another one yesterday. I still have to assemble it. The best thing about Costco is no hassle returns, but if we have any trouble with either bike again this year I'll take both back for a refund and just forget it.
Routine follow-up doctor visit, stopped by Lowes and got some perforated 9 inch rollers for the pressure roller, then the Sherwin-Williams store for the ceiling paint for the downstairs family room. I had considered masking everything and spraying the walls but decided to settle for the pressure roller instead.
My tooth broke on my last trip. I thought I was just going to the oral surgeon to have the tooth root removed today but when I got there I had panoramic x-ray which unfortunately showed a problem with my upper jaw. So I had a bone graft too. Ouch. And my insurance only covered part of it (I pd $1829 which I will appeal with DeltaCare). So now I'm left wondering what to do next:
1. Nothing -- gap won't be visible
2. Bridge -- 3k
3. Implant peg -- 2k then crown -- 1.8k
Surgeon says I can do 'next step' in 3-4 months. Yeah, I'll be on my next cruise then.
Moved furniture and stuff around in the downstairs family room, put down drop cloths (plastic sheets really) and began cutting in the ceiling for painting. DW did the cutting in along the baseboards for the wall color. Now we're both tired. Painting isn't as easy as it used to be. Oh, and I noticed that a 5-gallon can of paint is a lot heavier than it used to be when we bought some this morning.

I plan on doing at least the walls with the pressure roller, I'm still thinking about the ceiling. The advantage is that it spares me a lot of bending which gives me a backache but of course the pressure roller and associated hardware/hoses is heavier than a regular roller. The pressure roller is also a lot faster since to reload the roller just takes a squeeze on the trigger of the paint gun. The room is a good size at 16 x 33 feet so there's lots of wall space.
Went ballroom dancing with DW and some friends last night, and I had 2 happy moments of the day there - but I will post that info in the other thread at some point :cool:.
Got up early as usual and did morning walk and exercises.
-put out another video on my YouTube channel Called “The Goatlocker; Straight Talk”
- Mowed and trimmed the lawn
Just finish today cleaning up the basement from last Sunday rain. We through out a lot of stuff, I told my wife only buying a treadmill and does about it. We got ~ 9 inches of rain and less than 2 hours, the streets where like rivers.
I'm working on cleaning and organizlng the garage so I can drywall the ceiling. A friend gave me a nice old table saw earlier this year so yesterday I gave my old one to someone else. It turned out that the new one needed some work to get all the adjustments freed up. It has a cast iron top and two cast iron wings and is very heavy. I got it flipped over and cleand up and working. I'll wait for more help to set it back on the stand. One less piece of equipment in the garage is nice. I am putting everything I can on wheels so shuffling things around should be pretty easy.
It is a workout just reading everyone's doings. Am in lazy mode, eventually will get 'roundtoit for stuff needing done. Being widowed, no rush honeydo jobs.
Painted two coats of white ceiling paint in the downstairs family room using the pressure roller. The first coat took a lot longer than the second because there is a bit of a learning curve. While it's easy to reload the paint roller with a squeeze of the paint gun trigger, there is a bit of a time lag between the trigger squeeze and the paint actually making it to the surface of the roller. But once you get used to that and can anticipate the need for more paint on the roller it gets to be pretty easy.

Cleanup is time consuming since there is the airless sprayer pump, paint gun, hose, and the pole and the paint roller frame to clean. The payoff for me is that there is no bending to reload the paint roller in the paint tray, and that's a lot easier on my back so the tradeoff is worth it to me. It may not be for everyone, especially if you don't clean the roller afterward and simply dispose of it.
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