What is your pet peeve of the day? -- 2021

Stupid and incompetent people. Thursday night/Friday morning we got about 3 inches of heavy wet snow. The County has done a fine job of cleaning it so all the roads are at least plowed, if not bone dry. I went to make a short grocery run and immediately upon leaving the development got stuck behind a fool going max 20 mph on DRY PAVEMENT! If they saw snow on the road they slowed to maybe 10 mph. And then these idiots wonder why they get stuck (hint: it's because they didn't have the momentum to carry them over an icy patch). I figured it would be faster to take the long way through town so that's what I did.
Pet peeve today about pet stuff
why do doggie poop bags come with stickers on the roll? You waste 2 bags trying to rip that thing off to get the roll started to put in the holder. (I think I just answered my question--to go through the bags faster and have to buy more!:facepalm::mad:)

Every time I load a new roll, I have the same feeling:D.

I have figure out how to to peel that little $@%*& piece of tape with out ripping the bag, but you need to do it before you NEED to do it:LOL:

On a side note, DS and DDIL buy bags on line and the ones they get have tape that is easy to peel. I gotta find out where they get them.
People who fly drones in national parks, state parks, and other designated drone-free locations. Sure, you'll get great footage. But the rest of us have to listen to the (no pun here) drone of your unmanned flying camera.
I totally agree with you athena53. I had a colonoscopy recently and got a text to call & schedule a virtual visit to register. Ok, called and they set me up for a nurse to call for my information. Waiting, waiting, waiting, finally DW called and they said "Oh no, he has to come in person". So after arguing for a minute she finally said yes they do call-ins and scheduled me for another call in a few days. Waiting, waiting, waiting, again DW called and got the same argument. They did relent and had a nurse call me later the next day for the same info that is on my my-chart account with them.

Yeah, virtually every time I have a doctor appt., I have to do a My-Chart check in (drugs, conditions, changes, symptoms, insurance, etc.) WHat a waste of time.

Yesterday, I noticed on my exit form from my spine doctor that he had my height wrong (he's never measured it!) There's no place for me to "fix" that in My-Chart either. What a messed up system. At some point, I just start to ignore this stuff. That's probably not wise, but I know they don't pay any attention to it either, so...
Finger skateboarding. Appears to be a up and coming fad if not already is.. Paraphernalia like ramps and skate parks are must buys too. Kids need to get off their butts and do some real skateboarding.
When I want to print off some report or financial information and I come across a blank page with the notation "This page intentionally left blank." Doesn't cause me any real problem, but the fact that 'they' do that just irks me. Why do they bother to include a page that has nothing on it?? And by putting that sentence there, it means they are well aware of it including no info. Just seems silly.
Goathead burrs! We never heard of these until this winter in Arizona. Four flats on our bicycles - a complete set - after less than 25 miles of riding. We got replacement tubes with Slime and I've already seen little dots of green goo coming through the outer tire, but it seems to be working as they are still holding air.

Here's an AZ site description of these evil little things: https://nazinvasiveplants.org/goathead

They also get tracked into our camper, waiting for us to step on them barefooted, leading to screams of pain & multiple curse words. Far worse than stepping on a Lego!

Remember something similar while hiking on Bonaire. Went through the sole of my crocs and was sticking into my feet. Those things are vicious.
Goathead burrs! We never heard of these until this winter in Arizona. Four flats on our bicycles - a complete set - after less than 25 miles of riding. We got replacement tubes with Slime and I've already seen little dots of green goo coming through the outer tire, but it seems to be working as they are still holding air.

Here's an AZ site description of these evil little things: https://nazinvasiveplants.org/goathead

They also get tracked into our camper, waiting for us to step on them barefooted, leading to screams of pain & multiple curse words. Far worse than stepping on a Lego!


Se have them in Texas too. Nasty...:mad:
Amazon delivery. Got an email saying my package was delivered and handed directly to a resident and signed by me. NOPE! didn't receive my package so either they didn't deliver it or left it at another condo.
That's bad enough but what really peeves me is there is NO where on Amazon's system to address this. I can't return it for a refund because it ain't there.
This was something I needed before we leave in a couple days for 2 months.
Get it together Amazon.
When I want to print off some report or financial information and I come across a blank page with the notation "This page intentionally left blank." Doesn't cause me any real problem, but the fact that 'they' do that just irks me. Why do they bother to include a page that has nothing on it?? And by putting that sentence there, it means they are well aware of it including no info. Just seems silly.

Traditionally, the intentional blank page is there for double-sided printing.
The guy, walking, at the running track who manages to walk in in all eight lanes while I and others are running around as hard as we can.
At a shared biker/walker paved trail in a nearby forest preserve, many bikers assume the dozens of walkers (families, geezers, children) need to dive for the grass as they come through at full sprint speeds shouting warnings. They really need to find a safer place to do their high speed riding.
At a shared biker/walker paved trail in a nearby forest preserve, many bikers assume the dozens of walkers (families, geezers, children) need to dive for the grass as they come through at full sprint speeds shouting warnings. They really need to find a safer place to do their high speed riding.

My experience: A lot of high speed bikers (but by no means all) think they are entitled to the road and the shared trails. Damn those cars, Damn those pedestrians. Probably a gross generalization, but a relatively small number of bikers are just plain arrogant and give the vast majority a bad name.
What is it with dentistry today? Used to be the dentist did tooth extractions and root canals. Now a days you have to go to an endodontist for a root canal or an oral surgeon to get a tooth pulled. And of course, you can't just go in for any work at these specialists, even with a referral from your dentist, you have to have a prepaid consultation, then they schedule the work for a later date.

Not only the added layers of specialists, you can forget about getting in to see them in a timely fashion. Case in point, needing a tooth extraction and suffering severe toothaches, oh yeah, the first available appointment for a consultation is two months out. But the actual work will be at least one to two weeks after that. I ask them what about the pain I am in? I have to wait two plus months? Yeah, you do, contact your dentist for pain killers which is basically penicillin. Of course, dentist will prescribe penicillin but won't allow a refill. So, when does the pain come back? On Friday night after the Dentist office is closed.

Well finally I get in to see an oral surgeon. Of course I have to pay for scans that were already done at the dentist and then at an endodontist. And now the oral surgeon will only extract after they knock you out which is another $550. I tell oral surgeon I had wisdom teeth pulled without the extra cost for being knocked out. Too bad, you don't have the choice.

My pet peeve of the day.
What is it with dentistry today? Used to be the dentist did tooth extractions and root canals. Now a days you have to go to an endodontist for a root canal or an oral surgeon to get a tooth pulled. And of course, you can't just go in for any work at these specialists, even with a referral from your dentist, you have to have a prepaid consultation, then they schedule the work for a later date.

Not only the added layers of specialists, you can forget about getting in to see them in a timely fashion. Case in point, needing a tooth extraction and suffering severe toothaches, oh yeah, the first available appointment for a consultation is two months out. But the actual work will be at least one to two weeks after that. I ask them what about the pain I am in? I have to wait two plus months? Yeah, you do, contact your dentist for pain killers which is basically penicillin. Of course, dentist will prescribe penicillin but won't allow a refill. So, when does the pain come back? On Friday night after the Dentist office is closed.

Well finally I get in to see an oral surgeon. Of course I have to pay for scans that were already done at the dentist and then at an endodontist. And now the oral surgeon will only extract after they knock you out which is another $550. I tell oral surgeon I had wisdom teeth pulled without the extra cost for being knocked out. Too bad, you don't have the choice.

My pet peeve of the day.

A strong longterm relationship with your dentist/dental practice will help enormously in such situations. For a longterm patient, many dentists will ocnsider doing an extraction (at least if it is relatively straightforward) in a pinch while normally, they prefer sending folks to a specialist.
On the other hand, if you tend to hop from dentist to dentist in pursuit of the cheapest service, chances are they will be less accommodating. Not saying that applies to you specifically - just a general observation from a parent of a dentist.
A strong longterm relationship with your dentist/dental practice will help enormously in such situations. For a longterm patient, many dentists will ocnsider doing an extraction (at least if it is relatively straightforward) in a pinch while normally, they prefer sending folks to a specialist.
On the other hand, if you tend to hop from dentist to dentist in pursuit of the cheapest service, chances are they will be less accommodating. Not saying that applies to you specifically - just a general observation from a parent of a dentist.
Good point. I would also expect the provider offering the cheapest service to insist on add-ons to make up the difference.

And if a practitioner insisted on anaesthesia, I'd run, not walk, out of their office. I've had root canals, extractions, and even a colonoscopy without general anesthesia, which is common practice in many other countries, and they always offer to stop if I signal that I'm uncomfortable, so I could always choose to be sedated instead.
Getting an envelope from a company that I do business with that has "IMPORTANT: Please open immediately!" written in huge letters on the front. Then, upon opening it, I see that it's nothing more than junk mail advertising their life insurance offerings. How can companies think this kind of egregious, deceptive bait-and-switch won't turn off their customers?
Getting an envelope from a company that I do business with that has "IMPORTANT: Please open immediately!" written in huge letters on the front.

In my entire life (I'm 73) I have never, ever, not once, received an envelope that had anything truly important in it (such as a large check) that was ever marked as "IMPORTANT!"

Only junk mail is marked as "IMPORTANT!" so that's my cue to throw it out.
What is it with dentistry today? Used to be the dentist did tooth extractions and root canals. Nowadays you have to go to an endodontist for a root canal or an oral surgeon to get a tooth pulled. And of course, you can't just go in for any work at these specialists, even with a referral from your dentist, you have to have a prepaid consultation, then they schedule the work for a later date.

<snip> And now the oral surgeon will only extract after they knock you out which is another $550. I tell oral surgeon I had wisdom teeth pulled without the extra cost for being knocked out. Too bad, you don't have the choice.

My dentist in NJ used to do it all-then he went into teaching! Since moving to the Kansas City area, there seems to be more specialization. I've had the same dentist for years and he once got me into his preferred endodontist on an emergency basis at 7 AM when I needed a root canal less than a week before I was going to India. When I was limping along with a bad abscess waiting for my oral surgeon appointment (and you CAN sometimes subsist on an antibiotic and OTC painkillers), I developed a swelling that people noticed in my face- a nurse friend said, "Don't mess with that". Oral surgeon got me in within a week when someone cancelled. So, I'm happy.

As for anaesthetic- I've also done colonoscopies without sedation and prefer it that way, but ALWAYS get sedation for dental implants. Even if it's painless, I'd be a wreck with the pulling, chipping, cutting, etc. This time the oral surgeon even indicated that he'd rather have me sedated. Some professionals want to make sure they can work without fear of you suddenly moving. That's an easy sell for me.
My experience: A lot of high speed bikers (but by no means all) think they are entitled to the road and the shared trails. Damn those cars, Damn those pedestrians. Probably a gross generalization, but a relatively small number of bikers are just plain arrogant and give the vast majority a bad name.

Yes, this is a gross generalization.

I'm a frequent bike rider on the recreation trails in my county. A lot of pedestrians (but by no means all) think they are entitled use the entire width of a trail that is 15 feet wide in many places. Some of them walk down the middle of the trail completely oblivious to their surroundings. They may walk three or four side-by-side and take up most of the trail.

They may be blasting their music so loudly in their headphones that they cannot hear a police-style whistle from a distance of 5 feet, let alone the voice of someone trying to pass safely. Or they decide to turn around and change direction without a glance behind them and run into trail users overtaking them. Or they will stop in the middle of the trail for a conversation because they don't want to step off the trail onto the grass.

Or the dog walkers who allow their dogs to stretch the leash across the trail.

There are far too many rude people throughout our society and on our trails. They are not all on bicycles.
I recall Citibank getting taken to task for sending refunds to customers in envelopes that looked like junk mail that many would just toss without opening.
There are far too many rude people throughout our society and on our trails. They are not all on bicycles.

I agree. There are inconsiderate people both riding bikes and walking. Of course, a biker doing 20+MPH can do a lot more damage to others than a walker going 3 miles per hour. And the post I was responding to complained about high speed riders.
At a shared biker/walker paved trail in a nearby forest preserve, many bikers assume the dozens of walkers (families, geezers, children) need to dive for the grass as they come through at full sprint speeds shouting warnings. They really need to find a safer place to do their high speed riding.

They need to get the "bell." It's very effective.

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