What was your happiest moment today?

In New Orleans for a w*rk conference, took myself out for lunch, with raw oysters, a Po’ Boy, and beer. Then strolled for dessert of beignets and cafe au lait. What a life of abundance! IMG_8013.JPGIMG_8014.JPG
At pickleball this morning, I played the best I ever have.

I was involved in one particularly intense game. When we finally won, I glanced at my Apple Watch which indicated that my HR was 154. I usually don’t work quite that hard.
I finally sat down and took up my aspiring website after a long hiatus. Wordpress is my "barrier" - I find it very difficult (today I was trying to figure out how to get a menu to list a page underneath it), but I spent a good 90 minutes on it. I will figure it out. Just stepping out on the path made me happy today.
Sat with one of my hospice peeps who has Alzheimer’s while his wife went out for a break. He isn’t very verbal and when he does speak he doesn’t make sense but he has a very pleasant demeanor. We sat outside on an old porch swing for a long time and then he turned to me, took my hand, and said “you’re good”. I was undone - one of those laugh-cry happy moments.
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Sat with one of my hospice peeps who has Alzheimer’s while his wife went out for a break. He isn’t very verbal and when he does speak he doesn’t make sense but he has a very pleasant demeanor. We sat outside on an old porch swing for a long time and then he turned to me, took my hand, and said “you’re good”. I was undone - one of those laugh-cry happy moments.

That's very moving; thanks for sharing that moment.

My happiest moments today were the three hours I spent playing around with "retirement" business card designs online. I couldn't stop grinning the entire time, picturing myself handing the cards out after retirement. My only problem will be narrowing down my selection, because there are so many options for personalizing the cards. I might just order more than one kind to avoid making the decision. Blow that dough! :LOL:
Helping my son pick up some used furniture from the Re-Store for his new apartment, and for him to be grateful to us for all the help.....and finally having an empty nest.
Went to look at a rural house for sale. Not going to buy it but thoroughly enjoyed looking at the view of a gentle wooded yard sloping down to a babbling brook. Spent a lot of time imagining how great it would be to have that view! Train of thought even went to future grandkids and how much fun we would have in the woods building forts and playing in the creek
When I found that my Medicare supplement application was denied only because I applied too soon.
Yesterday, but...

Parked in bit of a tight spot in the busy grocery store parking lot, and decided to fold-in my mirrors so the adjacent cars would have an easier time leaving. But with that distraction, I left my phone in the dash phone holder AND (probably*) forgot to lock the car.

Realized I my phone wasn't in my pocket after entering the store, but decided not to worry about it, as it as in the 'locked' car. Walking up to the car I hit the unlock button (not sure if the car was locked or unlocked, but now it was unlocked), popped the trunk and put the groceries in, then noticed through the rear window the phone was not in the dash phone holder. I figured, oops, I didn't lock the doors and it was too tempting for a passerby (the screen would have been "on", calling attention to the phone). Before I got in the car, I'd resigned myself to having to get another phone, but when I got in the car, the phone was on the driver's side floor.

My theory is that someone noticed the phone, noticed the unlocked doors, and did me a service of 'hiding' the phone on the floor rather than leave it so obviously steal-able. It made me pretty happy that I avoided the expense and hassle of getting a new phone, and it also gave me a bit more confidence in humanity.

* The 'probably' is because that phone holder has been known to spontaneously eject the phone onto the floor. So the car could have been locked and the phone popped off the holder by itself. But I'm thinking more likely is that some good person helped me. That's a better story to believe.
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That my DW has not added anything to the already long "to do" list of ours. Shooo weee.
Got a $12.00 check in the mail from AT&T that was for an overcharge on an account I closed 5 years ago. Am I actually not dreaming here? :eek:
I started to schedule an x-ray, but after a look at the appointment request form, decided to just drive there and take my chances.

I was done completely, including registration and x-ray within 15 minutes. However, I sat an extra 10 minutes waiting for a CD. Still in and out in under 30 minutes was a blessing.
So far today it is what I am doing right now, sitting here before I go to yoga, looking out the window at the bright sunshine and my beautiful pine trees. It is a pleasant, sunny day here today, 37 degrees with a light wind.
We got a nice surprise in the mail today: a check from the LLC that DH is a partner in, His parents put a big chunk of the family farm into the LLC; the siblings have since inherited and the farm is now managed by three of the brothers. For whatever reason (usually when one of the lower income siblings needs some cash) they decided to make a distribution and they sent DH his share.

Coincidentally, we are planning to renovate our master bathroom. I sent our wish list off to the contractor yesterday, and out of the blue today we get a check that should cover about 75% of what we plan to spend.
A wise NASDAQ stock transaction after lunch yielded me an impressive 17% in 4 hours (along with after hours trading), and the promise of more % tomorrow.

AND....playing with my new puppy while I write this response.
Very icy with lots of salt on the parking lot at the park for our walk. Carried our new rescue puppy over the ice/salt.

Felt like she knew I would never drop her.
Spent last evening with kids and grands. Nice ribeye on the traeger, crispy baked potatoes, and salad.
Today is a beautiful sunny morning, bulbs are beginning to sprout.
Tonight DH and I are going out for belated valentines dinner.
Life is grand!
When the oral surgeon was finally finished with pulling 3 teeth (that had been damaged by cancer radiation treatments). I was finally able to eat some soup, and applesauce about 4 hours later.
Did two Berkshire pork chops in 140° sous vide and then a 500° pan. Eating the chop with the rendered fat oozing from the meat, coating my fingers and tounge was an amazing experience. DW doesn't understand the experience and didn't eat her fat.[emoji23] I love that woman.
We put a deposit down on our lot. The digging commences in about a month. New home by year end? We’ll see. Plans are in place. It’s up to the contractors, Mother Nature and the will of the cosmos now.

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