What was your happiest moment today?

Reporting from yesterday. Got to play with our almost 4YO granddaughter. She is such a hoot. When I hear her say "Grandpa" my heart just melts. I got to help her read a story as she is already reading somewhat. Her mom is very good at stimulating her and helping her learn. Her vocabulary is stellar for her age IMHO.:cool:

Can't wait for her 4th BD party. Everyone will be there and it will be a huge celebration. I never got a party like this will be and I'm gonna make up for it with dear GD! BTD has been authorized. We're renting a barn (yep, a barn) that is set up for parties like this. Hey, you're only 4 once! YMMV
I should have posted this 8/15/23. My variable annuity 401K was posted to Vanguard on that day.

This annuity was the only way I could participate in my part-time job's 401K. I hated that I was in it, but it had an 8 year back end surrender fee. My former boss, glaucoma doctor, retired and the 401K was terminated 7/31/23. I was finally able to get my money from Northwestern Mutual Fund transferred to Vanguard.

I am so happy to be done with Northwestern Mutual Insurance Co and have it at Vanguard.
(yesterday)-watching DGS, age 3 (4 next month!). Took him to the local Safeway, found some Starbucks water cups on sale for $5, he had fun picking out ones for himself, Mommy and Daddy, then found some matchbox cars and a little stuffed animal.
Grandma only went in for some popsicles !
While there, the local firemen came in for their lunch shopping, so he had a conversation and got to see their truck.
Fun times.
Hot coffee, puppy sleeping nearby, quiet Sunday morning.
DS and DGS coming over for lunch after church.
Great Day!
It is coming at 5 PM.
When the annual three day town zoo, AKA tourist attractions close, and all the happy tourists leave town with whatever baubles, gizmos and gadgets they spent money on.
And peace and quiet returns.
Had the crown installed on my implant today ending 10 months of chewing on one side of my mouth. Got a bonus cleaning at the end as when I mentioned I would be back next week for my scheduled 6 month cleaning, they offered to do it today as soon as the crown was done. Two birds with one stone as they say.

No more dental visits until my next cleaning in Feb.

Wow - nice! I just had my temporary crown removed and my permanent one put in. I'm pretty happy as well. :)
Safely landing today after the weather unexpectantly closed in around me and no place else to go.
My happiest moment today was when my kitty got up about 6:30 pm, after sleeping almost all day, and went outside to take care of business and then eat some food and take a drink of water. She got her one year rabies shot on Saturday and hasn't been acting normally since. Rabies go into the right rear leg and hers has been so painful that she will bite you if you touch it. She's never been this affected by an immunization. She was has gotten progressively worse until she got better this evening.
Safely landing today after the weather unexpectantly closed in around me and no place else to go.
I do have appreciation for that kind of success.

As passanger in small planes and helicopters, for many years, in Alaska, the zero zero landing was a fairly routine event for maximum happiness. Each time!!!
It is coming at 5 PM.
When the annual three day town zoo, AKA tourist attractions close, and all the happy tourists leave town with whatever baubles, gizmos and gadgets they spent money on.
And peace and quiet returns.

Heh, heh, that would be nice here, but a few days later, I would begin to worry about who was going to pay all our taxes. Now, the tourists pay a lot of my share - and I'm thankful (though, a bit embarrassed by it.)

When we were tourists, I was surprised that there are virtually no holiday shut downs of tourist activities. Yes, local, state and federal offices close for every tom, dick and harry holiday. But you wouldn't know it was Christmas in Waikiki as everything is wide open. Thanks to all who come and spend money here. We love you!:cool:
Found a new route to our local Costco without going on a Freeway! :cool:

I know several ways to Costco without using the freeway, but, bad as it is, H-1 is still a lot better than most other roads. YMMV

My happiest moment today was getting several phone calls and email contacts made - that all needed my attention. Now that all the contacts have been made, I can relax (like FIRE is supposed to be.:cool:)
Okay, so this one is really simple. I checked my calender last night and saw an entire Saturday today with no commitments whatsoever. How I love days that are totally free! :)
Had the crown installed on my implant today ending 10 months of chewing on one side of my mouth. Got a bonus cleaning at the end as when I mentioned I would be back next week for my scheduled 6 month cleaning, they offered to do it today as soon as the crown was done. Two birds with one stone as they say.

No more dental visits until my next cleaning in Feb.

Wow - this is outstanding! I just got a new crown put in a week and a half ago and I'm really enjoying it. It's SO nice to have dental work finished that eliminates pain and/or avoiding certain areas of your mouth!
Yesterday. After removing a garbage disposal, re plumbing the sink, and installing a new Dishwasher I finally ran the dishwasher.

It has been installed for 10 days however I did not need to use it. When it is just me I usually give the plates a quick rinse and it is over and done with!

No leaks, Everything appeared to work. DW returns on Monday for the real workout.
Will you still do annual fecal tests to catch anything odd going on?

This kit comes in various sizes and would be a good test:

Communication with the kids is always my happiest moment of the day. All three are very busy young professionals living far away but take the time to check up on old Mom and Dad at home every day or two.

Just wrapped up texting session with youngest kid. Have a big smile now and happy knowing all is good with her!!!
Was able to quickly diagnose and fix issue of first half of DW's showers being lukewarm. Instead of the feared lengthy task, it took 5 minutes!

(2 electric water heaters connected serially. A close lightning strike a few weeks back tripped the breaker for the second one...)
This kit comes in various sizes and would be a good test:


I don't know. I did do that test a couple of years ago. Are you sure that one is big enough?:cool: The process is pretty gross as you might imagine. I can certainly imagine a lot of j*bs I'd prefer to w*rking for Cologard.

But, anyway, 2 years ago, my Cologard came back with their lowest risk for future colon cancer. Because the next year doc and I found blood in stool - simple diagnostic test but not Cologard - he ordered a colonoscopy which yielded 10 polyps (with removal.) This was my 4th colonoscopy in 30 years and the first to find a single polyp. SO, I must now have a repeat colonoscopy in 1 year and probably repeats until death at 5 year intervals - plus yearly stool-blood test. Yippie!:(.
This kit comes in various sizes and would be a good test:


:LOL: The reason I asked if the poster was going to do fecal tests between colonoscopies is because I had a friend die recently because she got colon cancer between her colonoscopies. I believe she was either Stage 3 or 4 when they found it at her next scheduled colonoscopy. She actually died of an embolism that was attributed to the cancer treatment (maybe the surgery?). It was really sad and made me wonder if people get fecal tests every year between their colonoscopies.
The spalling contractor came today - after two years! Start Monday. Yeah! It's just possible we won't have to pay for it. I think it should be the building's issues (as it's their wall) but I guess it will be what it will be.

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