What was Your Workout Today?

Thx XYZ.

I've not been exercising as hard as you. I've been running for a number of years, and my health has definitely improved, but the weight seems to be stuck. I honestly thought that I would have more time to exercise in retirement but so far that has not been the case. My plan was to walk 1 mile morning and evening with the new pup, run 3-4 miles 4x per week, and ride 8-10 miles 2-3x per week, and toss in a daily swim when it gets warm enough. The past few weeks though, I'm lucky to get one run and one ride per week, and a mile with the pup per day...I've been so busy with chores around the property that need to be done. Most of said chores are very physical, so I think I had kind of justified my lowered exercise levels by saying to myself "you dug for an hour today" or " you spread compost for three hours today" or some such.

I also see that you have worked on portion control and are staying away from alcohol. I don't drink, so I don't have an issue with that, but my portion control could be better. Regardless, I think my Achilles is really staying up too late. We usually have dinner around 6-7pm, and if I stay up watching the tube until 11 or later, I get hungry and feel like I need a snack, otherwise I cannot fall asleep...so I do. Guess I better stop that and hit the hay a little earlier to avoid the late night snack...I'm ok once I've fallen asleep. I too do not snack during the day.

Maybe it's time to step back for a moment and re-prioritize...get my serious exercise done early in the day and move on to the chores afterwards. Besides, no matter how much I work on the chores around the house, there are still more to do, and even though I want to go for a run, I've too often heeded their beck and call.

Thanks for sharing your story. Perhaps I've gleaned some useful pointers.

....Try cutting way back on processed sugar, processed flour and fried foods for a couple weeks and see if that does not take some pounds off. Cutting the processed sugar will require you to read the ingredient labels. The activities you are doing on chore days should be enough to take some weight off with just cutting most of the evil three mentioned above out of your diet. When you feel like you need a snack instead of the typical prepared snack foods eat a hard boiled egg, or thin slice of lean meat or an orange or banana or apple or handful of grapes.

I would try to avoid snacking during the 2 hour period before your bed time and limit any snacking to a healthy one as jclarksnakes advises. I think a protein snack would also be better in the evening (eg hard boilded egg, slice of cheese, protein shake, tablespoon of natural peanut butter on celery) vs a carb like an orange or apple.
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I would try to avoid snacking during the 2 hour period before your bed time and limit any snacking to a healthy one as jclarksnakes advises. I think a protein snack would also be better in the evening (eg hard boilded egg, slice of cheese, protein shake, tablespoon of natural peanut butter on celery) vs a carb like an orange or apple.

DFW is right. I forgot to mention protein shakes. Look for ones that are made from whey proten and that are also sugar free. Mixed with half milk and half water some of them are pretty tasty and make a filling low carb snack.
This morning was shoulder and arm day. Also in the gym were Jay Ratliff, Anthony Spencer and Brandon Carr of the Cowboys. Jay did a mini pass rush through the heavy bag and all I can say is OMG, I would not want to be pass blocking against him. Watching them on TV does not give any sense of how much power these guys have:facepalm:
DFW_M5, that sounds so inspiring to watch! We don't have any professional football players at my gym, but we do have a lot of professional firefighters there. I love watching them, because they are so fit. They probably think I am hot for their bods since I keep staring, but really I am just getting inspired to put more into my workouts. :D Also I think an ounce of regular cheddar cheese is a great bedtime snack.

Today's workout: lifted 17.2 tons at the gym. Last night: tried a new aerobics exercise DVD at home.
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I assembled a manual treadmill that I got a couple of days ago. I didn't want to get a big monster motorized one as there isn't room in my place plus the size and cost. Also, my plan is to only use the treadmill for walking and not running. The treadmill has a fixed incline which got my heart pounding and sweating only after about 5 minutes and I really feel the effect on certain leg muscles I haven't used in some time.

I haven't decided if I want find a way to lower the incline or not.
I had a good workout with my manual treadmill today...

Here's what I did:

1) wheeled treadmill down to my car

2) picked up all 50 lbs of the treadmill

3) stuffed treadmill in the back seat area

4) ready to haul away to Goodwill tomorrow...the happiest I felt all weekend :dance:

If I get another treadmill in the future, it'll definitely be motorized :blush:
16km (10mi) run by accident this morning. DW woke me up at 0637 by shrieking at the top off her lungs. Turns out it was just a bad dream but tell that to my thudding heart, lol. So got up, dressed and headed out. Beautiful sunset over Lake Ontario this morning. Lots of oranges and pinks. It was -4 deg C so nice for running and quite deserted. Got to the 5k turn around, kept going. Ran through a park to my usual 10k turnaround and was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice. Hit 11.5 and went, aaaah woops. So, committed to the full sixteen, lol. Nice run overall but much slower than I normally go. The upshot of that is the legs feel great, which they haven't much lately.
I've been keeping up with my mini stair stepper. I have only skipped 2 days since I started, due to being just plain lazy. :LOL:
However, on one of those slacker days, I danced a lot of songs played by the DJ at a local watering hole. My legs sure felt sore the next day.
Back to it tomorrow...:dance:
5km run, plus maybe a mile walk. I commandeered DW's GPS watch, which she has used a grand total of three times since September. Mine died in January after 1.5 years of use. I didn't want to buy a new one if she wasn't gonna use it.

20.5 miles on the bike in an hour and twenty mnutes. Forecast is for lots of wind monday and tuesday so I will probably stay off the bike and do extra P90X those days.
Finished week 4 of C25K. I'm doing the program again after getting sidelined with tendonitis for 6 weeks. Had some pain as I started the program again and went to a sports med doctor instead of a podiatrist. He was much more helpful. He recommended Superfeet insoles and so far that seems to be working wonders. No pain now!

This week my running starts ramping up to a solid 20-minute run by the end of the week. Also entering phase 2 of P90X which looks to be pretty tough. I was really enjoying that recovery week last week!
Walked 3 miles with hubby...then 2 more by myself. That's becoming pretty standard for us 5-6 days a week.
Today I lifted 17.4 tons (not all at once, but over 40 minutes) using my usual 20 weightlifting machines at the gym.

tinlizzy said:
So many fun things to do for cardio! I am glad I don't have to pick just one. :)
Monday: An hour and a half of walking and 2 hours of P90X. The P90X was two times through chest and back, 52 tons total.
For tuesday I hope to do P90X ab ripper and either ride the bike an hour or do plyometrics.
Sunday was 6 miles on the eliptical and Monday was 6 more. Time to take a day off and recover before Wednesday.

Did a bit of strength training, then 30 minutes of on my stationary cycle.

The manual treadmill I had is history. Dumped that off to Goodwill on Sunday! :)
Did a bit of strength training, then 30 minutes of on my stationary cycle.

The manual treadmill I had is history. Dumped that off to Goodwill on Sunday! :)

So, are you going to get a motorized treadmill? If so, which model?

I was planning to get one this year, a Sole F85, but recently decided to wait. For the first time since retirement, I feel like I am spending way too much and need to rein things in for a while.

You can probably hear the squeaking/squealing all over the country as I put the brakes on my discretionary spending for a few months. :LOL:

Instead of buying the Sole F85 right now, I plan to set up my Wii in my home gym room, and place the Wii Fit balance board in the lovely empty space in front of my TV, next to the stationary bike (where the treadmill would have been). Then I can do Wii exercise games or follow along with the exercise DVDs that I bought last week. That will have to do for now.
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Biked 75 miles followed by a 6 mile run.. Increasing my distances but mixing it up a bit more.. Tomorrow swim 2 miles and weightlifting..
I was planning to get one this year, a Sole F85, but recently decided to wait. For the first time since retirement, I feel like I am spending way too much and need to rein things in for a while.

Maybe you should keep spending and then you could be the poster child for obgyn:D
Maybe you should keep spending and then you could be the poster child for obgyn:D

Any of our forum members who want to spend more, should sign up for Amazon Prime like I did and their dreams will magically come true before they know it. :D

Took a day off from exercise yesterday, and will lift weights today. Tomorrow is my dental implant and I expect to be in too much pain to do much exercise for a few days. So, if I am right then this week is pretty much shot as far as exercise is concerned. :(
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