What was Your Workout Today?

Did my approx 1.75 miles running. Try to do it 3x/week. Not for any purpose other than general health. I get a lot of other exercise working around the house and yard, or walking around. The running is at a level I can do it without taking too much time and also not enough to cause knee or joint problems.

Many others are much longer distance than me. I am not into running races or competition, just keep up health.
Similar to yesterday, today included a combo of strength and plyometric exercises.

5 sets of:
Deadlifts 5 reps at 225Lbs.
Low hurdle agility drills
(came within a few beats of max HR doing these)

5 sets of:
50 situps
100 jump ropes

Burned 965 calories in an hour.

Thought this thread would be fun to join.

Taught dance yesterday morning for an hour. I have become a dance fitness instructor again in my semi-retirement. Definitely keeps me in shape and on my toes!
Yesterday I lifted weights (my favorite exercise), and then got some cardio on the seated elliptical.

The gym was crowded for some reason, and gosh, it sure seemed hot. I guess that was due to all the body heat overwhelming the AC system. So, after about 45 minutes I called it a day.
Week 2 of Cardiac Rehab class that I was encouraged to take after having the two stents put in. This is mostly a cardio workout session three days a week but while wearing a 4-wire EKG (I think that's what it is) and wireless transmitter in your shirt pocket. There are about six of us in the class and a lady who spends the entire hour or so paying very close attention to the readouts on her screen. Oh, and a "call string" as one would see in a hospital room but labeled "Code Blue Only". Hope that doesn't get used much.... I'm also continuing my regular other three-day-a-week workout because I didn't want to give up what I'd gained with the weights so I'm at the gym six days a week now.

Doc knows about all this and enthusiastically approves.

One day a week we come in a half-hour early and there's an educational session. Last week was on health care directives and this week's was diabetes. There will be several on diet and nutrition.

I'm not sure how long I'm going to be in this class, they act like I'm already pretty close to where I should be.
44 Miles on the bike today ... 10 mile run yesterday ... Still working on building endurance for a full Ironman...
2 hours of dance last night; today did my core strengthening workout (FINALLY restarting my strengthening program) followed by 30 minutes of dance. Having to keep up with new choreography (since I now teach) really keeps me burning lots of calories!
Chest and whole body power Tuesday

Bench press 5 sets of 12 @ 135 Lbs
Superset with plyometric pushups 5 sets of 15

Incline dumbbell bench press with internal rotation 5 sets of 15 @ 35 Lbs
Superset with single dumbbell snatches 5 sets of 10 (each side) @ 35 Lbs

Finish with 30 minutes of intervals

Wednesday 45 minutes on Stairmaster

Leg and back today.

Deficit deadlifts 5 sets of 10 @ 185 Lbs
Pendlay barbell rows 5 sets of 10 @ 135 Lbs
Machine leg extensions 5 sets of 10@115 Lbs with 2 second hold at extension

Finish with 30 minutes of intervals
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I was on the business end of a shovel (also affectionately referred to as the "goon spoon") for about 8 hours today, at the bottom of a ditch, in muck up to my knees. For some perverse reason, I almost revelled in my misery... perhaps because it was my second last day of work. Tomorrow is my last - almost hoping the day is as gruelling as today was - it will make my last drive off the job site all the more sweet. :)
What I did this summer

I had the good fortune to compete in this amazing masters age championship this summer. An incredible amount of respect for older athletes to put on such a great event. These in the video are the top 20 worldwide, but people even age 90 and older participate in milder versions of these workouts at local gyms across the country everyday. There might be different opinions regarding some of the female competitors physiques (I happen to like them) but you have to admit most of the old fellas there look pretty hot by any standard:cool:
6 years in doing this 6 days a week and haven't felt bored with my workout, ever.

In my eternal quest to find some sort of cardio exercise that I actually like, today at the gym I rode the seated elliptical trainer for a 1/2 hour. Although I can't say I'm crazy about the seated elliptical, I listened to podcasts on my somewhat new mp3 player, and the time went by fairly rapidly.
Ran 10K today with DW. We're training for a 1/2 marathon the first weekend in October.

We ran our first full marathon together back in May - one of many for DW, but my first, as I'd never had time to train for something like that before I retired.
Explosive power leg workout today.

5 sets of barbell back squats with a 2-second hold in contraction. 5 reps @ 225 Lbs. Superset with explosive reverse leg lifts 10 reps @ body weight.

Finisher was something insane on the basketball court. Sprint diagonally to far end of court, lateral hops across far end, sprint back diagonally and then lunge across the near end. Repeat 10 times without stopping.

Came home and wanted to curl up in a ball and whimper for a while.
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Not a gym person, but did do some mountain bike trails today. I'm not sure it was wise, though, since the trails were wet and covered with leaves, I spun trying to get up the hills, and tore up the trails a bit. And the big ole spiders were busy making webs across the trail, and while removing a spider from my face, my front wheel hit a root and I had to bail out. Luckily all I got was a scrape on the shin.
Glad you did not get more than a scrape on the shin, Sengsational. That could have been so much worse! Sounds like fun, though.

I rode the seated elliptical for 1/2 hour again at my gym today. This time I increased the resistance to level 7, and speeded things up a bit to get more cardio from my cardio, so to speak. Gotta keep those watts up there. More podcasts nearly (but not quite) kept me from going batty from boredom.

It feels odd to not exercise my arms or core much. I doubt I'll continue this type of workout forever. Still, it's interesting to try something new and different for a change.
Variety's the very spice of life,
That gives it all its flavour.

- - William Cowper, 1785.
Pulled a glute last week playing softball (probably piriformus) and then on Sunday , thought my normal leg workout (squats, deadliest, leg extensions and curls, crunches, and leg press) might loosen it up. Bad move on my part, now have excurciating sciatic pain running down my leg into the top of my foot. Started some PT, but so far no relief.

My usual advice to self, listen to your body, wasn't taken.:facepalm:
3-mile morning walk with DW and our dog. Gym in the afternoon with DW: 30 min on row machine followed by 30 min on eliptical.
Bummed and disappointed. Found out today that the Boulder Backroads 1/2 Marathon for Oct 5th was canceled. DW and I paid and registered to run. No refund on our fee, only a voucher to register for next year's 2015 race. Stated reason for canceling was due to 2013 flood damage, which doesn't make sense because they already ran a spring marathon this year on the same course.

Anyway, since we no longer are in the race, we cut out our 11 mile training run this morning and instead ran a 4 mile run through the forest and hills, which was much more enjoyable.
Still rehabbing from a sciatic nerve problem, but once I get over this I plan to incorporate sled work into my weekly routine. I have pushed the sled on an irregular basis in the past and can attest it is a real good HIT type of exercise. Here is a article on sled training and how it can lead to fat loss:
Using Push Sleds to Lose Fat | Poliquin Article

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