What We're Smoking (MJ legalization FAQs)

Very interesting how MJ acts so differently for different people. When I can’t sleep, it’s most often that my mind is running and I can’t shut down. Smoking has generally caused my mind to race even more. Combined with a bit of paranoia there would be no sleep to be found.
Ever used indicia strains with lower thc content? For me they are very calming. The effects you describe are more often associated with sativia strains that have a higher thc content. I find those great before a little walking/jogging.
It's funny because back in my college days when I smoked with some regularity, you just got what you got. There was no "is this sativa or indica?" no choice, just whatever your friends had, or what was going around campus that week.

But now there are so many strains available, all generally quite fresh and potent. Sativa is generally favored for daytime, for creativity, for keeping anxiety at bay while being active.

Indica generally more soothing and relaxing, sink into the couch, etc., That doesn't appeal to me, but I don't have any issues getting to sleep. If I were in need of something to sleep and reduce pain at night, that would be the way to go.

And as far as those of you who have no wish to partake - totally fine too.
For those of you that find benefit as a sleep aid, have you learned much about the sleep quality it produces?

Matthew Walker, world renowned sleep expert doesn't think the usual Rx and OTC sleep inducers are a good idea because he's analyzed sleep when using these substances and found that the processes that operate in the sleeping brain are shut off, resulting in sleep that doesn't fulfill it's function. Yes, sleep is an active thing ... it's not just shutting down and doing nothing.

But the level of restorative sleep can be measured. If a plant can provide restorative sleep, that's a huge win, and I'd check it out when/if NC legalizes. But if it's like the sleep drugs (Matt asks, if you got whacked with a baseball bat and we're out 8 solid hours, would that be restorative?, hehehe), I'll pass.
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We live in CT and legalization just recently passed. Prior to that we could always road trip to MA to buy. DW has a prescription for pain, so we could go that route as well. I love the stuff.
Have been using this recently, since December. Great stuff. I prefer the tinctures.
For the curious, but not curious enough to Google it, I looked it up. It's basically the 3.2 beer of weed.

Since it can be derived from hemp, not marijuana, it falls into the same classification as CBD. So, like 3.2 beer (in Minnesota, was grocery store beer, all the good beer was in the liquor store), it falls under different laws. It doesn't have as much psychoactive effect as regular weed, but still produces "the munchies".

Delta-8 THC: Everything You Need to Know | PotGuide.com
"It doesn't have as much psychoactive effect as regular weed, but still produces...". No munchies for me but nice mellow very relaxed buzz, highly recommend. This from a 35 mg gummie. Much nicer than smoking

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