Who Invented the Internet

Ah yes, another happy thread where everyone learns something new, intriguing dialog takes place, and everyone walks away pleased with their early-retirement.org experience...
Ah yes, another happy thread where everyone learns something new, intriguing dialog takes place, and everyone walks away pleased with their early-retirement.org experience...

What's funny is some of the posters on this thread were the same ones on the ignore political thread .
I didn't vote for any of the presidents who have run up the debt

Then you're either very young or you've always voted for the losing candidate, because the national debt has increased under every president at least going back to LBJ.
Then you're either very young or you've always voted for the losing candidate, because the national debt has increased under every president at least going back to LBJ.

I appreciate your response but I'm finished as I said above - I enjoy this forum and don't want to be a negative influence. We can agree to disagree on this and other things.
This is too much like dinner with relatives! How about them Yankees?

Speaking of early Internet, anybody remember Compuserve? I remember thinking how cool it was to have such a rich source of geek wisdom and what an exclusive club it felt like. And before that, individual dial-up bulletin boards? Punching the number on the phone, then quickly jamming the phone receiver into the rubber cradle and hoping the whiny buzz-click would connect?

And those pesky pterodactyls beating against the windows?
I agree that this thread is going nowhere, because no one's mind will be changed, .......

The internet is a wonderful thing, and I still marvel at how one can type on a keyboard in South Podunk, America, give order to some electrons, and communicate around the world with anyone who has access. A real miracle. For those interested in some actually quite interesting background on the development of the Internet, and about those who participated, I commend you back to the history link I gave in my original post. Where would the ER Forums be without the Internet? Would we all be writing snailmail letters to each other? If we even could ferret each other out?

Now toofrugal, it is really broadminded of you to unilaterally decide (as you did in your post quoted above) that everyone else have already made their minds up and will not be interested or swayed by further discussion. At any rate, I take it your mind was already made up. If so, feel free to ignore.

You and I do agree though on some things. I grant you that Mr Gore did not say "invented", rather he talked of "creating". Also we both referenced Mr Gore's speech on CNN in 1999 wherein Mr Gore said: “During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

Now apologists for Mr Gore still parse his words, and explain what he "really" meant. Most people, however, cannot read what was in his mind or heart, we have only has actual words to go on. He said "I" took the initiative in "creating the Internet". Note that he does not refer to anyone else, does not say that he was merely one of several people who "HELPED" in creating the Internet, or "ASSISTED" in creating the Internet". Mr Gore said "I", period.

Even for just an oral interview, as opposed to a book or position paper, that "oversight" in leaving out any mention of anyone else, but saying "I" alone, is near to hubris.

Consider the definition of the word "create". Per the American Heritage dictionary, "create" means": 1. To cause to exist; bring into being. 2. To give rise to; produce.

Now it was Mr Gore who chose to say "I took the initiative in creating the Internet". What are most people then to think Mr Gore has communicated with his statements? Forgive me, at least, for thinking he has tried to claim credit, with no mention of anyone else, for creating the Internet.

Forget Mr Gore, however. The Internet really is a marvel that makes this ER Forum's very existence possible. And the history behind its development as told at the link in my original post makes for interesting reading.
Here's a prime example of a thread that should be shot in the face.

Old news, incorrect assumptions, misstatements, no value, no new learning, nothing remotely worth discussing to create any interesting new perspective.

Like I said, you know it when you see it.

Just something designed to piss off 48-52% of the readers.

Hey Fuzzy, where would the ER Forums be without the Internet? Did you read through some of the background info on development of the Internet found at the link I gave (and several sublinks within it) in my original post?

You claim "no new learning", but geeze, I just have to believe you didn't even try.:confused:

As to your "threads that should be shot in the face" comment, with your post count of 17000+, it seems you have mightily contributed more than your share of "no new learning".

Go ahead, open the link I gave and a few of the sublinks available within. I dare you to learn one thing new.:D
Don't you mean ARPANET

Reading some of the sublinks within the first link I gave, I did see reference to the Arpanet, and the timeline in the history where that term came in. I need to go back and read that again, I think there was further sublink to more discussion of "Arpanet" and how that term is defined, and if there is some technical differentiation of it from "Interent".

However, since most people talk about the "Internet" (even Mr Gore), I so titled the thread.
Interesting to note the Senate just shot down House Chairman Wrangel's version of bill 88-5, and sent the matter back to House. Wrangel was on record against the Senate version just passed which gives another year AMT relief to the millions of middle class taxpayers who would otherwise have to pay it.

Bit off more than he could chew. Rather than a patch, Rangel wanted AMT repeal and made it up with tax increases on higher income tax payers.


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Bit off more than he could chew. Rather than a patch, Rangel wanted AMT repeal and made it up with tax increases on higher income tax payers.

I wonder if Congress is going to get anything done on AMT relief done before New Years? Or are the House and Senate going to battle things out for a few months now?
Hmm, another reason for going back to that design I was working on for the kayak with an 88mm deck gun...

Then I'd just have to figure out how to get the sucker into a crock pot.
Dept Defense Gave Rise to Internet

Just learned that the Internet sprang out of the Arpanet. And the Arpanet was a result of work done by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, a unit in the US Department of Defense.

More good history and background here:

History of the Internet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, here we are at ER Forums, having a ball communicating worldwide with ER compatriots previously unknown (and likely never to be known) to us.

Where would we ER'ers have been without work done originally by the US Defense Department back in the 60's?
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